Baptiste was obviously stunned for a moment. The high reputation caught his reflection and smiled, "I signed her. I thought you would be very familiar, a big director and a big star."

"Congratulations." Baptiste returned to normal color and his voice was calm. "We had cooperation."

"Always in touch?" Shengyu drank a cup of coffee and his black eyes hooked him.

Baptiste frowned. He drank his coffee without revealing his color, and looked into his famous eyes, "if you want to ask something, just order it directly."

He thought about it and raised his eyes. His eyes were like a cold wind, blowing to Baptiste with some cold: "her husband is my brother. Soon after she got married, even if her little daughter-in-law is charming again, it's enough to have a look."

Baptiste was surprised that Shengyu said such words.

Two pairs of ink eyes looked at each other.

He really admired the famous Dong Xili, "I know, women are clothes for me." He put on an evil smile on the corner of his lips, "how many first-line movie stars have climbed into my bed. I never lack women. Don't worry, I won't miss her anymore."

With his words, the reputation is relieved.

His eyes became milder, and he had a simple chat with Baptiste. After all, he was an old friend he hadn't seen in seven years. And they are two people who appreciate each other. One is a genius in the directing industry, and the other is a genius in business.

Yes, Baptiste hasn't left Jiangcheng yet.

About twenty minutes later, Baptiste played with his mobile phone, "your time is like money, so I won't delay you any more. There is a friend in the hospital who broke a bone yesterday. I have to go and see him."

"Yes." Praise nodded and didn't leave him.

He knows Baptiste's time is also very valuable. After all, he is a world-famous director. It must be important to come to Jiangcheng.

Baptiste walked out of the cafe with Shengyu.

Shengyu drove back to the company. Baptiste drove to the hospital. On the way, his car stopped outside a florist and bought a bunch of flowers.

Jiangcheng central hospital.

Outside the obstetrics department, Xiao Jin is lining up with a registration form.

"Ou Mengru!"

As soon as the doctor shouted, ou Mengru got up and went in, led Xiao Jin and closed the door.

She sat in the chair opposite the doctor. "Doctor, I'm pregnant. Can I find out in less than a month?"

"Urine test. Did you do the blood routine? " The doctor took out the list and filled in something. "B-ultrasound can also be done. If it is ectopic pregnancy, you can check and deal with it early."

Listen to Ou Meng like a shudder, ectopic pregnancy? Wouldn't it be so unlucky?

After making some lists, ou Mengru and Xiao Jin go out.

After paying the money, he began to line up for various inspections.

Because the obstetrician contacted in advance is not in the central hospital at all, ou Mengru can't get any care here. You have to queue up for everything!

Although most of the time Xiaojin is waiting in line, ou Mengru can only wait. Sometimes the bench is overcrowded and there is no vacancy at all.

Xiao Jin looked at her in a leisurely manner and wondered if she wanted to pull herself to lie as soon as the examination results came out later?

With bodyguards following, Xiao Jin couldn't help thinking. Did even the bodyguards pull together? People who are settled down may not listen to her.

Ou Mengru had already seen Xiao Jin's mind, but she was very calm. Because she's pregnant.

A series of examinations were carried out under Xiao Jin's eyelids. When the examination results came out, Xiao Jin was stunned with the list. She was really pregnant???

Ou Mengru stood in front of her, waiting for her to take back her thoughts a little bit.

His eyes were slightly cool. "Xiao Jin, what are you thinking these days? In fact, I know very well, so I took you with me today." Then she turned and left.