Because he was thinking about the problem, Lu Jianhua didn't take a good look at the road. The photographer was hesitant to keep up with him. Both of them were absent-minded, so the accident happened.

While thinking about things, Lu Jianhua walked with his head down, just bumping into a young photographer who was hesitant to follow.

With a bang, the photographer's camera fell to the ground.

This time, Lian rongqian also stopped. Looking back, she saw the camera falling on the ground. However, she frowned at the frightened photographer. Her first reaction was whether the photographer would cry.

The photographer didn't cry, but his expression was more ugly than crying. His brow was tightly wrinkled. He held the camera in his arms in a hurry, took a careful look at Lu Jianhua, and lowered his head.

In fact, at this time, the photographer's mind is complicated. The camera is an important equipment in the group. If it breaks down, he can't afford to pay for it. But how can he tell the director? It seems that all the mistakes can't be blamed on him alone. It's clear that the director bumped into him.

Lu Jianhua's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled. His eyes stay on the camera for a while, and then fall on the photographer's face. His face gradually sinks.

Although Rong Qian didn't see what was going on, he had already guessed from their position and reaction that Lu Jianhua didn't look at the road and bumped into the young photographer in front of him, which made his camera fall to the ground. It's just that Lu Jianhua is a director and his position is definitely higher than that of the young man. I don't know if he will use his power to suppress others.

Lu Jianhua's line of sight in the photographer's face for a moment, and looked at the front of the standing Rong shallow, helpless sigh, "you talk about you, even a camera is not good." His tone was full of helplessness, but no criticism.

The photographer also heard his tone. He didn't seem to blame him. It seems that his work is embracing him. "Now... What should I do now?"

"Turn it on and see if the lens is broken." Lu Jianhua frowned and waved, with a helpless look on his face, "I said you don't learn how to repair when you learn photography?"

His words made the photographer's face a little better, but I don't know how to explain it. No one has to learn how to take photos and how to repair them, just like people who can drive don't necessarily know how to repair cars.

Looking at the camera guy in a hurry to open the lens cover, in order to open the key, but press twice, the machine did not respond, it seems that his most worrying thing happened, the camera went on strike.

Lu Jianhua was worried about his action. He grabbed the camera from his arms and played with it by himself. But after he played with it for a long time, the machine still didn't work. He had to put the camera into the photographer's arms again. "Forget it. You can take it to repair it. There's an e-business not far ahead. You can go to find after-sales service." Said Lu Jianhua some dejected helped the next forehead.

"What about shooting?" The photographer took a look at rongqian who had been waiting for him, and asked in a low voice.

"All right, I'll take care of this. You can repair the machine." Lu Jianhua waved his hand and said helplessly.

After listening to Lu Jianhua's words, the photographer still stood in the same place and did not move. He tightly held the camera and stared at the ground, as if he had nothing to say.

Rong Qian kept looking at them and saw the photographer's cramped appearance. She thought of what he was worried about. The camera was going to be repaired. Even if Lu Jianhua had a spare machine to shoot, the maintenance fee was still a lot of money. For a young man who had just worked, he didn't dare to report this. Naturally, the maintenance fee had to be borne by himself, but he had the financial ability How to bear the cost?

Lu Jianhua took a look at the photographer, and seemed to think of this problem, "forget it, you go to repair it. The maintenance fee will come to me with the invoice. There's no need to inform the group."

Rong Qian was slightly stunned. From the beginning, as soon as Lu Jianhua spoke, she knew that Lu Jianhua would not embarrass the photographer, but she did not expect that he would bear the maintenance costs.

Lu Jianhua noticed Rong Qian's eyes, turned to look at her, and then said, "I bumped into you, didn't I? OK, I'll pay for the lesson myself. You deal with the camera. I'll follow you in the afternoon. "

Rong Qian appreciates Lu Jianhua's daring behavior, but when he says that he's shooting in the afternoon, he frowns again. Thinking that Lu Jianhua will stay with him in the next afternoon, Rong Qian's heart is a little agitated.

After walking out of the shopping mall, Rong Qian suddenly turns back and sees Lu Jianhua leisurely following behind him. When he sees her turning back, he smiles at her.

But Rong Qian didn't feel better because he saw the smile, especially when his eyes fell on the swaying packaging bag he was carrying. Rong Qian's mood became more agitated and glared at Lu Jianhua. Rong Qian held his head up and went forward, ready to shield his existence again.

Rong Qian is not familiar with city B, and she doesn't want to turn to the man behind her. She can only move forward aimlessly. Anyway, she is ready to find inspiration and has no specific direction.

Along the commercial street straight ahead, the prosperity of city B can be seen here. The commercial street is full of people, submerged in the crowd, but rongqian is in a wonderful mood. She likes the excitement, but does not like her own excitement, so it is the best way to watch others' excitement. Just like now, she is standing in the middle of the most prosperous commercial street in city B, feeling others' lively life .As expected, people live in groups. Even if they don't do anything, they just stand in the stream of people. Their happiness infects Rong Qian, which makes her mouth rise and her mood soar.

Zhang Meilan's inferiority complex is because she can't fully integrate into her new life. She thinks that her educational background is an obstacle to her integration. In fact, it's not. It's just a ticket in her life. It's up to her to get off at which terminal and what kind of life she wants.

Standing in the crowd, Rong Qian's mind came up with a picture, which can be said to be a flash of inspiration, and the idea she wanted appeared.

Rong Qian looked around and saw a coffee shop. She needs such a place now.

With a goal, Rong Qian rushes to that place.

On the seat by the window, Rong Qian lowered her head to draw something. The bright light shone on her face through the glass. On her white skin, fluffy hair could be seen. Lu Jianhua walked into the coffee shop and saw this picture.

Knowing that she was capturing inspiration, Lu Jianhua smiles and goes to the bar instead of walking directly.