The reason why fashion designers exist is to help people in need and tailor suitable clothes? If you can buy finished products from the clothing store, what do you need to do with the design studio? It's like a set meal. Since you can choose it at will, what else should you do?

Lu Jianhua was stunned, because Rong Qian's idea, though in different industries, coincided with his.

At the beginning of his career as a director, he wanted to make something different. He didn't like the same things. Life was different from the set meal. Life needed something new as a seasoning. What Lu Jianhua didn't expect was that Rong Qian's view was the same as his own.

Today's Rong shallow let Lu Jianhua have too many accidents, show a careless sentence, let him have a new program creativity, now seems to be an unintentional sentence, directly to the bottom of Lu Jianhua's heart, let Lu Jianhua's mouth can't help but raise up, life in the world, meet a person who is connected with his neighbor is not easy.

After finishing, Rong Qian turned around and was ready to go out. After two steps, he found that the people behind him had not kept up.

Rong Qian turns around and sees Lu Jianhua standing in the same place, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Well, what do you think? I have to go back to painting after choosing the cloth. " Rong Qian frowned at Lu Jianhua, his voice a little anxious.

Lu Jianhua was changed back by her voice. Looking at her anxious face, she couldn't help but smile and shake her head, and followed up.

Lu Jianhua takes Rong Qian through the bustling commercial district, bypasses several buildings and comes to a slightly dilapidated three storey commercial building.

This place is at the back of the main block. All kinds of billboards that should have been bright are now covered with thick dust. It can only be seen that it was once beautiful.

Looking at the building in front of her, Rong Qian guessed what place it was. This place was once brilliant, which can be seen from the billboard. But now she is forgotten by people, because not far from him, the new commercial street seems to attract people's attention.

This is an old street. The operators here are nostalgic. Many traditional things can be found here. With those beautiful clothing brands, cloth seems to be defined as traditional things.

He asked the stall owner who was sitting at the entrance of the alley. He followed the road he pointed out to the third floor, where the whole floor was full of cloth sellers.

Rong Qian stands at the entrance of the stairs, looking at the small blocks one by one, hoping to find what he wants here.

Choosing what you want here is more like walking in memory. Compared with the spacious shopping mall, it is more primitive. Every stall is a stall, and every stall has a owner.

However, after only three or four stalls, rongqian showed a look of disappointment. Taiyuan here has begun. How big is the cloth? It's old material. It's OK to make sheets and covers, but it's impossible to make clothes.

Lu Jianhua also saw the disappointment in Rong Qian's eyes and asked, "how? Not appropriate? "

"Of course not. Look at these. How can you never make clothes?" Come with confidence, but the reality is too bony, thorn shallow, some cold heart, the tone of speech is also some bad.

Lu Jianhua put down the camera and looked around. It was really hard to find the right cloth here. He was also disappointed.

The owner of this stall is a middle-aged woman in her forties, but she is a warm-hearted person. Since they came in, she was busy greeting them. At this time, seeing the disappointment on their faces, she was a little embarrassed and said, "aren't you looking for such cloth?"

The shopkeeper said, "the soft cloth can only be used to look for some clothes, but the only thing we want to say is that it's not good."

"That's not appropriate." The shopkeeper also frowned, "I think no one is wearing their own clothes. Do girls want to make their own clothes?" The shopkeeper asked curiously.

Rong shallow nodded and said: "yes, I have some ideas. I want to do it according to my own ideas."

I don't know if I can understand the term "fashion designer" because the shopkeeper is young, so it's more popular.

"Well, that's a good girl." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "I also think the clothes I make are much more beautiful than those sold outside. Now the clothes sold outside are all in a mess. I don't like those with bare shoulders, waist and thighs."

Rong Qian's feeble smile didn't refute. Now she is more thinking about how to solve the next thing. Is it true that, as Lu Jianhua said before, she is looking for a suitable one on the street?

The shopkeeper also saw the difficulty of rongqian. Maybe the girl who was willing to make her own clothes had a good influence, and even helped her think of a way: "by the way, there should be a place where you want to find the cloth." The shopkeeper thought of something and said suddenly.

"Where?" Let shallow eyes flash surprise, hurriedly ask.

The owner looked at Rong Qian and frowned again, saying, "it's a little far away, my daughter's studio.""Studio?" Rong Qian was stunned for a moment and realized that the landlady might not know nothing about design, especially her daughter, who might also be a designer.

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and said, "yes, in the suburb, my daughter has studied tailoring outside for several years. When she comes back, she has to make some clothes for the whole studio. I don't understand her, but she should have the fabric you want, I think."

Maybe it's because the owners themselves are not sure what they are looking for, so they add three words of uncertainty at the end of the words.

But this has let Rong Qian see the hope again. No matter what she hopes to find, she has decided to have a look, "can you give me the address? I want to go and have a look. "

"Just a moment, but it's a good place for me to find your address." The landlady is indeed a warm-hearted person. She not only provides clues, but also leaves an address.

From the old building out, Rong shallow mouth with a smile, eyes shining, she seems to have seen a new hope.

Lu Jianhua holds the camera. He has been shooting since just now. The light in the lens is also shining. Especially now, her eyes are even more dazzling than the sun, but Lu Jianhua is reluctant to move her eyes.