"Brother Hua, if you want to break up with Anxin because of me, do you know I will be very sad?" Her voice was not big, with some criticism, "I know you care about me, but..."

"Smile, don't be sad. I'm impulsive tonight." Huazi's voice, "I'm sorry."

"Just impulsive? You're crazy. You're killing Anxin with every punch. Do you know how sad I am? I see you like this. I really want to die. I think my sin is too deep. Everyone is so unhappy because of me. " She seemed to take a deep breath, and her voice was a little difficult, "you know? If he is good, I will be good. If he is not good, I can't be good. "

"You still love him, don't you?" When huazi asked, he already knew the answer.

"In fact, love and non love, whether they are together or not, are three different things." Su Xiaoxiao had no way to deceive herself. Her voice was fragile and helpless. "Yes, I admit I love him, but I won't disturb him or do anything to destroy his family. I just love him silently and hope he can live well. Is that wrong?"

These words fell into the ears of fame, and he seemed to hear the collapse of all beliefs.

In this case, it will hurt him more than cutting him a piece of meat!

His eyes could not restrain, with a faint anger, clenched his fists on both sides, and there was injured fragility and fear in his eyes.

He was like a wounded lion king. The frustration shattered his pride.

Anxin is good, so is she.

Anxin is not good, and neither is she?

She just loves him silently and hopes him well

It turned out that Anxin had always been so important in her heart.

It turns out that the people she has always loved are Anxin.

Originally thought that by stimulating her again and again, approaching her again and again, and moving her again and again, she could accept the facts, and her feelings could be moved.

At this moment, the reputation knew that there was a kind of love that could go deep into the bone marrow, just like his love for youyou.

It is also like youyou's love for Anxin.

Shengyu Junyan showed a sullen look, and huazi was there. What else could he leave?

Can the body be robbed, and can love be robbed?

If he can, he will rob!

So, proud and cold, he turned and left, leaving only a lonely figure.

The sound of closing the door led to huazi. He went outside the door and saw the back of Shengyu leaving.

"Who?" Behind him, Su smiled and asked.

Huazi turned his eyes and calmly told her, "it's a great reputation."

"...." her eyes sank, as if she didn't want to mention the man, "brother huazi, I beat your card for the 8 million I owe you."

"I saw the information and was going to ask you, where did you get so much money?"

Su smiled but didn't answer, "anyway, just give it back to you." Then she turned and walked to the kitchen.

Huazi took her hand and asked seriously, "is it famous?" Thinking of that day, she cried red eyes, thinking of that day's reputation that she was his woman.

Did she make an 8 million deal with him?

His chest suddenly shrunk, "yes." She turned her eyes and pulled her wrist out of his palm. "I sold him my first time." Tell him, not how sad it is, but a kind of relaxation, "the price is not low, 30 million."

Huazi was shocked that she would speak so plainly, and shocked that she still had a smile on her face.