Fortunately, it was not a mountain of blades or a sea of fire. Instead, it was a grassland that looked like it was coming out.

Zhuo Wei Ting heaved a sigh of relief, but what happened at this moment was that his phone rang.

"Dammit, who the hell is that?"

Since he was already dead, Zhuo Weiting took the phone and hid it behind a tree.

"You better be able to guarantee that I'll live, or else I'll never be finished with you."

Holding his throat, Zhuo WeiTing spoke into the phone.

"Zhuo WeiTing, why are you looking for me?"

Who would have thought that it would be Gao Jianfeng on the other end of the phone.

"Fuck, Gao Jianfeng, who are these people in your family? Can you stop them all? "

"Listen to me, I'm injured, right now at the southeast corner of the castle, you go to the castle first, in the second room on the third floor, there's a surveillance system there, the moment you go in and press the safety button, someone will come to save us."

Gao Jianfeng struggled to speak, he looked like he was heavily injured. He originally wanted to run away, but since Gao Jianfeng had already said so, he was too embarrassed to leave.

But now, he had to go back to that terrifying place inside the building. Bombs, bullets, and maybe some other traps. His little life could end at any moment.

Forget it, saving a life is better than building a seven-layered pagoda. This time, he will just treat it as returning the favor to Yan'er and her son.

Clenching his teeth, Zhuo WeiTing went back into the house. Knowing that it was full of enemies gave him a headache.

This time, it was no longer like before. Zhuo Weitang was extremely careful with every step he took, afraid that he would be caught.

"Damn it! He actually escaped! Send people to guard the door! No matter what, we can't let him escape!"

Hearing the angry curses, Zhuo Wei Ting complained to himself and realized that there was more than one person in the room. He must have been looking for Gao Jianfeng.

Hiding in the darkness, looking at the silhouettes exiting from the door, Zhuo Wei counted six people.

At that moment, all the lights in the room were turned on.

After arriving there, Zhuo Weitang discovered that there were many corpses in the hall, and there were even pools of blood on the ground.

It seemed that he had been very lucky before. He hadn't been beaten into a beehive and hadn't become a member of the team. This meant that he had been very lucky.

Seeing that the people in the room had left, Zhuo WeiTing finally came out of the hidden mountain peak. There was a certain distance between the third floor and the third floor.

Moreover, this kind of castle was not safe when going up the stairs.

In order to not make a sound, Zhuo WeiTing took off his leather shoes and wore only his socks so as not to make a sound.

After making sure that there was no one in the hall, Zhuo Wei Ting quickly went upstairs. He first squatted down and observed his surroundings to ensure that it was safe. Just as he was about to stand up and head towards the third floor, something pointed at his forehead.

"Speak, who are you?"

Being pointed at in the head felt really bad. He even felt that hell was right in front of him.

"To be exact, I'm here to look for someone."

Zhuo Weitang did not dare to move as he was afraid that his head would be pierced through in the next second.

"For Aldrich?"

The man's words finally made Zhuo WeiTing understand. Gao Jianfeng's English name was Aldrich.

"It should be. I'm his friend in Taiwan. My name is Zhuo Weiting."

Zhuo Weoting slowly stood up and finally saw the man's face. He was a very standard Westerner and had the same blond hair as Gao Jianfeng.

"Zhuo Weitang, so that's how it is. Hahaha …"

"Bang!" "Bam!"

The gunshot and the man's laughter stopped. It turned out that Zhuo Weitang took advantage of the man's laughter to quickly pull out his gun. Peng, peng, the two shots were fired by him.

"I'm sorry, but you should feel honored. You're the first person I've killed."

After finishing his sentence, Zhuo WeiTing quickly dashed up to the third floor.

He knew that once the gunshots were fired, the people outside would definitely return, so he had to go up to the third floor before they came back.

He had just entered the room when he heard footsteps below him before the door had closed.

No matter what was good for him outside, he had to close the door and call Gao Jianfeng. He asked him, "What key do you want to press?"

However, he was also afraid that the ringing of the phone would expose Gao Jianfeng's hiding place, which would have cost him his life instead.

While observing the room, he waited for the call.

After about two minutes, the phone in his hand finally rang. Zhuo Weitang immediately picked up the call button.

"Are you all right?"

Zhuo Weitang and Gao Jianfeng said the same thing. It seemed like they were both worried for each other.

According to Gao Jianfeng, Zhuo WeiTing had sounded the distress signal, then found a place to hide. According to Gao Jianfeng, he would wait for the signal before coming out.

Hiding in the dark wall, Zhuo WeiTing actually had another insight.

Gao Jianfeng had to take care of Yan'er and Xiao Xian in this kind of environment, he could understand his hardships.

At the same time, he understood why Yan'er chose to walk the path of an assassin. In such an environment, relying on Gao Jianfeng would not be enough to protect Yan'er and her son, which was why Yan'er chose to become an assassin.

As he thought of this, Zhuo Wei Ting felt that what he owed Gao Jian Feng could never be repaid, and understood why Yan'Er was in such a difficult situation.

Just like Qing'er had said, unless Gao Jian Feng was happy, Yan'er would not be able to let go of her guilt towards Gao Jian Feng.

The people who came to rescue Gao Jianfeng and Zhuo WeiTing were the assassins of the dark night. It was only here that Zhuo WeiTing found out. Although this was the headquarters of the dark night, there wasn't anyone here.

It was because of this that Gao Jianfeng was in such a miserable state. Not only was he betrayed by the people around him, he was also ambushed by his family.

This incident was done by the same person who had injured Yan'er, that is, the golden-haired man that Zhuo Weiting had injured.

