Chapter 272: A Call

Jackson Chao was the general manager of Hongqiao Airport.

At the moment, he was sitting in the office with cold sweat constantly on his forehead, and his face looked extremely pale.

Just now... He heard that a large number of men in black suits broke into the airport.

Although there was no trouble, its formation is too terrifying...

And he hadn't heard of this before.

But... Just when he was about to start some protective measures, a call came directly.

Most importantly, this call was not from an ordinary person.

But from the top place of China.

"Comrade Jackson Chao, today a distinguished guest will land at Hongqiao Airport... For some reason, there is no prior arrangement, so no one has informed you... I hope you're not angry at me, Comrade." During the call, the voice was kind. However, there was a terrible invisible aura, this kind of aura made Jackson Chao feel a great deal of pressure through the phone.

"Director, no matter when it is, our Hongqiao Airport puts the country first... That distinguished guest, we will definitely receive him and give the highest level of courtesy! Please don't worry about this."

When he said this, Jackson Chao put his feet together and stood upright, just like an obedient student.

Just... His heart, at this moment, was absolutely stormy.

In the past, it was not that big people hadn't been to Hongqiao Airport... But at that time, it was basically just a call from his superior.

And today... But it was from a chief from the "Red House" that personally called. This meaning was absolutely different.

Who was the person who came this time?

Even if the leaders of various countries came together, it would not trigger such a big move, would it?

Today... was really crazy!

Jackson Chao's heart turned countless thoughts.

"Comrade Jackson Chao, it is enough with your guarantee. Some of the people have already gone to the airport, and the airport may be blocked for a period of time... If there are any difficulties in it, you can endure it a little." During the call, the chief's voice continued.

Jackson Chao quickly replied, "Chief, I promise to complete the task."

"Very good... Then I'll hang up first."


There was a busy tone on the phone.

When the phone was hung up, Jackson Chao who was still standing in the office was stunned for three seconds.

"Immediately notify all security, clear the airport, and lock some unrelated planes, prohibit landing... or land at a nearby airport."

Later, when Jackson Chao reacted and after taking a few deep breaths, he shouted directly at the outside of the office.


The moment the voice fell, he himself dared not delay the slightest, and rushed toward the outside of the office with his still stunned face.

Immediately after... Behind Jackson Chao, one security guard after another appeared.

It expanded to hundreds of people in an instant...

These people were all walking neatly in the direction of the airport exit.

The formation was too big.

In the cabin, some passengers who were waiting for the plane were also quickly cleared...

Originally, when the passengers met the persuasion of the flight attendants, they were full of indignation. They even planned to hit people directly... But with Jackson Chao's order, the security guards in the airport instantly changed their attitudes.

Anyone who dared to cause trouble was expelled by violence.

Only five minutes passed...

Earthshaking changes had taken place in Hongqiao Airport.

In the airport lobby, except for the men in black suits and the airport staff, there were no more passengers or irrelevant people.

Countless people were driven out of the square outside the airport.

At the same time, countless planes preparing to land were all circling and spinning above Hongqiao Airport.

It was absolutely incredible that such a scene could happen in this era of China.

If it was before, those passengers who were kicked out would definitely make crazy trouble.

They would take pictures with their mobile phone and they would unscrupulously slander the airport with all kinds of abuse.

But today... Even if everyone was chased to the square outside the airport, no one made trouble.

In contrast... When everyone stood here, the expressions on their faces and pupils were all curious.

"Who is coming?"

"Is Hongqiao Airport crazy... even if the leaders of various countries come together, it won't be like this, right?"

"It seems that the road to the airport has also been blocked too."

"Since it's possible to create such a big scene... the background is definitely not simple!"

When the passengers stood in the square, they were all talking quietly.

Unfortunately, they had no answers to these questions.

Even in the airport, except Jackson Chao, everyone else had no idea what was going on. It was just a mechanical blockade of the airport in accordance with the orders of the superior.

During this period, many people came to ask Jackson Chao.

The phone hadn't stopped ringing for a moment...

It was just that, apart from knowing that a super distinguished guest was coming, Jackson Chao didn't know anything else.

And... Regarding the men in black suits in the airport stood with imposing vigor, after Jackson Chao asked the security to help clean up the scene, he originally wanted to go over and inquire, or see the person in charge...

As a result, when he revealed his identity, those men did not even pay attention to him.

This situation made Jackson Chao extremely embarrassed.

In the end, he could only take a large number of security guards, shrug his head, and stand in a corner of the airport.

Just... The curiosity in their eyes was constantly skyrocketing.


On the plane from Leshan to Donghai.

Inside the cabin, it was still very lively...

When Le Han's identity was exposed, almost all the passengers began to gather towards him.

"Everyone, come one by one! Everyone will have my signature..."

And Le Han naturally enjoyed this feeling, ignoring the various regulations in the cabin and the advice of the stewardess, standing up, talking, and signing for everyone.

Of course... When doing this, the light from the corner of his eye fell on Ye Bei from time to time.

Seeing Ye Bei sitting in front and didn't ask for an autograph like other passengers... On the contrary, when his identity was revealed, Ye Bei didn't even move, made Le Han feel humiliated like never before.

He kept smiling.

He gritted his teeth and said again, "Some people are always very self-righteous. They clearly don't count as anything, but they still have to put on a high-level appearance... I have always looked down on such people! Since we are able to be on the same plane with everyone, this is also our fate. Everyone has the signature. When I get off the plane, my support team will come over. If you are interested, everyone can get my merchandized clothes."

It had to be said that Le Han was still quite good at being a human being. With just a few words from him, it made the passengers in the cabin shine.