Chapter 228: Bai Xiaosheng

Decades ago, in a small house with western architecture.

A teenager and a young man sat quietly.

The teenager wore a white robe.

The young man wore a dark suit which looked a bit old fashioned.

"Sir, the Bai Xiaosheng you mentioned, does this person really exist? Knowing many secrets in this world, countless people buy information from him. Whether it is black or white, they all have a good relationship with him?" The young man was full of curiosity.

The teenager was very indifferent, "If you believe he exists, he exists. If you don't believe he exists, he doesn't exist..."

"But I always feel that such a person actually exists, it's very strange. It is not realistic in itself to sell information while making good relationships, because doing so will definitely offend a group of people." The young man scratched his head.

The teenager's voice was soft, "That's just what you think."

"Well, if there is such a person, he is definitely not ordinary..." The young man said seriously.

The teenager shook his head, "On the contrary, this is the kind of person who is just ordinary. He may be personable, or rebellious, or he may have a special personality charm, but as long as he is willing to walk in the crowd, he will be completely like a common man. No one can notice him at all."

"Ugh..." The young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he suddenly realized, "Sir, I understand! Hidden in the mountains, hidden in the city, the more extraordinary people, the more ordinary. Of course, Sir is definitely an exception."

"You can say so." The teenager answered four words.

The young man picked up a brush and quickly wrote two lines on the paper at the table.

Sentimental swordsman with his merciless sword.

Bai Xiaosheng of Jiang Hu! (A/N: The Jiang Hu full of martial artists in Wuxia novels.)

After finishing writing, he looked at the teenager, "Since there are such strange people, it is also very good to write books."

"En." The teenager nodded slightly.


After hearing what Ye Bei said, Bai Xiaosheng paused for a while, and then all the sharp eyes were placed on Ye Bei.

One second.

Two seconds.

Ten seconds.

After staring for ten seconds, his eyes began to change dramatically.

The sharpness was put away.

It was replaced by softness.

But in the softness, there was a kind of vicissitudes.

It seemed that there were so many things and people he had seen.

When his eyes changed, he opened his mouth with a respectful voice, "I really didn't expect that when I visit Leshan, I can see a strange person, and he is still the strangest person at that! Since it's sir, it's normal to know my name. Presumably, this teacup is also genuine. This trip is really extraordinary and luxurious."

"If someone buys it, it's luxury. But it's free here, why is it luxurious?" After the old man listened, he shook his head and said softly.

Then he picked up a porcelain cup in front of him, stood up, and walked two steps.

But he felt a little wrong again...

Turning around, he picked up the porcelain cup in front of Bai Xiaosheng.

"Go on." Ye Bei's voice faintly came.

Bai Xiaosheng nodded.

When facing Ye Bei, he no longer dared to lift his head a little. He quickly turned his eyes away and did not dare to put on him at all. When speaking, his pitch was also much lower, "The strange people in this world are not too many, but not too little too. In addition to those just mentioned, there is also a young woman. This woman walks barefoot all the year round, but her feet are very delicate, not like a person who walks all year round. She is proficient in Buddhism. According to the information I got, she had been here some time ago… and she will come again soon. As for what will happen, I want to find out too."

"En." Ye Bei nodded.

"In addition to her... I also met a woman who is proficient in carving. She also wears a white shirt all year round. She changes her place to live every few days. Regarding her strangeness… all her sculptures are lifelike as if they have come alive! It's strange that all her sculptures are things she has seen before. Some people have bought them at a high price, but she didn't sell them. But when there are children who come to play with her and take the initiative to ask for her sculptures, she will give it away for free." When he said this, Bai Xiaosheng sighed slightly in his voice.

Obviously, the woman he was talking about made him unpredictable.

After Ye Bei heard this, a light flashed deep in his eyes.

Carving what she had seen in her life….

This was definitely a kind of great wisdom.

If Ye Bei was right, the woman he met in the Ancient Street should be her.

"These are not bad! There are even more strange people and bizarre things that many people in the world don't even know. For example, on the top of Mount Tai, there is a peak that no one can reach. There is no road over there, but there is an old man all year round, sitting cross-legged, with a stone chessboard in front of him, thinking hard against the board every day, without eating, drinking, or moving. Naturally, no one knows his identity, origin, and what he is doing."

After Bai Xiaosheng said this, the old man came over with two cups of tea.

One of the cups of tea was placed in front of Bai Xiaosheng but he just glanced and did not drink.

Instead, he continued, "Among the strange people, most of them are insipid and ascetic. Speaking of this kind of people, the most famous one belongs to the one in Myanmar. He is a blind man, born with pale pupils, bald and lame. Just looking at him from the outside, he is definitely a waste. His strange place is very powerful. Any rough stone he has referred to contains the top jade in it. Any random one can make a fortune. But ah, when he refers to rough stones, he never buys them himself but gives them to other people... Some people who often do business call him the God of Wealth. Countless down-and-out stone gamblers have received his guidance and became rich. Later, those people spent countless money to find him, but no answer was found. No one knew where he lived, and no one knew his age. He appeared silently and left silently."

"The God of Wealth!" After listening, the old man narrowed his eyes and repeated the words softly in his mouth.

There was a slight flicker in the deep and old eyes. It seemed that the two had known each other once.

And Ye Bei's eyes were indifferent, "Yes, he is indeed a strange person. If he is destined, I should go there too."

"Sir, this world is very big, and there are many strange people. If I want to say everything about it, I can't finish it even if I talk nonstop for three days and three nights. Let's talk about so much for the time being. When we meet again in the future, I will definitely tell you more, how about it?" When Bai Xiaosheng said this, he was no longer polite as he picked up the porcelain cup on the table.


Then, the tea inside was poured into his mouth.

A big cup of tea. He drank it all in one sip.

"These people, I already know about them. So what you said doesn't make much sense... It's better to talk about things than people."

Ye Bei glanced at Bai Xiaosheng and remarked casually.

But after Bai Xiaosheng heard this...

Cold sweat appeared on Bai Xiaosheng's forehead nonstop. His legs were like rope, he couldn't stand up and couldn't walk away.