Although Zhuo WeiTing had fired two shots at the time, but he was still alive and didn't know that when he came out, all that was left were the bodies of Gao Jianfeng's men.

"Gao Jianfeng, are you alright?"

When Zhuo Wei Ting came out, Gao Jianfeng did not go to the hospital, but sat on a chair with the doctor taking out the bullets for him.

"Not bad. My life is extremely tough. If someone wants me to die, I will not die."

Looking at Gao Jianfeng's tough demeanor, Zhuo WeiTing couldn't help but sweat. He obviously had anesthetic, but he didn't use it.

He had actually clenched his teeth and endured the three bullets. Other than his wet hair and wet forehead, he had not let out a single groan.

"You really are a strange person. You have to find trouble for yourself."

When the last sub warhead was taken out, Zhuo Weoting looked at Gao Jianfeng who had his eyes closed.

"Physical pain can never compare to psychological pain. Only physical pain can numb and relieve psychological pain. Zhuo WeiTing, what do you need me for?"

Although Gao Jianfeng's face was pale, he was still in good spirits, so he shouldn't die.

"There were a lot of things, but now I think I know the answer."

Looking at this love rival, from the very beginning, when Gao Jianfeng was still a teenager, he had felt enmity with him. Now, he finally understood.

"It's because of Yan'er."

Gao Jianfeng confirmed.

"I think Yan'er also loves you. Maybe it's because she loves both of us at the same time, making it difficult for her to make a choice, that's why she chose to start over."

Zhuo Weitang said in a relieved tone.

Gao Jianfeng was still his love rival, but he was not his enemy. Love rivals were not the same as enemies.

"Don't look like you understand Yan'er. Let me tell you, you don't understand her at all. You've only been with Yan'er for a few months, you have no right to say such words."

Gao Jianfeng laid on the sofa and bled a blood transfusion. However, when he looked at Zhuo WeiTing, his eyes were still filled with murderous intent.

"You're right, but feelings aren't determined by the amount of time they take. It's just that you don't need to use your kindness towards Yan'er to restrain her for the rest of her life, right?"

If it wasn't for the love between them, they might have become friends.

"Zhuo Wei Ting, don't look like you think you're amazing. You just have a filial piety. If it wasn't for the filial piety, Yan'er would never see you."

From Gao Jianfeng's sinister eyes, one could see his anger.

"I know, that's why I came to London. Although I didn't find the answer, I did find something unexpected. I wish you a speedy recovery. I'm going back to New York City."

Zhuo Weitong stretched out his hand, hoping that Gao Jian Feng would give him some face.

"Zhuo WeiTing, I still have to say it, if you can't make Yan'er happy, I won't let you go."

Gao Jianfeng looked at Zhuo Wei Ting for a long time before he finally stretched out his hand and said viciously.

"If you withdraw like this, it will make Yan'er sad. But no matter what, I will make Yan'er happy."

"Love rival," was a phrase Zhuo WeiTing had once used in a very unfamiliar way.

"Don't be so complacent, I withdrew not because of you, but because of my love for Yan'er. I know that Yan'er wants a peaceful life, but I cannot give it to her."

Gao Jianfeng stared at Zhuo WeiTing proudly.

It was precisely because of love that he was willing to let go. To love a person, one must silently put her in their hearts. To love a person, one does not necessarily have to be together. Gao Jianfeng comforted himself.

"I will give Yan'er a peaceful and happy life. If you don't mind, you will always be our friend."

Zhuo Wei Ting's words were tantamount to accepting Gao Jianfeng, no matter what the result would be in the future, he and Yan'er would treat him as an eternal friend.

"Who cares? Scram!"

Gao Jianfeng bellowed.

Zhuo Weiting left the castle, and instead of looking for Qing'er, he went straight back to New York.

He would wait, wait for Yan'er to make her own decision, and during this period of time, he wouldn't go and kill anyone for her safety.

Since Gao Jianfeng could let go because of his love, then he could also wait for his love.

Based on the current situation, Yan'er was not injured because of her abilities, but because of her involvement with Gao Jianfeng. Did that mean that Yan'er was safe in some way?

Does this mean that Yan'er no longer needs to continue her disguise?

After Zi Yan's injuries recovered, it was already two weeks later. During this period of time, Zi Yan was actually really looking forward to Zhuo Wei Ting's visit.

"Yan'er, your injuries have just recovered. You should go to school in a few days."

In the early morning, when she saw that Zi Yan was going to school, she asked with worry.

"Marisa, I'm fine now. It's been half a month and I'm afraid that if I don't go now, the school will fire me."

Zi Yan laughed.

"Then I'll send you there later."

The thought that dragons and tigers were on a mission, and that there were only a few left, made her worry.

"It's fine, I'll go by myself. When Long left, he left his car keys with me. I can drive there by myself."

Zi Yan waved the car key in her hand, she was no longer a child, she had become an adult, she had to bravely take the first step.

"Yan'er, you have to be careful, if anything happens, immediately inform us."

After all, there were too many people who extended their hands to Zi Yan.

"Marisa, you really don't have to worry. These days, I've thought about it. Rather than hiding like this, it's better to face it calmly. From today onwards, I won't be wearing glasses anymore."

As Zi Yan spoke, she had already taken off the black-rimmed glasses in her hands and placed it on the table, revealing a beautiful face.

Taking off her glasses and hair, she looked exceptionally young. Her clear and cold eyes also looked very hungry.

"Are you sure?"

Madisha did not know what to say. In the west, Oriental beauties were originally popular, but with Zi Yan's current purity, even peach blossoms would not be able to block her.