Chapter 1529

[fanwai · Fengqing]

In the silent space of God, the young man slowly opens his eyes, and the lavender color sinks in the bottom of his eyes.

Black cuffs embroidered with gold thread.

The eyes of the God's residence, which were generally free of desire and desire, were empty without any emotion.

The sound of the system appeared in the space, some cautiously said: "adults?"

The main god youth turns the eye son, the light purple streamer from the eye bottom, he slowly squints that pair of excessively beautiful eyes, the voice line light way: "she is OK."

There is no doubt about the ending, as if it were just a statement.

The system even said, "yes, the host is OK."

However, the youth did not reply for a long time. The space was quiet for a moment, and the flat voice just sounded again.

"Those people dare to touch her."

The system did not speak, but he was still complaining. How about a better way to die? With so many aspects, it's obvious that the LORD God cares about most. If they want to attack the fragments of the LORD God, why should they attack the delicate girl?

His family is superior to the LORD God in the way of heaven In front of that little girl, I still have to be cute to please and barely make ends meet The system feels very turbulent.

It is quietly exclamation, the youth on the high seat suddenly raised his hand, beautiful white knuckles slightly curved, gently rubbed the temple, desert voice: "next time, use other methods You don't have to dream. "

The system knew that it would be like this, and quickly responded to the voice is, in the heart of a long sigh.

This time, with the power of the LORD God, the invader's system was introduced into the dream of fragments.

Therefore, everything is false, only the aggressor will think that is true.

Thinking about it, the system is a little proud.

That group of invaders is really stupid, if it is the real world, how can they kill the host so easily? Even if the host only has martial arts skills, it is not easy to hurt a person as keen and calm as she is.

It's just weaving dreams to confuse them.

However, after doing this, the system thinks that the God of his family will be in a bad mood Even if it's a dream, the system can sense the fragmentary emotions at that time.

The dream is constructed by the power of the LORD God, so the fragmented mood does not let it collapse.

If it was really in the small plane The system can't imagine what happens to that plane.

I'm afraid the plane collapsed before the host completely died Later, the fragments all pointed a gun at his heart. It was the LORD God. His determination to destroy himself was enough to make the space of God disappear.

There's something else I don't understand.

The host can't be bothered!

Sure enough, it's just a dream, and after breaking away from the debris, the mood will not be affected. But now the LORD God who wakes up is still in a bad mood.

Host! Come back as soon as possible.

The system cries out in silence.

The cry was effective immediately. A slight twist in the space gradually formed a figure. The light faded and the host girl came back.

The LORD God on the high seat stood up.

The slender figure of the youth stands on the high seat, overlooking, although the delicate and beautiful face has no expression, it still makes people feel the indifference of the gods overlooking all living beings. In the ice purple eyes, the astrolabe rotates.

The girl blinked: "Lord God?"

"Well." The system felt that the boy who had just been cold and light was clever at this moment. Although his temperament did not seem to change, it was still cold and empty, but it was inexplicably cute.

He, um, after a, long eyelashes reflected in the ice purple eyes, said: "you rest..."

"No, no, no," the girl, who had no memory, waved her hands again and again.

She was really shocked by the other side's divine face. She had never seen the LORD God before. Suddenly she saw him in the god space. She almost froze at the moment when she came back.

On the high seat, the delicate and beautiful youth like the snow, the temperament of the gods is cold and can only be seen from afar.

It's stressful to be in the same space.

Let's go.

So, the system watched its host say, "it's better to finish the task quickly"

She left quickly.

The system thought, the end of the calf. , the fastest update of the webnovel!