That day in the mall, she tried her best to chase the robbers for her, which deeply touched Su Xiuling's heart.

The sense of guilt in my heart is a little more dramatic.

Su Xiaoxiao walked into the cafe and saw a middle-aged woman sitting by the window. She walked towards her and sat down opposite her.

The eyelashes slowly raised their eyes and looked at Su Xiuling opposite. Although they were straight, they had a good attitude. "Aunt, if you have anything to say, just say it. I'm a little busy today."

"... Annie." Seeing her up close, the middle-aged woman choked as soon as she opened her lips. "These years... How have you been these years?" She was a little sad to see her.

"OK." Su smiled and stared at her, her voice soft and precious.

It was because she didn't say much that Su Xiuling felt a pain in her heart. There was a complex look on her elegant face, "Annie, don't hate mom and dad. Dad was really cruel at that time, but..."

"I understand." Su Xiaoxiao's back was slightly stiff and said with a warm smile, "if you call me today just to say something sorry, I don't think it's necessary at all. It's over, and I'm living well now. I don't lack arms and legs. "

The more calm and polite she was, and the softer her voice was, the heavier Su Xiuling felt.

But now that I have an appointment with her, I still need to say something important.

"Xiaoxiao, Anxin, Anxin him... Is he in touch with you?" Su Xiuling asked the question she cared about most.

"I used to have it at work, but I don't have it now." Su Xiaoxiao gently stirred the Blue Mountain coffee in front of her. This is the only taste of Anxin. When she settled down in the past, she often cooked it for him, so she can judge by the color.

In order to reassure her, she continued, "I think I'm going to Ann's for matters related to the eternal series of wedding rings. Now president Sheng said to go by email."

"Oh... Anxin, he's getting married." Su Xiuling said, observing her look, "and the big star ou Mengru."

"I know." Her lips rose. "Congratulations."

"...." it was an impeccable answer. Without any emotional ups and downs, Su Xiuling didn't know what else she could say for a moment.

She thought for a moment, sipped her coffee and asked with concern, "smile, did you talk about your boyfriend?"

She shook her head, smiled softly and whispered, "I'm not in a hurry about feelings, and I haven't met the right one."

"...." she answered her questions like a stream. She didn't feel uncomfortable or sad at all. This made Su Xiuling feel that she may have been distracted. Are you relieved after so many years?

But on Anxin's side, she can't guarantee it. Son, do you still have Anne in your heart? Others don't know. She's a mother, but you can see it at a glance.

"Annie, mom asked you, have you been in touch with Anxin these years?" Su Xiuling's eyes locked on her. It seems that this answer is very important to her.

With the sound of mother, Su Xiaoxiao's countless warm memories were outlined again.

She shook her head, a trace of sadness flashed in her dark eyes, but her smile was still sweet and quiet, "no, you can believe me."

"I believe, I believe..." Su Xiuling took a reassurance. After a while, she said, "in fact, to put it bluntly, if feelings are not connected, there will be nothing."

"Yes." Su Xiaoxiao also took a sip of coffee. It's from blue mountain, but it doesn't taste as good as her cooking. Anxin should come once, not the second time? His mouth is so picky.

"You see, you and Anxin haven't seen each other for 12 years? Your feelings in each other's hearts may have been different from before. " Su Xiuling has a friendly attitude and her voice is gentle. "He's getting married, but... Because of you, my heart is always uneasy. After all, you are a very special existence for Anxin. I'm afraid that if his mind is impulsive, he will live up to other people's dreams and make the wrong choice for you."

Wrong choice... Such a definition makes Su Xiaoxiao clearly know the gap between her and Anxin.

"..." take a deep breath. Su Xiaoxiao only feels heavy. She raises her eyes and looks at her firmly, "aunt, what do you need me to do? Leave Jiangcheng? "