His body was frozen in vain. Su smiled at his cold eyes for only one second. Shengyu turned and walked to his desk, swept his laptop and left with a cold step.

Sitting down in the office chair, Su Xiaoxiao looked pale and her eyes were covered with a layer of darkness.

She pulled her hair and was no longer in the mood to work.

She had to worry about Xiang Tianluo because of his high reputation. He has always been arrogant. He shot Ou Yi and no one bothered him. Another Xiang Tianluo should not be merciful.

What to do... She's a little confused.

Some things began to ferment on the Internet, because several groups of clear photos appeared on Sina Weibo and reproduced hundreds of millions of photos every minute.

Su Xiaoxiao and a handsome man ate mutton kebabs without any conflict. They laughed happily.

Shengyu also appeared in the store with a beautiful woman

And Gao Leng Sheng always tied her shoes for the beauty.

For a time, all kinds of speculation flew all over the sky.

What about the agreed high cold abstinence department? How to change a woman like changing clothes?

Su Xiaoxiao saw the news. There were headlines on her mobile phone every minute. She didn't want to work at all. She wasn't a star and didn't need attention at all, so these things bothered her.

Picked up the landline and called the public relations department, "Xiao Zhang, didn't you see the news? Don't you know where to press? You have to deal with it quickly. "

In a shared apartment.

Fang Xiaoyu takes care of the coffee beans very carefully. Small green buds have emerged from the pot.

Her vibrant appearance made her very happy.

She went to the supermarket again and bought some coffee beans and some plastic pots. When she came back, she planted them all according to the method taught by Xiaoxiao that day. The small balcony was full of coffee beans.

When she thought that ANN could drink her coffee in the future, Fang Xiaoyu's lips couldn't help rising.

That day, Lin Qin's car drove to the outside of his home villa.

She has been observing the dynamics in the yard for more than two days. Like a detective, she has found out who lives in the yard.

She found a feature that Su Xiuling likes playing mahjong.

Every time I dress up and go out, I get together with rich ladies to play mahjong. I never go shopping.

At this point, Su Xiuling is ready to go out again, because the door of the villa living room has been opened for her.

Lin Qin seemed to seize the opportunity and quickly screwed the square sandalwood box on the co pilot out of the car. She quickly went to the gate of the villa and waited.

Su Xiuling tidied up her scarf and walked towards the parking lot. The driver opened the door for her. She sat in gracefully and calmly.

Soon the car came out slowly.

Lin Qin stopped at the iron gate with a smile and the car stopped.

"What's the matter?" Su Xiuling frowned unhappily, "Lao Zhang, I'm in a hurry."

"Madam, a woman stopped in front of the car."

Su Xiuling just poked her head out and saw Lin Qin coming, "Hello, Mrs. an!" The excitement on her face.

Su Xiuling looked at her carefully, "are you..."

"You don't remember me?" Lin Qin smiled and said to herself, "I'm Lin Qin. We met last time in Bailian's!"

Su Xiuling tried to think back and made sure she didn't have a big impression on this woman.

"What do you want from me?" She will ask again. Really in a hurry, okay? One out of three, she's missing.

Lin Qin took the sandalwood box in her hand to the car window and said with a smile, "Mrs. an, this is for you. I hope you will accept it."

"What is this?" She didn't take it, but frowned. Because her husband an Zhenyang had a special identity, she didn't dare to accept gifts.