Chapter 1075

It's 4:37 now. There are not many cars on the street, and there are hardly any pedestrians. There are only two customers in the convenience store, Zhang Heng and fan Meinan. By this time, the male clerk has put on his headphones and devoted himself to playing mobile games.

The whole city was quiet as if it were in a deep sleep.

"What about your illness," Zhang Heng said after drinking his zero coke and putting the empty aluminum can aside, "you want to be rocky's agent because you want him to cure you?"

"What I suffer from is a very rare disease. At the beginning, just to find out the cause, my parents took me all over the country and spent almost all of my family's savings. In those days, I could see my father's serious face and mother's tears secretly as soon as I opened my eyes."

"You always look unhappy (# ` O '). This is the origin of your wechat name." Zhang Heng thought of something, raised eyebrow hair way.

"Yes, after the diagnosis, I knew that my disease could not be cured with the current medical technology, and the subsequent treatment cost would be very large. In addition, my younger brother was still studying, and there were many places to spend money at home. I didn't want to be a burden on my family, so that all the people I cared about most were dragged down by me, so I ran away from home with this idea."

Fan Meinan said, "at that time, I didn't get in touch with the world we are now in contact with, so I didn't have any extravagant hopes for medical treatment. I just wanted to stay away from the city where I live as far as possible and live the rest of my life quietly. I bought the tickets casually. It was just an accident that I would come here.

"And I ran out of money in a few days after I came here, but I was lucky. Before I spent my last cent, I found a job in a restaurant, mainly in charge of cashier and invoice. Since then, my life has gradually stabilized. Of course, there is no money for further treatment. Sometimes when I lie in the dormitory, I think, Whether I am going to die quietly in a strange city, or worse, before that, I will lose my ability to act and can't work to support myself.

"In order to prevent me from being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and being contacted by my family, I made a decision. On such a day, I will finish myself first. But making up my mind to die and really facing death are two things. Even though I have made all the preparations and imagined the worst, I still can't completely accept the fact that I will die.

"It's like someone put a clock in my body, and a countdown number keeps jumping. I know it will return to zero one day, but I don't know when this number will return to zero. It has been ticking there. And as time goes on, I'm not used to or accept it. Instead, I'm even more afraid. For a time, my mental state is very poor. I always have insomnia at night and sometimes have nightmares when I fall asleep.

"As a result, my working condition during the day became very bad. I miscalculated several times, was verbally warned by my boss, and my salary was deducted. That's when she found me."

"Your sister who was carried away since childhood? Well, I remember you said you two had some kind of telepathy since you were little Zhang Hengdao.

"Yes, she came to me one day, but I didn't know her identity at that time. I even thought that my illness had affected my brain and had hallucinations. She went into the restaurant where I worked, ordered the largest private room by herself, and then ordered every dish on the menu. The boss was shocked and suspected that she was making trouble, but Then she took out her credit card and prepaid all the meals.

"The boss immediately changed his face and urged the kitchen to cook for her. He even pushed back the dishes of other guests. Then he went up to ask her what else she had to tell her. As a result, she pointed at me and asked me to eat with her. I wanted to say that I was just a cashier, but soon I was pushed into her private room by the boss. When everyone left, she would go with me She said she would do a magic trick for me next

"I asked her what magic was, but she didn't want to go on. She just gave me an address to go there after work. She also told me that she knew that I was on the list of death, and once I was on that list, I couldn't come down again. But she also said that there is a great existence in this world that can deceive everyone, even death. After that, she stopped answering any of my questions and just told me that we had about 20 minutes to eat.

"Twenty minutes later, she went to the bathroom on the pretext of never coming back. It took about ten minutes for the boss to realize that she was wrong. He searched all over the hotel and never found her again. Later, the boss also found that the money he had received for dinner was missing. He was very angry and immediately called the police. I also took notes, but I kept the address she gave me secret."

"Did you see him after that?"

"Who, my sister?"

"No, I'm talking about rocky."

"I don't know. Nordic mythology records that he can incarnate in all things. I have never seen his true face. On the day we first met, I saw a cat with folded ears. It didn't speak, mainly because my sister spoke. Then it gave me a probation contract and a night's thinking time. But considering my situation at that time, I didn't have much room for thinking. As long as there was a way to cheat death, no matter how slim the chance, I would try. So I accepted the contract and became his agent like my sister. But now, I've messed up everything. "Fan Meinan took a sip of the juice and looked out the window at the street. A little black cat just ran into the green belt. "In fact, from the beginning of the test, I knew that I would not be my sister's opponent. She was more like rocky. She was also cunning and cold-blooded. She could play with the target unconsciously. Rocky would undoubtedly appreciate her more after becoming Rocky's agent She did a lot of great things, especially in the auction, she played around the three major guilds and the chamber of commerce that participated in the auction.

"In contrast, what I do can only be regarded as a little mischief, and I am inexplicably burdened with a lot of black pot, so I am convinced that I have lost this time, and I have nothing to complain about. You don't have to feel guilty and moved. Even if I make up my mind to kill you, I won't be your opponent. Moreover, my elder sister may have finished the test long ago. Now come back and think about it, I have no chance to win from the beginning. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!