Chapter 114:One Minute Baby

After they are done with the dinner, Yu Lin take her strolling in the City seeing the lights at love city in nights.

He then bring her to a park that near to the Eiffel Tower. They walk together under the fall leaves.

"Zi Fei, how long did we known each other?" he asked her. His hand both are tuck inside his trouser.

Zi Fei feel a bit weird with his sudden question. All along the way, he's been quiet than ever. She never met the quiet Yu Lin when she was with him.

He is always noisy and babbling non-stop that made her sometime want to sew his mouth. But, today he totally act weird.

"Erm..10 years I guess." she walk behind him.

"That long.." he look up at the night sky.

"Yeah..that long.."

"Zi Fei, did you ever feel regret being with me?" he asked again.

This time Zi Fei already halt her pace. She's furrow her brow, her face also look serious.

'Why did he ask that question? Did he already found someone else? Did he want to leave me? Is that why he bring me here? To experience the final love moment before he leave me?'

She divert her eyes to the man. Her eyes start to redden. Her greatest weakness is him. Even she is very good and skilled with an assassination assignment, but she never can do any harm to this man.

Hearing her pace stop, he turned his body around and see her already staring at him with a red face and eyes.

He walk toward her worriedly. Hold her both of cheek with his hand he ask her.

"Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Yu Lin.. did I ever do something that make you hate me?" she asked try to hold her tears.

"Hah? Why did you ask me that? I will never hate you." he said with a gentle voice.

"Then.. then why did you suddenly ask me about regretting thing?"

Silence a moment, he smile after.

"I want to know, if you ever feel that way to me. There is no other meaning behind it."

Searching his eyes, she knew he said something true. She known him for 10 years, of course she knew if he lied to her.

"No. I never regret for meeting you and loving you." she said after that.

Yu Lin smile.

He took out his phone and turn on his playlist. He played a Pachelbel-Canon In D piano music.

He hold her hand and he start dance with her follow by the slow music.

Zi Fei still feel a bit curious about his behavior tonight, but she just ignore it, as long as he is happy.

A few passerby looking at them with a weird look and some of them also smiling and give a 'good' sign to him.

He just replied it with a smile. Twirling her body then he kneel down.

Zi Fei was shocked when she just turned around and saw him already in a kneeling position.

Took out a small box from his jacket pocket, he present her a simple ring that engrave with his and her name on it. It also has a small diamond on the ring. The design was beautiful, although it looks simple, yet it show the elegance aura for the owner.

"Zi Fei, will you marry me?" he asked her in a gentle way. All the passerby and onlookers stop their pace and wait for the girl's replied.

Zi Fei cover her mouth. She nodded her head when she realize she can't even let out her voice. She was so surprised yet, she was too happy.

She hold her tears and find some voice left and answer him "Yes, I do."

Just after she said that, a few firework were launch not far from their spot. All the passerby and onlookers clapping their hands cheering for both of them.

Some of men and women also give them a congratulations hug and wishes. She hug Yu Lin tightly.

"You.. I almost thought that you want to leave me you know." she whisper to him.

"You know, I will never leave you. I love you more than my life." he kissed her.

"Yes. I know." she buried her head to the man's chest.

"I want us to have a grand wedding in our country, I want to make you a bride of the year." he said lovingly at her.

Not long after he proposed Zi Fei, the rumors travel across the country. Some of the onlookers post their picture to media social like Instagram and Facebook.

Since he is a public figure that are known by many fans girls, the internet blows the whole country with their engagement news when so many users share their photo and spread it like a wind.





"Oh, you're going back?" Ethan who just finish taking a picture from other angle asked Richard when he see that man already pack his things.

"Erm yeah."

Before Ethan could speak, suddenly Jojo and Oliver walk to the camping base.

"Hey, I heard the traffic is bad right now."

"What do you mean?" he asked Jojo.

"Well, a few other tourist also heading to the spot for chasing the Northern Light too, so now are pick hour for them to return back. If we want to go back, we sure will arrived at the morning. It's better if we stay here until the traffic is clear." he explained to him.

Richard looked at Hai Rin with a questioning face.

Shrugged her shoulder, she said. "Okay.You don't want to be sleeping while driving too, right honey?"

Nodded his head, they agree to going back in the morning.

Hai Rin and Richard get into the tent getting some sleep.

While Max and Ethan are guarding outside, drinking some liquor. Others also going back to their tent.


In the next morning, they bid farewell to the other group. After that, they head to Lee manor.

Feeling exhausted, both of them take a quick shower before they sleep soundly embracing to each other.

They wake up in the evening, feeling hungry, she waking up Richard from his sleep.

"Richard..hey.. wake up."


"I'm hungry. Let's go and find something to eat." she whimper beside him.

"Okay. One minute baby.. give me one more minute."

She was dumbstruck with what she just heard.

'Did he call me baby?'

'For real?'