Kaili was very sad to hear all of Dexter's words. Kaili often said harsh words to him during these 5 years but this was the first time Dexter scolded her so emotionally. He even yelled at her.

It was very sad for being yelled at by someone you loved. Kaili also felt that way but she couldn't possibly show that sadness. So far, what else could she do except continuing her pretense of not loving Dexter?

"If that's what Doctor Dexter said, I'm sure it has passed an accurate assessment according to Doctor Dexter, so I'll be happy to accept the insinuation."

Dexter could clearly see Kaili's smile. This woman turned out to be the same as before, hurting someone without even feeling sad.

Dexter gritted his teeth, his fists clenched tightly.

Dexter hadn't spoken yet but Kaili had already continued saying, "So, when is Doctor Dexter planning to process our divorce? I can't delay anymore. "

Dexter glared at her as if he wanted to crush all of Kaili's bones.

His cold lips slowly lifted and said, "DIVORCE? AFTER I DIE!"

Dexter rudely put on Kaili's seatbelt and hit the gas. He drove very fast.

"Dexter, are you crazy? Stop the car! We could crash at this rate!" Kaili kept holding tight, she was terrified.

Dexter ignored her and continued to drive faster until they arrived at the apartment.

Dexter glared at her sharply, "What do you mean by divorce?"

"What else can I do, I want to be separated from you! I don't love you. You also have another woman in your heart. Why are you holding me? Dexter, I want to separate! I want a divorce!!"

Kaili was hysterical, she even hit Dexter.

"No one can play with me like this! Kaili, what's on your mind? What do you think of marriage? You can't get married and divorce as you want!" Dexter was very disappointed, Kaili was really too much.

"... ..." Kaili fell silent, seeing Dexter scolding her like this, her guts shrank.

"Get down!" Dexter's voice calmed down again.

"No! I want us to go manage the divorce! I want a divorce!!" She used her pain as her strength. She didn't quiver at all, nor show her pain. Admittedly, Kaili was too smart to play her role in pretending not to love.

"This isn't a discussion! I asked you to get down now!" Dexter's cold tone made Kaili's bones ache, but still, the woman didn't care. She was stubbornly adamant.

Dexter was impatient, he got out of the car and slammed the door, then walked to the door where Kaili was sitting and lifting her on the shoulder.

"Dexter, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Take me down ..."

Dexter didn't flinch. He kept walking carrying Kaili upstairs.

"Dexter, can you put your sense? Everyone is watching us. Put me down right now, you can't treat me like this!"

Dexter was like a mute and deaf man, not hearing and replying to Kaili's words. Even in the elevator, he didn't let Kaili go.

Arriving at the house, Dexter opened the door roughly. Aunt Inandi was stunned to hear the sound of the door slamming loudly and came over them.

"Dexter, this?"

Dexter only saw aunt Inandi for a while and took Kaili to their bedroom. Kaili had never stopped struggling for Dexter to let her go.

Dexter threw Kaili onto the bed slowly, "Stay here and reflect on all your actions!"

Dexter walked straight to the door.

Kaili seemed to realize one thing and ran as soon as possible after Dexter, "Are you going to lock me here? Dexter, you can't treat me like this."

Dexter ignored her completely, continued walking, and closed the door.

"Dexter ... You bastard! Open the door!!" Kaili continued to struggle, making Dexter even more unbearable, and then left without a word.


Dexter pressed his long finger on the cell phone screen, after the call was connected, his cold lips lifted slightly, "Find out about the Swan Enterprise company!" His voice was so calm. There was no emotion implied. When could this man act as what actually was in his heart? His cold aura which had been his trademark for a long time made anyone who approached him unable to guess what was in the man's heart.

Brandy who received the call understood what Dexter meant, he didn't say much, and immediately said yes, "Hemp ... Okay!"

A moment later, Brandy added, "How do you want me to take care of it?"

"There's no need to rush, just attack slowly. Making the enemy panic to the point of shivering with fear is so much fun!"

"Okay, boss!" Brandy didn't ask many, from Dexter's attitude like this, it was clear that Peter had offended him, and it was certain that all of this had a lot to do with Kaili.

So far, only Kaili could make Dexter go crazy. He wouldn't spare anyone who annoyed Kaili and took care of it without feelings! That was the greatest law in Dexter's life. If anyone directly offended Dexter, he wouldn't bother to offend them back, as long as they didn't touch his boundary point, annoying his wife!

"When will you return to the company? There is a serious problem happening!" Brandy added after being silent for 15 seconds.

"Can't you even take care of it? Then why do I hire you?" There was an expression of dislike inside Dexter's sharp words.

"Heh! Who is the president here? Do you think I can handle everything without your consent and help? Don't forget, I'm just an assistant!" Brandy was very upset, for several years Dexter had rarely managed the company, making himself so tired. Even recently he had to give up losing a girlfriend he loved so much because he was too busy.

"Hmp .... I understand. I will be back!"

Dexter was ready to turn off the phone call as if he understood but Brandy stopped him.

"Wait a minute!"

"Brandy, what's your problem!" Dexter felt that Brandy was getting more and more talkative every day! Even more than a pregnant woman.

"Earlier Madame and second young master contacted the company."


Dexter froze.

"What did mother say?"

Brandy shrugged his shoulders over there and answered confidently, "Nothing, just asking how you were, and ..."

"And? And what?" Dexter was very impatient, he could not wait for further words. All he knew at this time was he was over!

"As usual, she asked when you and Miss Silvia will have time to go home and discuss your marriage." Brandy seemed to want to make fun of him.

After a few moments of silence, Dexter replied, "If they call you back, just tell them that I'm busy, I won't be home anytime soon."

"Again and again the answers are always the same. Don't you find it too boring?" Brandy chuckled.

"Not! I don't feel bored of everything that could buy me time to return to the main residence. Remember don't say anything about Kaili to them! Watch out if you dare to speak up!" Dexter threatened his assistant sternly.

Brandy could only shake his head, "Who can guarantee about this? Who knows, the great master will arrest me and cruelly interrogate me, like it or not, my last resort is just confessing."

Dexter was annoyed to hear Brandy's answer, he really wanted to throw Brandy's away from the GBK Building, Dexter's company office.

"Brandy! Do you work for me or the old man? Now I'm getting suspicious of your loyalty!"

Hearing that, on the other side, Brandy couldn't help but laugh, but he endured it as much as he could. According to Dexter's attitude, if he was laughing at the moment, he could not imagine what dangers would get from his boss.

"Boss, what you say to be the old man is your own real father. How do you think I can deal with it? Even you, his son, can not handle it easily. Isn't it really better to be honest in the beginning? "

"You talk too much! I don't want to know! Remove all accesses that allow him to know about Kaili before I manage everything!" After saying so, Dexter hung up the phone.


Kaili kept struggling, wanting to get out of the room. She really didn't expect that Dexter would lock her up in the room. Was she a kid? Kaili was furious.

Aunty Inandi who heard Kaili kept banging on the door felt sorry. Slowly she approached the door and said, "Kaili… please calm down, Dexter is gone. He won't listen to you. "

Sob ... Sob... Sob ...

"Aunt Inandi, please open the door. Sob...sob...sob... I don't want to be locked up. I'm not going anywhere either, why Dexter locked me here. Look, he was so cruel to me." Kaili complained from behind the door.

"This… I was also a little surprised. What happened? Didn't you deliver food to him earlier? Why is it being like this?" Aunt Inandi frowned, thinking about this matter. She knew Dexter very well. How could the child she had cared for since childhood could do like this to a woman? She was angry too!