Gu fan takes a mouthful of rice and pokes at the bowl. It seems that he would like to put Gu Chenglan into his mouth and chew it up.

Just thinking about how to add a block to my cousin, relying on his five years of cooking in the Su family, he competed with Gu Chenglan for a favor, but he didn't expect that his cell phone suddenly rang.

At this time, the Chinese character BPM is about to end, and the first generation of mobile phone has officially stepped onto the stage, opening the curtain of mobile communication.

Gu fan immediately raises the big brick like cell phone, looks at the number, and suddenly stares round his eyes.

"My uncle." Gu fan finished, but also turned to Gu Chenglan and said in a low voice, "your father."

Gu Chenglan said, "well," take it. If you ask me, say I'll be back in a few days. "

With the strength of Gu's family, Gu Chenglan came back in such a big way that they could not have known it.

Gu fan nodded and took the cell phone to the door. He had already picked up the phone while walking.

The voice of the receiver is not loud, but the people in the room are very sensitive to the word "care for home", so no one makes a sound, so they can hear the people in the receiver.

"Extraordinary, is Chenglan with you? Let him go home at once

"Uncle, my brother said he would go back in a few days." Gu fan looked back, and then explained to Gu Chenglan, "he came back in the middle of the night yesterday, and there's something left to be done..."

"You don't have to help him. Tell him that his mother I'm seriously ill. " Gu's father in the receiver raised his voice and hung up the phone.

Gu fan holding a cell phone is still Leng, it seems that is "seriously ill" this word scared silly.

Gu Chenglan had already stood up, walked quickly to Gu fan's shoulder and asked, "who? My mother? "

"Well." Gu fan nodded at a loss: "seems to say so?"

"Didn't you hear that?" Gu Chenglan was in a hurry, and his voice was also a few degrees higher: "you will not give me the phone if you are deaf?"

"I, I hear you. But, but is that what I heard? " Gu fan then returned to his senses and said in a flustered look: "how can my great aunt be seriously ill? Did your father go back crazy? "

"My dad doesn't make fun of my mom's body." Gu Chenglan bit his teeth and closed his eyes fiercely. His heart was a little confused.

Suno has come to Gu Chenglan's side, gently holding his hand: "don't worry, first call back to ask, find out what's going on then go back."

"Well." Gu Chenglan agreed and went to the small desk where the Su family put the phone. Take a deep breath, just dial the home phone.

"Dad." Gu Chenglan's voice is low and frightening.

The opposite person was silent for a moment and said word by word: "come back, your mother miss you very much."

After a pause, he said, "take suno with you. It's not good. "

Gu Chenglan's heart "cluttered" and the microphone slipped out of his hand.

Suno came to the receiver and listened. Before the other party put down the phone, he said, "Hello, uncle, this is suno. Can I first ask, what's wrong with my aunt's health? Maybe I can contact my tutor and help my aunt check it out? "

"Will we be short of doctors for our family?" Gu Fu's voice is a little cold, but listen carefully to be able to hear subtle tremolo. It can be seen that Gu Fu is not as calm as he appears.

Suno didn't get angry when he was accepted. In fact, she was the one who could understand the despair and sadness of her family's serious illness.