Heavy rain slaps the windshield. Compared with ordinary luxury cars, the line of sight is still quite clear, which is one of the characteristics of this customized Lamborghini.

It was raining cats and dogs at night!

The wind roared! Night, dark.

There are very few vehicles on the road! For safety reasons, even taxis rarely travel.

The lights of the city blurred in the wind and rain

Lamborghini splashed high water where he rushed, and he could feel the arrogance of the driver all the way.

In the cab, the famous thin lips were tight and his face was very ugly.

Jinyu villa, which covers an area of 800 square meters, is located lonely on the hillside of the famous mountains in Jiangcheng. It is dark at night, so the house looks a little lonely. The street lights in the yard are dim, and the blooming roses can't stand the baptism of wind and rain, and wither in the final struggle.

The petals all over the ground are a little sad and cold, and there is also an unspeakable horror and gloom.

The surface of the open-air swimming pool is full of water spray caused by raindrops. The water of the whole pool seems to be boiling

The cherry blossoms were knocked down by the rain, but they refused to give up at all. Even the branches could not withstand the scouring of the rain, as if they were going to be broken.

The wind roared

The rain was pouring down, as if there were only the sound of wind and rain in the world.

In the brightly lit kitchen, the wind and rain beat the window wildly, making a terrible hole in the dark night sky outside by lightning from time to time.

The silence in such a big villa was strange.

Liu Ma was cooking ginger soup with her apron on. Ye Fu caught a cold, very serious and had a fever, but there was no standby medicine at home. In such a heavy rain, she couldn't drive. She couldn't buy medicine for a while and couldn't find a doctor.

You want to call 120, but Yefu won't.

If you delay, I'm afraid something will happen.

After thinking for a long time, she was still good at making suggestions and called the young master, but although the young master listened to what she said, he hung up without saying a word.

Liu Ma turned down the fire and sighed. She didn't expect him to come.

It's difficult to let him come on weekdays, not to mention this inconvenient night?

Carrying the boiled ginger soup upstairs, Liu Ma pushed open the door of the master bedroom.

In the room, the lights are bright, the furniture is gorgeous, and the room is full of fluffy first-class rabbit hair carpets. Walking on it, it is very light. The European style furniture reflects the lights and is very beautiful.

On a big soft double bed.

Ye Fu was wearing long clothes and trousers with milk noodles. She sat weakly at the head of the bed. The lady's head was high, her face was pale, no blood color, and her lips were dry. She was dizzy.

"Madam, drink some ginger soup to dispel the cold. It will feel better." Liu Ma's voice was very gentle and sincere.

"Put it here first." Ye Fu had no taste and pointed to the bedside table. She covered her lips and coughed a few times. Her body was very uncomfortable.

Liu Ma put down the ginger soup, stood in front of the bed, looked at her like this and told her, "I called the young master."

The cough stopped suddenly. Ye Fu looked up at her, and then took back her eyes. In her hoarse and tired voice, she disdained a little, "Why are you calling him?"

"He has the best doctor there." Liu Ma knew the reason. She really couldn't bear to see her so uncomfortable.

Ye Fu smiled mockingly and raised her eyelids, "the best doctor? Will you come to see me? He wished I were dead. "