Experienced in love, he saw something at a glance.

"You are really not simple. You can win president Sheng's heart and have the ability to care about others." Baptiste looked at her carefully, and then his eyes were cold. He said non-negotiable, "listen, there's no discussion about holding a press conference in two days."

"..." Su smiled and touched his nose.

"Not yet?" Baptiste frowned. "I'm going to change my pants."

Su Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and turned away.

Settle down.

The morning sun is warm.

"Mama Li, what's grandma going out for?" Su Xiuling was always uneasy, "just open your mouth for food and clothing. Why go out in person?"

"Don't worry, madam. Grandma took the driver out today. She didn't drive by herself." Mama Li comforted her, "don't worry. You probably want to go out and stay at home all day. How uncomfortable it is. We understand her."

"It's not safe outside. She's pregnant with our first grandson. Hey."

"Madam, I think you are too nervous, too precious, our young grandma."

Su Xiuling frowned, "can I not be nervous? I'm going to be a grandmother. I'm upgraded. "

"Yes, congratulations."

Li Ma seemed to suddenly think of something. She approached Su Xiuling and said cautiously and quietly, "madam, I don't know what to say."

"What's up? You said. " Su Xiuling looked at her. "What can't you say? You've always been calm. What you want to say is what you should say. "

"If you allow me to say, I can say." Mama Li sat down beside her. She said, "Xiao Jin has been walking for so long. Do you think her room can be vacated? Then ask some master to do a Dharma? Do you want to keep it all the time? After all, she is not your daughter. There is a saying in our hometown that if a dead person's things stay at home all the time, that person's soul will always come back from time to time. It's not good to scare the young grandmother at that time. She is still pregnant with the young master. If she is really frightened, it will have an impact on the young master, Do you think so? "

Su Xiuling thought about her proposal, "I was going to clean her room sometime, burn everything that should be burned, and then burn some money for her to make her life rich, so don't come back. This has been dragging on. I'm just worried that if I see these behaviors, I'm afraid."

"So I hurried to get it while my young grandmother went out today." Mama Li couldn't wait to say, "right now, you go and tidy up. I'll prepare the brazier and the money."

"OK." Su Xiuling stood up. "Then I'll go upstairs first. You should hurry up."

Upstairs, in Xiao Jin's living room.

Su Xiuling folded the bedding, took all the pillows and sheets out of the room and put them in the corridor. These are to be burned.

Then she opened her wardrobe, quickly took off her clothes from the shelf and folded them one by one, "girl, you must take good care of yourself there, find a good family to marry, how good it is to live a stable life. Don't do this thing to serve others. Madam, burn more money for you, but don't be reluctant to spend it."

After folding her clothes, Su Xiuling felt a little heavy and turned in her bookcase. They were all books lent to her by Anxin. It didn't make much sense whether to burn them or not.

Only one album attracted her attention. When she opened the first page, she saw Xiao Jin's mother. She was also a domestic servant. At that time, she was really young and the photos were a little yellow.