Ding Lingling

a sudden ringing of the telephone broke the short-term calm in the room, with a shallow face and a slight frown. At this time, who will call? Violent beating heart, let Rong shallow feel this suddenly think of the phone, seems to bring is not good news.

Just when Rong Qian hesitated to answer, the phone suddenly cut off again. Rong Qian picked up the phone, and a group of numbers were displayed on the lighted screen. But in Rong Qian's mind, he had no impression of this group of numbers. This is a strange phone number.

Rong shallow tightly staring at the screen, guess the purpose of this point in the heart, at this time her heart do not know why nervous beating, let her have no reason to panic.

Ding Lingling, there was another phone call. Rong Qian bowed his head. The phone in his hand showed that it was from a strange number.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jinchen see Rong shallow frown, looking at the mobile phone, but did not answer, also looked over.

Rong Qian raised his head with a trace of uneasiness in his eyes, which made Gu Jinchen frown.

"Hello?" Rong shallow connected the phone, but the uneasiness in the heart is aggravating.

"Is that Miss Rong?" There was a cold voice on the other end of the phone.

Perhaps that voice is too cold, let Rong shallow originally frown, frown more tightly, "I am."

"This is Tai'an rehabilitation hospital. Can you come here now?"

Taian rehabilitation hospital. How long has it been since I thought of that place again? That place first appeared in Rong Qian's life 15 years ago. At that time, Rong Qian was only ten years old. He stood alone at the end of the corridor and watched his father push away his mother lying on the white sheet.

The last time that place appeared in Rong Qian's life, it was three months ago. That time, it was also in that corridor. Rong Qian watched Xu Shijun push away his father lying on the white sheet. His father would never open his eyes to see him again.

On that day, Rong Qian felt that he had shed all his tears. In that place, the corridor separating life and death, his mother left, his father left, and even aunt Fang, who always loved him, stayed in that place. From then on, Rong Qian consciously isolated the place where Rong Qian was afraid and sad.

Now, what kind of situation, the place that makes Rong shallow feel terrible, once appeared in Rong shallow's life.

The phone has been closed, but Rong shallow still staring at the hands of the phone, straight Leng Leng eyes, let Gu Jinchen some worry, it seems that Rong shallow whole person, by a monster on the phone attracted all the energy.

Gu Jinchen walked slowly to Rong Qian, frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

Rong shallow hear Gu Jinchen's voice, just from the phone to shift the line of sight, just her eyes in fear, let Gu Jinchen more worried, "Xiao shallow, whose phone?"

Rong shallow did not answer directly, but put himself into Gu Jinchen's arms.

Gu Jinchen's embrace is very warm, let Rong shallow gradually passing body temperature also slowly warm up, "is Taian hospital." Rong Qian buried his head in Gu Jinchen's neck, his voice trembled slightly, "Tai'an hospital hopes I can go there now."

Gu Jinchen held Rong Qian tightly in his arms. In the Tai'an hospital, he saw in Rong Qian's investigation report that her mother died in that hospital. A few months ago, her father died in that hospital because of a car accident. Now, her stepmother is living in that hospital.

Gu Jinchen gently patted Rong shallow back, "I accompany you to."

This is not a question sentence, but a firm support. Gu Jinchen will accompany her, which makes Rong Qian feel better. He looks up at Gu Jinchen and just sees the firmness and protection in his eyes.

Rong Qian lowered his head and cleaned up his mood. With Gu Jinchen, Rong Qian also had the courage to step there again.

I don't know when a light rain came up in the sky. Rong Qian shrank herself in the co driver's seat, watched the front wiper swaying back and forth, and watched the fast moving back of the street lamps. She felt that this seemed to be the coldest night in the whole summer.

Gu Jinchen feels rongqian's uneasiness around him. He reaches out his hand and grabs rongqian's hand in his own hand. He puts it on his lips and kisses it gently. Later, Gu Jinchen doesn't let go of rongqian's hand. Along the way, he holds rongqian's hand tightly.

Hospitals don't seem to distinguish between day and night. Whenever they come, they always give people a feeling of depression.

It's already midnight. There are not so many people in the hospital during the day. There are only a few people sitting in the hall in twos and threes. But from the facial expression, those people are not relaxed. On one side of the hall is the emergency passage. This rainy night is destined to be a restless night. As soon as Rong Qian comes in, he hears a roaring ambulance, followed by the busy body of the medical staff Shadow, that's as like as two peas ago when my father sent it three months ago.

Gu Jinchen holds Rong Qian's hand and looks at Rong Qian's face becoming paler and paler. Even now his lips are trembling slightly. He reaches out his hand to hold Rong Qian in his arms and walks along the corridor. At this time, Gu Jinchen just wants to take Rong Qian away from here as soon as possible.The bright and quiet corridor gives people a gloomy feeling. Rongqian only feels that the cold feeling penetrates into every pore of her body, which makes her tremble. Fortunately, Gu Jinchen is beside her. He hugs rongqian tightly, which brings warmth to her cold body and gives her the strength to move forward.

At the entrance of VIP ward, Gu Jinchen and Rong Qian stop. It's not that Rong Qian is not ready to go in, but that it's full of people. Even Xu Shijun is pushed to the door and stands.

See Rong shallow came, Xu Shijun tight frown slightly stretch some, sorry looking at Rong shallow, "small shallow, sorry."

But Rong Qian took a look in the ward and asked, "what's the situation with aunt Fang now?"

Xu Shijun heard Rong shallow mention Fang Tong also followed a look into the ward, this time the ward has been quiet, doctors and nurses are also relieved, is cleaning up the messy ward.

Seeing that the doctor had stopped, Xu Shijun hurried in. Behind him, Rong Qian frowned and followed him.

"We injected the patient with diazepam. She has fallen asleep, but after waking up, you'd better not stimulate her." The doctor said as he cleaned up the stethoscope.

"What's going on?" Rong shallow frowned and asked.

At this time, the doctor looked up and said, "specifically, we don't know. The patient's mood has been unstable since he came in, but he has never been so irritable or even committed suicide. I think it's because some words of your family have stimulated her. You'd better pay attention." With that, the doctor left the ward with the nurse.