When a glass of red wine was handed to Shengyu, the man smiled with honor, "Hello, President Sheng, the last cooperation has brought our company a profit of up to 300 million. I haven't had a chance to thank you. Come on, I respect you."

There was no superfluous expression on Shengyu's face. He put one hand in his trouser pocket and clinked a glass with him with a goblet in his hand. He looked absent-minded.

"I hope I can cooperate again when I have the opportunity." The man smiled attentively.

As soon as the man's words fell, another couple came with a wine glass, "Hello, Mr. Sheng!" The two faces were full of heat.

"Nice to meet you. It's our blessing to receive your invitation. Is the old man in good health? "

The reputation also touched the wine glass with them, "Grandpa is very good." After four short words, he took a sip of red wine.

Su smiled and looked for Liu Ma's figure. In the crowd, she finally pulled her eyes not far away. She saw what the famous mother was telling Liu Ma, and then Liu Ma nodded and walked here.

She was slightly frightened and inexplicably nervous! Instinct wants to hide first.

But close at hand, Liu Ma didn't notice her.

She walked directly upstairs without even sweeping the light from the corners of her eyes.

Su Xiaoxiao watched her pass the corner and disappeared into sight. She turned and immediately followed.

Suddenly there was less person around him, and the reputation naturally felt it. He turned his eyes and looked at the red figure plastered upstairs until she passed the corner, "excuse me." Reputation just put down the glass and turned to follow up.

Liu Ma is familiar with the blue moon castle. She has been here many times.

Ye Fu asked her to go to a bedroom on the third floor to get a red cloak and match her red cheongsam.

Liu Ma didn't expect anyone to follow her at all, so she walked upstairs carelessly.

The castle is still as it used to be. It's magnificent. I remember the first time I came here was for my wife and the young master to hold a wedding.

In a flash, 30 years have passed.

Su Xiaoxiao kept a proper distance from Liu ma. Her steps were very light. She almost tiptoed upstairs. There was no sound between her high-heeled shoes and the ground.

Her eyes and thoughts were all on Liu Ma, so she didn't notice that the reputation followed.

There is a feeling that Mantis catches cicadas and yellow finches are behind.

In the corridor full of golden reliefs on the third floor, Liu Ma walked towards the designated bedroom.

Su Xiaoxiao stepped onto the last step of the stairs. She saw Liu Ma walking quickly to the end, and there was no one else in the whole corridor except her and Liu ma.

She felt relieved to follow up and quickened her pace.

When she was about to pass by Liu Ma, Su Xiaoxiao quickly pulled her into the next door!

And closed the door!

At the moment of closing the door, the reputation stepped on the last step, and he took this scene to the bottom of his eyes.

His eyes were dark. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards the closed door with elegant and silent steps!

Su Xiaoxiao practiced Taekwondo, so she was able. She released Liu Ma with a blank and surprised face.

With her eyes facing each other, Liu Ma was stunned. She was angry, "who are you? What are you doing? "

She doesn't know her?

Su Xiaoxiao restrained her inner excitement. She bravely looked at the woman who had secretly come to the welfare home to send things to herself countless times——

She was old, her face was wrinkled, and her coiled silk hair was mixed with silver.

Years have left traces on her face.

"Who the hell are you? What are you pulling me in for? " Liu Ma's eyes were full of vigilance. She turned to open the door.