"Thank you." She looked at him. "How's your recovery? Is it any tighter? "

"Do you think I can do this?" Huazi's lips rose, revealing a soft smile, "smile, are you happy?"

"What?" She seemed surprised.

His voice was clean and gentle. "I ask you, are you happy?"

"What do you mean?"

The silver Bentley was driving in the car sea. The sunset spread all over the car body, entered through the window, and scattered on her and him.

Huazi looked ahead and his voice was calm as usual. "Do you feel happy with the reputation?"

Su Xiaoxiao sat quietly with her fingers clasped together. She turned her eyes and looked at him. Her eyes were so gentle, like the gentle waves of the sea. "Brother Hua, have you seen the promotional film, too? How do you feel? Do you think we are a good match? "

"In happiness, love is very important. It doesn't matter if you don't match. Do you love him?"

She raised her lips and shook her head. "I didn't think about it. I don't dare to think about it. He has a high reputation."

"But I feel like you've fallen in love with him." A faint pain flashed in huazi's eyes. He said, "you look at his eyes as if they were shining. It's difficult to deduce the state of you two in the promotional film. It's all true investment."

"..." Su smiled and pursed her lips. She couldn't remember her state when making the promotional film.

"Smile, if he can't give you the happiness you want, please remember that there is another me. Whenever my arms will be open for you, you know?"

Huazi's voice seemed to come from a distant place, also like in a sleeping dream, but it floated into her ears so clearly and fell into her heart. It was soft and warm, which made her sad and made her wonder how to open her lips for a time.


She turned her eyes to meet his eyes.

When the car stopped, huazi looked at her with such gentle eyes. He said, "except Anxin and reputation, I can't give you to a third person."

She frowned, "brother Hua..."

"Remember what I said." Huazi gazed at her affectionately, with a gentle voice like the wind, "Anxin, you can't marry. If you won't marry a high reputation, then prepare to be my bride." Then he said quickly, "get off the bus. I have something to deal with." I didn't want to hear her refusal, so I drove her away.

Su Xiaoxiao took back her eyes, unfastened her seat belt and opened the door.

As soon as the door was closed after getting off, the silver Bentley drove away. She turned and looked at the distant car shadow with a heavy heart.

The apartment was close at hand. Before entering the corridor, the mobile phone rang.

It's a strange number——

"Hello, is that Miss Su Xiaoxiao?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Mr. Zhang of Xizhilang jelly company. Can I delay you for a few minutes?" The other party is a middle-aged man with an introverted voice and a particularly good attitude.

Xizhilang jelly? What does it have to do with her?

"Well, we're going to launch a new flavor of jelly. I want to speak for you. Can you think about it?"

"Speak for me?" Su smiled and was surprised as she went up the stairs.

"Yes, I've seen the promotional films of the eternal series. Your appearance is in line with our requirements for spokesmen, and it's especially in line with them. I fell in love with you at a glance. No star can enter your eyes. As for the remuneration, it's twice as high as that of a first-line movie star, nearly 5 million. Think about it."

Five million?