Chapter 312: Search

The rain was getting heavier.

At the door of Wensheng Antique Shop, a black umbrella fell aside.

The rain continued to wash down, splashing some stains from time to time, scattered inside the umbrella, and gathered into a puddle of sewage.

The dark clouds in the sky almost touched the ground as if the sky was about to collapse.

Occasionally, a gust of cold wind blew through the streets of this Confucian Temple, making people feel chilly.

However, the group of people standing in front of the Wensheng Antique Shop at this moment didn't seem to have any sense of this climate.

Let the wind blow; let the rain beat.

Even if the rapidly flowing water on the ground was violently impacting their retreat, they did not move at all.

Those police's attention was all focused on the dead bodies lying on the ground.

Dai Jianming's eyes widened as the rain was flowing in, but he didn't dare to blink. Clutching the gun with both hands, the expression on his face was very serious.

"The people inside listen! You are already surrounded, come out and surrender immediately." Dai Jianming continued to shout.

His voice even overwhelmed the sound of rain and thunder to a certain extent.

But in the Wensheng Antique Shop, there was no response at all. However, Dai Jianming's expression became more and more nervous and serious.

Bang, bang…

At this time, there was another neat footsteps and dense pops.

It was from the Anti-Riot Department.

At this moment, they all held their shields above their heads. The big raindrops hit the shield, crackling, constantly resounding in this street.

They just got wet pants, the clothes on their bodies were still dry.

Compared to Dai Jianming's group who had arrived earlier, these guys looked many times better.

Such a scene could be regarded as a huge momentum. It was just this scene, no matter from any angle, it was strange.

When the people from the Anti-Riot Department came and saw the corpses lying in front, at the fastest speed, the surrounded the Wensheng Antique Shops, the seriousness rapidly increased.

"The people inside listen!"

"You are already surrounded..."

The shouts came one after another.

An officer working under Dai Jianming who seemed to have just come out of the pool wiped the rain off his face with his hands, and leaned close to Dai Jianming's ear, "Chief, the door of this shop is open and you can see the situation inside. It seems that there is no one at all, and all the antiques on the shelves inside are gone too. I think the suspect must have already escaped."

With this, Dai Jianming who was holding a pistol was taken aback.

Then he turned his head slightly and glanced at the talker.

He did not speak, but he slowly turned his head and looked at the Wensheng Antique Shop again.

"Shut up, bastard... Do you think I don't know? I'm worried that there is a remnant in it... Just now, it was just a test. Now that you are sure that there is no one inside, why not go in and collect evidence?"

Dai Jianming's voice was very loud.

Every one of the police could hear very clearly.

"Yes, Chief."


After all, Dai Jianming's usual majesty was great.

Basically, no one dared to oppose him.

After hearing what he said, they rushed towards the Wensheng Antique Shop at the fastest speed.

At the same time, the Anti-Riot Personnel standing on the street still held their shields above their heads, but those eyes were staring at the shop as if someone were to rush out at any time, they would beat that person immediately.

As for Dai Jianming, after he saw his men rushing into the shop, he still did not move this time.

Both hands were still holding the pistol, aiming at the shop.

Even though the heavy rain hit his body, he still didn't move.

Only the sound of inhaling and raining could be heard at this moment.

The air seemed to freeze.

Coupled with the nine bodies on the ground and the bright red bloodstains, the depression brought by it was too great.

Several more minutes passed.

The group of police who rushed into the shop just now, after tumbling inside for a while, one of them walked to the threshold and shouted at Dai Jianming, "Chief, we have searched all everywhere just now, even a corner wasn't let go. So we are certain that there is no one in this shop at all."

In the heavy rain, after Dai Jianming heard this report, he took a deep breath.

Then after he put the pistol away, he nodded at the officer, "Very good."

Dai Jianming stepped forward and started walking towards the shop.

However, after only two steps had been taken, he stopped again.

Turning around, he said to the group of people from the Anti-Riot Department who were standing up behind him, "All of you guard here. If there is any abnormality later, you must move your hands as soon as possible. In addition, arrange some people to deal with this whole street, search everywhere and if some suspicious people are found, detain and question them thoroughly."


Upon hearing this command, the group of people from the Anti-Riot Department answered very neatly.

It was not the first time that they had cooperated with Dai Jianming.

Although they did not belong to the same department, they knew that Dai Jianming's style of doing things had always been extremely strong.

And this time, since he personally led the team to solve the case, this group of people from the Anti-Riot Department directly put their posture to the lowest.

If it was usual, at best, they would just cooperate normally. It was absolutely impossible for them to follow orders completely.

"Okay." Dai Jianming was quite satisfied. After he dropped his words, he put the gun back, smoothed the hair back of his head with his hands gracefully, throwing out a lot of water stains, and then walked quickly toward the shop.

At the same time, as he walked, he shouted loudly, "Pay extreme attention when you search, you must never destroy any evidence. This is a large-scale homicide case. The impact is extremely bad. A small detail can be the key to solving the case. The scene must be well protected."


The uniformed personnel who searched before responded immediately.

But this time, many people feel a little depressed.

"Why didn't he mention it during the search just now? Now, the search is already over."

"Today, the Chief is a bit off."

"Our whole bodies are covered with rain, if we really want to protect the scene, we shouldn't have come in earlier."

Of course, they absolutely dared not say these things out loud. They could only secretly speak it in their hearts.

"Boss, I found something..."

However, in this weird atmosphere, an officer suddenly said.