Suno tightly protect Li Siwang, but the Mountain earthquake situation more I more intense.

in the past few times, I stopped for two minutes at most. This time, it is still going on after nearly five minutes.

The earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, the trees are making a "creak" sound, like the next moment will be uprooted or broken waist.

The wounded on the stretcher are maintained in the middle, and the outer ring is the old people who are too weak to fall. Outside are the strong villagers.

Sunuo hugs Li Siwang, Gu fan protects the village head's little son, and is tightly protected by Suyang and Gu Chenglan.

Everyone is defending their lives, and Gu Chenglan and Su Yang regard suno and Li Siwang as their most precious treasures, even higher than their own.

"Click" a sound, in front of the hill landslide, several trees were broken by the waist, rolling down the mountain.

Gu Chenglan looked up and immediately asked Su Yang to take suno and them to transfer: "it doesn't matter if you leave here, even if you deviate from the mountain road. It's too dangerous here."

Su Yang takes Li Siwang from suno's arms, and takes suno's head with the other hand and retreats.

Others, after quick reaction, also picked up stretchers and quickly evacuated.

However, the Mountain earthquake was accompanied by the invasion of snow, the mountains were shaking, trees were broken, the path was destroyed, and the land under everyone's feet had subsided to varying degrees.

Suno felt his right foot suddenly sink, the speed of the land subsidence is very fast, all of a sudden he pulled down half of his body.

"Xiao Nuo." Su Yang went to LA suno with one hand, and Li Siwang in his arms almost fell out.

Suno's hands were on the ground, and his legs were buried in the earth and stone from his knees. The pain hit me violently, but he could only bear to say nothing.

"Leave me alone, brother. Take Xiaowang away." Suno had to make the choice of dog blood, at this time the child should be protected.

Gu Chenglan hands the stretcher to the people next to him, rushes through I, pushes Su Yang away, embraces suno's body in both hands, and pulls upward.

Just as the mountain rocked again, suno felt his feet loose a little and took the opportunity to pull out I.

Gu Chenglan picked up suno and slightly distinguished the situation around him. He took suno and ran to an open space.

Now it seems that it's time for them to flee for their lives. The villagers I helped are even more chaotic. They run like flies without a head. They also hit Gu fan, who is holding a child.

Gu Chenglan has to pull Gu extraordinary back. After all, he is a brother of the same surname. Gu Chenglan can't let him get hurt.

But at this time, the Mountain earthquake suddenly stopped I, the silence around people's heart trembling.

Everyone seems to have been pressed the pause button, standing in place, feeling such a quiet, stable moment.

But suno's heart faintly felt more uneasy, it was like a moment of peace in the war, completely hypocritical and cruel appearance.

"Listen to me." Suno took a deep breath and said, "there will be more shaking in a moment. Everyone will protect themselves. But no matter what situation you encounter, don't be nervous and despair. We have already made arrangements for the rescue team to arrive soon

Now suno can only hope for muyue and them.

It was originally agreed to inform the rescue team a week after they entered the mountain.

Now the situation of Mountain earthquake is frequent. Maybe the outside has already received the news, and the rescue team should have set out.

If they can hold on for one more moment, the hope of being rescued will be even greater. , the fastest update of the webnovel!