Chapter 319: Justice

Ying Tian's approach made Lu Wensheng look at him again.

"This guy's courage is really big, but not bad, he has confidence, and he is a great material." During the heavy rain, Lu Wensheng squinted his eyes and spoke softly to Ying Tian.

At this moment, he slightly understood why Ye Bei agreed to accept Ying Tian before.

"Are you looking for death?" After Dai Jianming was threatened back by Ying Tian instead, his teeth creaked and his mouth cursed.

However, the group of officers unexpectedly retreated back. They had seen the surveillance video with their own eyes not long ago.

They understood that that video was definitely not fake.

The three people in front of them belonged to the unknown, and the fear caused by the unknown was naturally self-evident.

However, the people from the Anti-Riot Department were still motionless.

They hadn't watched the video, so naturally, they didn't know how strong Ye Bei and others were.

But still, when they saw those officers retreating, they also felt uneasy.

Although holding a weapon, no one dared to step forward rashly.

The atmosphere was still weird.

Ying Tian was currently confronting Dai Jianming alone.

"Although I don't know what happened, I still want to give you a suggestion. If you leave this place now, I will treat it as nothing has happened. Otherwise, each of you might die."

The speech was as crazy as the heavy rain.

When mixed with this torrential rain, another terrible threat came.

But without giving Dai Jianming's time to reply, Ying Tian immediately said, "Since you have all seen surveillance, then I think that many things can be understood. The two gentlemen would never kill people at will. Since those people are dead, there must be a reason for their death!"

"You are different. You have parents, children, and all kinds of great futures. If you are ruined just for this matter, wouldn't it be too sad and pitiful? Of course, unless you have confidence that the guns in your hand are really capable of posing a threat to us."

Was Ying Tian arrogant?

Perhaps if it was another person who said these things, Dai Jianming might think so.

But at this moment, when these words came out of Ying Tian's mouth, they gave people another feeling.

From beginning to end, Ying Tian was extremely calm.

There was no extra movement on his body.

There was even a calm smile on his face.

It seemed that everything was under his control.

This look was indeed easy to confuse people.

At least Dai Jianming in front of him, as well as the group of people from the Anti-Riot Department, were all bluffed.


"Lu Wensheng."

However, under this stalemate atmosphere, Ye Bei spoke again.

Although there was no direct explanation, Lu Wensheng understood it instantly.

The test on Ying Tian had ended. After all, Ying Tian didn't know the truth. Although things had always been within the controllable range, the impact would not be very good if the trouble continued.

"Yes, sir."

Lu Wensheng replied respectfully. Then stepped forward and slowly walked to the front of Ying Tian.

That old gaze fell slightly on Dai Jianming.

"Since you have watched the surveillance video, you must be aware that those foreigners died of supernatural phenomena and have nothing to do with us. As for the nine dead guys, they all were killed by an old man. It didn't have anything to do with me."

While Lu Wensheng said this, his old appearance, in front of these people, quickly began to change.

The wrinkled skin on his face was slowly pulled away.

His pale hair gradually turned black.

His originally dry face was full of blood, like dead trees coming back alive in spring.


Lu Wensheng, who was in the Wensheng Antique Shop, was able to instantly become old, and at this moment, he was also able to quickly restore his youthful appearance, and his image was completely changed.

"You, you…"

"What's the matter with him."

"Could it be that my eyes are blurred?"

On the rainy streets, the people from the Anti-Riot Department who shielded the rain with shields looked straight.

Their disbeliefs continued for a moment.

But Dai Jianming at the moment was different.

He was extremely calm.

Countless different thoughts continued in his mind.

"The nine people were killed by an old man, but now, the old man standing in front is a young man instead. Obviously, the two are different people! The deaths of those foreigners were completely accidental and belonged to the supernatural phenomena. The Law Enforcement Department has no way to determine the supernatural phenomenon. It can only be reported to the special department of the country. As for the loss of antiques in the Wensheng Antique Shop, the owner did not report the incident at all, let alone worry about it..."

In a short moment, such conclusions appeared in Dai Jianming's mind.

The sound of the inhalation in his mouth was getting louder.

The sweat on his forehead was mixed with rain.

When Lu Wensheng became completely young, Dai Jianming was stunned.

At the same moment, he had made a thorough decision in his heart.

He had family and friends, there was also a great future ahead.

He couldn't bet.

Then, in this case, Dai Jianming moved again!

First, he slowly retracted the pistol. Then he took a big step back.

Under the heavy rain, his body swayed as if he was going to collapse at any time.

After he turned around and looked at the group of officers behind, his loud speech came as it directly suppressed the sound of the rainstorm, so that everyone could hear it clearly.

"Everyone, listen to me! Continue to search for suspects in the Confucian Temple. The three of them are not murderers. Find me an old man in a blouse. Also, I hope everyone will not remember what happened just now. "

After saying this, Dai Jianming let out a sigh, his expression lightened a lot.

The Law Enforcement officers and the people from the Anti-Riot Department who were listening seriously had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, but they still moved after hearing Dai Jianming's words.

"Shit justice!"

"In this era, justice is nothing but talk."

"Oh, many people with power and money are probably even dirtier. Even if people are caught today, the credit is only for those above."

"With justice, can I live a good life? Can I make more money?"

"I just want to live."

Various thoughts began to rise in their hearts.


"Yes, Chief."

Soon, many people responded.

Today was really weird.

In the rainstorm, after those people responded, Dai Jianming took the lead and took action again.

Holding their shields and having that serious expression, they continued to search the antique shops...

As for Ye Bei and others standing in front of them, they simply omitted them, treating them as invisible beings.