"I know." Gu Jinchen was silent for a while, then he said.

"Then you still..." Gu Feng frowned and asked. Of course, he knew that Gu Jinchen was not a fool. There must be a reason why he did it, but Gu Feng could not think of the reason why Gu Jinchen made such a decision.

The capital required to acquire Gu's shares is huge. Even if the company can take it out at present, it will also affect the company's merger plan. The operation of the company is like this. If a chain is broken, it will affect the overall situation. If there is no way to get out, the American company will probably be dragged down by Gu.

"It's the Lu family. What I want to buy is the Gu's stock in the Lu family's hands. Ah Feng, you know all the grudges in the middle. How can I watch the Lu family fall with Gu?"

Gu Jinchen knows that the situation of American companies today is due to Gu Feng. If he wants to move the money of American companies, he will take all the assets of Gu Feng. Of course, he has to explain clearly.

Gu Feng was silent. Naturally, he understood Gu Jinchen and Lu Xiran. Because of this, he fully understood why Gu Jinchen took the money. His silence was not intended to dissuade him. He just thought about whether there was a better way.

Gu Jinchen also didn't say that he was waiting for Gu Feng to speak. If this thing is to be done, Gu Feng needs to be convinced, and the other is mo Shaoxian. He believes that Mo Shaoxian will not object, because he understands the importance of love in life.

About five minutes later, Gu Feng's breath came from the phone, and then his voice came calmly, "I have calculated that we need 150 million yuan to buy the whole Gu family. After the acquisition, we can sell it down, and our profit is about 200 million. That is to say, this operation is feasible, but I don't think you will buy it after the acquisition, that's all It means we could lose 150 million. "

Gu Feng stopped for a moment, and then said, "we need 80 million yuan to acquire Lu's stock. We can make a profit of 100 million yuan after the acquisition. If we want to acquire Lu's stock, I suggest that we acquire Lu's stock, then divest Lu's stock, and only take Gu's stock. We won't lose money in this way. What do you think?"

Gu Jinchen listened quietly. Gu Feng looked at the matter from a businessman's point of view. There was no mistake in his analysis, but he ignored one problem, that is, human feelings. In other merger cases, this method is the best, but not necessarily for Lu.

"You come forward to talk to Lu. We don't buy all of them. We only buy bonds. They can sell them at a low price. Gu's tree is too big to fail. We don't have to lose money if we have stocks." Gu Jinchen frowned and opened his mouth. He didn't like Gu Feng's appearance of being in business.

Gu Feng pauses for a while and sighs. Gu Jinchen's biggest concession is that he can do this step. He is different from other businessmen. He can't be completely cruel, which determines that in many things, he will be sleepless.

Gu Feng doesn't like Gu Jinchen's icy appearance either. At the other end of the phone, he raises his mouth slightly. In fact, he will say so, which is to motivate Gu Jinchen and force him to be a businessman. Only in this way can he not suffer losses.

"Well, I'll come out." Gu Feng agreed, "it's no different for me to go out with you. In order to prevent the Lu family from knowing that we bought it, let's sit on the ground and start with the price. Let's let the people from the American company come out. It's time to go through the show. Gu Shao, this is not the era of doing good without leaving a name." Gu Feng joked.

After hanging up Gu Feng's phone, Gu Jinchen dials Mo Shaoxian's mobile phone. It has been three months since they went back to s city. In three months, he and Mo Shaoxian have only called a few times, and they know that their affairs are going well. The

phone was quickly connected. "Are you free?" Mo Shaoxian's unique cold voice came.

"Very busy." Gu Jinchen opened his mouth to guide.

"Well, to be frank." Mo Shaoxian will never waste his time on greetings. Maybe that's why he has few friends.

"I want to redeem some of Gu's shares. I need some money. I believe Gu Feng will tell you. I'll call you to let you know." Gu Jinchen said casually, but this is the precipitation of friendship. He knows that Mo Shaoxian doesn't care how much he lost. This is the friendship between them, which can't be measured by money.

"Well, I see. What else Mo Shaoxian's answer did not come out of Gu Jinchen's expectation at all, with his usual chill. However, careful people see the essence through the phenomenon. Mo Shaoxian's calmness shows his trust. Only unconditional trust will not care what the other party will do with the shared money.

"What's the matter with you?" Gu Jinchen asked.

"It's almost done. It's estimated that it will be finished in another month." There is a little joy in Mo Shaoxian's voice, which he has been looking forward to for a long time.

"I look forward to your good news." Gu Jinchen's mouth also rises. They are allies. Naturally, he knows what the ending means. His ending is also his ending. He takes a retrospective. Time is not far away.

"Well, Wanning wants to go to K city. We'll be there in the near future." When it comes to Wanning, Mo Shaoxian's voice rises slightly, not with a chill."Ha ha, good. Winter is coming to an end." Gu Jinchen has meaning to point to say.

Hang up the phone, Gu Jinchen sat in the car for a while, his heart has calmed down, want to give a smoke, but found that his hands of the cigarette has been extinguished by himself.

He gently shook his head, started the car and went to the direction of riverside road.

Gu Jinchen's car just stopped at the entrance of the villa. He saw another car approaching slowly from the reversing mirror and stopped not far away. The license plate number was familiar, which made him frown slightly.

It was song Qin who came here. Last time I told song Qin clearly that she had not come here for some time, but today she came again. Gu Jinchen guessed the reason.

"Ma." Gu Jinchen met him. His face was calm and he could not see his mood.

"I know you don't want me to come, but I can't help it today." Song Qin did not get off the car, but lowered the glass and said.

"Li en, I'll go to see you." Gu Jinchen said, this is almost obvious.

"If he hadn't come to me, I wouldn't have known such a big thing had happened to the company!" Song Qin's face with anger, "are you really ready to let your father's hard work out of the company destroyed in the hands of Jiayan?"

"Mom, Jiayan is also father's son." Gu Jinchen frowned slightly and said.

"He? In his case, I think it's only the black sheep. " Song Qin looked scornful.

No wonder she said that after Gu Jiayan took control of Gu, Gu did not make any progress. Not only did he make no progress, but his profits also went back a few percentage points. If Zhou Yun hadn't pressed, the shareholders would have jumped out.