Chapter 1323

"What are you doing?" He kept his mouth shut.

A small group was covered in the body, Yu Chu looked at his eyes very calm, "you drink my blood."

The child's wine red eyes twinkled, and she pursed her lips slightly Why do you say that all of a sudden? "

"That Onyx said eating blood can help you through the frailty period." Yu Chu turned over and moved away from the child and lay down beside him. He raised his hand and touched his small white face. "He said that you have never eaten human blood How did you survive? "

Anloyus lowered his eyelashes. "I didn't need to eat blood before I was six hundred years old. After that, I was sealed, and then I was weak when I woke up..." He hesitated. "I have no desire for blood."

"I still want to eat." Little education for girls.

“……” Andraeus could not refute.

"Why don't you have a taste first? If you feel good, drink later. " Yu Chu handed over his wrist.

The little blood clan hesitated slightly.

He was also curious about the smell of human blood, but looked at the girl's white wrist

He raised his little hand and pinched her wrist, but did not open his lips to bite.

"You don't want to drink mine?" Yu Chu thought he meant this, so he frowned in embarrassment, "that's not true. When you ask for leave tomorrow, by the way, do you have any people you like? I'll get you a drink. "

She said, and began to count her fingers with great interest. "In so many countries in the world, your dishes can not be repeated every day. Ah, there are mixed blood..."

Compared with Chu's exuberance, the expression of anloyus is not very good-looking when she starts to say that she wants to seek blood from others. With a small face and teeth, he snorted, "do you think blood can be drunk at random?"

Yu Chu stopped, raised eyebrows, "I see that Prince of Onyx, it seems that he was drinking indiscriminately."

"I'm not the same as him." Andreus murmured dully, and did not like her asking him to drink other people's blood. He held the girl's hand in his two small hands, looked at it carefully, and said faintly, "I only bite my finger, it won't hurt very much."

Yu Chu nodded.

Then, she would stare at the child longingly.

Can child grow small canines very lovely?

In her sight, two small snow colored fangs, against the child's bright red lips, he bowed his head and held her hand, carefully biting her fingertips.

"Hiss..." The strange crispy hemp suddenly ran through the whole body, but it was not as strong as last time. It may be because he is just a child now, and the feeling has become gentle, but not as aggressive as last time.

Yu Chu almost didn't feel the pain, so he saw the baby's neck move. The soft tip of his tongue licked her fingertip and licked the blood bead off.

He drank a few mouthfuls, slightly satisfied expression, holding her hand for a while, then raised his head, licked his lips, narrowed his eyes and laughed, "sweet."

"Do you like it?" Yu Chu asked.

Andreus nodded, and suddenly leaned over. His young and bright red lips kisses her lips. His little hands around her neck and nestled in her arms. "Don't worry. I'll pay attention to the amount of blood I eat every time."

Yu Chu was kiss a Leng, and then pushed the child away without expression, "you can't kiss me like this."

After watching her for a long time in silence, he held her up again and said with displeasure, "hold the head office?"


It's too late for seven chapters. I can't make it any longer. I'll get up in the next three chapters, and the big babies will go to bed early. This story is coming to an end. The next story is tangled between the professor and the doctor, and the glasses literate hooligan ha ha. Otherwise, the doctor will write it later , the fastest update of the webnovel!