Chapter 276: Strangle to Death

Wang An's old eyes were all on Ye Bei's body.

Even if Le Han and the passengers behind him were noisy, he ignored them and kept silent as if those people couldn't get into his eyes at all and could not disturb his heart.

Cheng Shou, who was standing next to him, was still very young. So naturally, he could not be as calm as Wang An.

Listening to the messy sounds, Cheng Shou frowned slightly.

After seeing Le Han, who was walking in front with a look of impertinence... He squinted his eyes, and his pupils instantly released an icy light... like a tiger about to tear a person to pieces.

"Are you a friend of the Old Master?" Cheng Shou opened his mouth and said hoarsely.

When Le Han, who was standing in front, heard this, his body was taken aback with some doubts, "Old Master? What do you mean?"

In response, Cheng Shou did not hesitate to tilt his head slightly, fixed his gaze on Ye Bei, and motioned that it was him.

And Le Han was also quite cooperative though he still felt weird when Cheng Shou said "Old Master".

Immediately, he followed Cheng Shou's gaze and looked over. After discovering that Cheng Shou was talking about Ye Bei, Le Han was taken aback, then the corners of his mouth curled slightly, revealing a disdainful smile, "Eh, that, are you talking about him? I don't know this person. Before, this guy was pretending to be very aggressive on the plane. Basically, all the passengers hated him! By the way, later, you guys think of a way to cause some trouble for this guy. Let him know that East China is not a place where he can mingle in carelessly."


"Le Han is right."

"That guy didn't say a word on the plane, he treated us like air."

"This is definitely the first time I have seen such a proud person!"

The passengers following behind all joined.

When they were talking, they didn't notice Cheng Shou's complexion, which was changing rapidly...

Even Wang An, who was standing next to him without many expressions, when he heard this, a cold light burst into his eyes. At the same time, a terrible killing intent spread wantonly.

There were definitely not many things in this world that could cause Wang An to lose control of his emotions.

But once Ye Bei was involved, it was different.

Even if someone scolded himself (Wang An)... he would treat it as he couldn't hear it.

But if it were to change to Ye Bei... this was absolutely unbearable for Wang An.

"Cheng Shou."

Therefore, at this moment, Wang An opened his mouth and shouted in a very cold voice.

And Cheng Shou's reaction speed was also very fast.

After this period of communication... He deeply understood Ye Bei's position in Wang An's heart.

These guys scolded Ye Bei openly in this way was just looking for death.

"Listen, everyone, surround all these people with me, none of them are allowed to let go... Besides, let them shut up immediately, and no sound is allowed again. If anyone dares to mess around... directly... kill!"

Cheng Shou growled. His words came directly from his throat.

After this order fell, the group of men in suits behind them acted without any hesitation at all.

Every single one of these guys was elite...

Each one of them had claimed a lot of humans' lives.

When they acted, they were just like black lightning...

In but an instant, Le Han and the passengers behind him were all under control, unable to move.

"Asshole, you are sick, let me go... Do you know who I am? This old lady is from Beijing." Among them, after an aunt was controlled by a man in a suit, she suddenly looked like a madwoman, using her hands and feet together to accompany her mouth that was shouting arrogantly.

When the man in the suit saw this, he didn't have any extra words at all.

He, directly, in front of countless people, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the aunt's neck.

"The boss said, anyone who dares to talk nonsense can just die!"

Uh, uh, uh!

Seeing the gurgling sound of the aunt's mouth, the man exerted his strength even more.


His wrist was slightly hardened.

And with a click which resounded from this exit, the aunt's neck crooked, her eyes and pupils dilated, and she died immediately.

"Mur-murder... umm!"

After a passenger reacted, his eyes widened, and his mouth couldn't help but want to yell, but only after uttering these three words did he notice the cold gaze of the men in the suit next to him, and the next moment he slammed his own hand onto his mouth tightly and dared not make any more noises.

That aunt's death was definitely the most powerful means of intimidation.

Next... It was finally completely quiet here.

But the cold atmosphere in the air made the passengers feel terrified.

Even Jackson Chao, who was standing in the corner, was shocked to the extreme at this moment.

"If you don't abide by their words, they kill you... I'm afraid they are the only ones who dare to do this in China." Jackson Chao murmured, "Of course, that aunt is too pretentious at them, right? She's probably used to being arrogant, but today she met a nail and deserved to be unlucky..."

When Jackson Chao was mumbling to himself, at the exit, Le Han, who was walking in the front, felt like a stormy sea inside.

Especially when he witnessed that aunt's death.

Le Han's legs couldn't stop trembling... he almost could not hold back the scared pee.

He couldn't understand why.

But... in the threat of death, he slammed his mouth tightly. He didn't dare to make a sound at all. Endless fear spread around, making the temperature of the air here seem to have dropped to freezing point.

And just under this situation, Ye Bei, dressed in white, with his hands on his back, just happened to walk over slowly.

His white clothes formed a very sharp contrast with those men in black suits.

Le Han also discovered this scene.

He tried to calm down, but there was a faint expectation in those eyes...

It was clear that he wanted to challenge these men in suits since he walked over like this.

"This kid doesn't know good or bad, he is dead..."

At this moment, Le Han still had this kind of expectation in his heart... Even now, he didn't think Ye Bei would be so powerful.

As Le Han's thoughts just appeared, in the next moment, he was completely sluggish...

He saw that when Cheng Shou and Wang An saw Ye Bei walking by, all the cold breath on their bodies disappeared, and everything that replaced them was a respectful attitude.

"Could it be that this guy has a really great background?"

With big beads of sweat on Le Han's forehead, a terrifying thought also appeared in his heart at the same time.