Nayan came out of the village after they left the village.

however, the inflamed condition is not very good. There is no need to say how dirty the clothes are. There is also a deep wound on the face, like being swept by an arrow.

"You've done a good job." After Gu Chenglan found out the fire, he dragged him out from behind the huge leaves. He raised his fist and beat him. He saw that his leg was hurt.

"How did it swell like this?" Suno also saw a tourniquet strapped to his inflamed calf.

When she pulled up the inflamed trouser legs, what she saw was the legs thick as thighs.

"The snake took a bite." That Yan is still smiling. The more you look at it, the worse you will be beaten.

"Then why don't you go back?" Gu Chenglan still hit the burning face with a fist, but he didn't use all his strength.

"If I say, I've been in a coma for three days, do you believe it?" That Yan rubbed the red corner of his eyes and said, "I'm really just curious. I went up to have a look."

"We've almost become grain reserves." Gu Chenglan looks disgusted, but still squats down and helps suno deal with the wound for Nayan.

There are two daggers on that burning leg that cut I wound. It should be that after he found that he was bitten by a poisonous snake, he cut the skin around the fangs and directly released poisonous blood.

But this snake is not a neurotoxin, but a poison that destroys coagulation factors.

So the cut wound has not healed, no wonder that inflammation has to be tied with tourniquet.

If you do not deal with it in time, it is estimated that the inflammation will die of sepsis. Or because the tourniquet is too long, the leg will be necrotic and need to be amputated.

After Ben I was blackened by the fire, Gu Chenglan was angry. Now he saw that the boy had been taught a lesson, and he couldn't get angry.

There was a tetanus needle in suno's first aid kit, and fortunately a thrombin was found.

After the injection, he was given anti-inflammatory drugs, and then the three found a place to rest.

In fact, suno and Gu Chenglan have had a good rest these days, but judging from the current appearance of Nayan, it is estimated that they can't walk for half an hour.

Maybe in the past few days, Nayan was alone and didn't sleep well. So now when he met suno and Gu Chenglan, he fell into deep sleep like a faint.

"If you don't do it, you won't die." Gu Chenglan was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry when he was sleeping.

"Forget it, it feels like he's a child with immature mind." Suno sighed and felt helpless.

Fortunately, it didn't rain much on this day. In the evening, the inflammation woke up, and the state was not bad, and there was no fever.

"Here it is tonight. Tomorrow, we should catch up on our way, and if we fall behind, we will be eaten by lions. " Gu Chenglan deliberately scares Nayan.

That inflammation smile smile did not speak, just press oneself is a little bit detumescence crus in a daze.

Suno thought he was worried about the sequelae of his leg injury, so he said, "it's OK. It will be OK soon after hemostasis. As long as you don't get infected, it won't be a problem to disinfect it after you go back. "

"I think it's kind of like retribution." "But I didn't mean to let those natives deal with you," he said

"Is it useful to say that now?" Gu Chenglan kicked the flame and said, "after we go back, the bridge will return to the bridge and the road will return to the road. We will not owe each other."

"But you said..." The fire stopped and looked at suno. , the fastest update of the webnovel!