Chapter 66:This Doll Is Genuine

The next day Hai Rin was summoned by the elder. This time she has a good reason with her. Since she really like cat and wanting to have one. But she not sure whether Richard will agree with her or not.

"You really like the cat?" Lee Zhen ask gently.

Hai Rin nodded. "Yes, grandpa."

"Do you know that Lee Han has an Ailurophobia?"

Hai Rin shake her head. "No." 'Well, of course I know. If not, why would I do this?'

"Where did you find the cat?" he ask again.

"Erm, I bought it from the veterinary center. I really like the breed, I never had one pet before." she said with a trace of sad in her word.

Seeing her sad eyes, Lee Zhen close his eyes. He then said with a firm voice.

"You can keep the cat. But make sure he don't run across with your father-in-law, otherwise there will be a funeral event in this mansion."

She nodded her head faster. Her eyes lit up. She smile and said with a happy voice. "Thanks grandpa!"

After she walk out from the room, Mr. Chu who standing not far away from Lee Zhen said carefully.

"Master, is it okay to let young Mrs. Lee do her way she like?"

"Let her do her way. We'll see how long she planned on pranking the household."

In the bedroom, she keep playing with Richie. She buy a lot of meat canned and gave to her cat.

One whole day she spend her time with the cat. Andy Lu feels like an abandoned kid when he spend a whole day doing nothing and just sat there looking at his master playing with the cat.

Even though he feel like that, when seeing her happy face make his heart calm and happy too.

He smile while walking to the green house, helping Hai Rin to spray fertilizer on her flower.

Ms. Yun who happen to walk at the gazebo came across to him, she saw his happy face and ask.

"You look happy. Did you have a good news?"

Looking at Ms. Yun face, he casually replied "Yes I am happy."

He continue again his pace leaving Ms. Yun with her own thought.

"Huh.." Ms. Yun also continue her pace.

'Am I the only one who noticed the both of them seem suspicious since they back from the Calestical City?' she ask herself.

For the next two weeks, Hai Rin did not play any prank. She's been busy with the lesson.

Since the ball's night is almost near, she need to learn so many things. Being a noble is not an easy job.

For the past two week she been learning etiquette as a noble with the guide from Mr. Chu and maid Emma, the maid's chief in the mansion.

From her head to her toes she has been tortured. While Andy still stayed behind her and helping her go through her every day's routine.

For the past two weeks also, Richard didn't text her or call her. She missing him badly, but there is nothing she can do about it.

Every night she will wear his suit to go to sleep. That way she can fall asleep easily. If not, she will stay awake until the next morning.

In the third week, she turn on her laptop and her online shopping website. The item in her online cart, she checked out and put delivery address to the mansion.

A few days later, she receive her parcel in a medium long size box. She bring the box to her room and open it.

Andy on the other hand knit his brow seeing Hai Rin evil grin.

After she open the box. She take out a children size doll with a scary face. Andy Lu almost jump after see the doll.

"Holy shit.. Rin, where did you get this thing?" Andy ask her curiously.

"Heh, scary isn't it?" she said with an evil grin on her face. She continue again "I buy it from online website. I think this doll is genuine."

"What? You're kidding right? Let toss this thing away before it really kill us." Andy already standby to destroy the doll when he take out his gun from his back pocket.

"Whoa whoa. Relax Andy. Don't tell me you also afraid of this doll?" she turn her head look at the man in front of her.

Feeling caught by Hai Rin, he covered his fear "Me? Of course not. I just hate this kind of doll."

"Oh? Okay.. Then I let you sleep with the doll today. I want to execute my plan tomorrow." she squint her eyes a little teasing him.

"What? No no no. You keep it. If you ask me to sleep with Richie I had not objection."

Seeing his frightening face, Hai Rin let out a laugh. She silently walk into Lee Zhuan's family wing. Open up Lee Zhing's bedroom door, she sneakily put the doll in her dress room on the couch with a sitting posture.

After she done put her bait, she slowly run to her wing back. She ask Andy to burn the box and all the traces.

Lee Zhing just returned from work at the dusk. She lazily walk upstairs and open her bedroom door.

She undress her cloth one by one and walk to the bathroom. Not noticing the doll, she take a shower like usual.

After done taking shower, she blow her long hair using hair dryer and cover her body with a bathrobe.

Just when she step outside the bathroom, her eyes caught a figure on the couch. She started shaking her body greatly.

Less than five second she collapse from the shocked.

In dining room, all of the household stretch out their neck trying to find Lee Zhing's figure. When Ms. Yun look at her watch, it's already 7:30 PM.

She excuse herself and go to look Lee Zhing at her bedroom. Open the door, it's quite dark inside since Lee Zhing didn't turn on the light before.

Ms. Yun called her name when she find the room was too silent.

She walk to the dress room. Seeing Lee Zhing's body lying on the floor, she rush to her try to wake her up.

Ms. Yun felt like something was looking at them both. When she turn her head around the couch, her eyes widen and she screams out loud.

All in the dining room suddenly in uproar when heard Ms. Yun screaming.

Not only did Lee Zhing collapse, but Ms. Yun also almost suffered a heart attack.

Lee Zhen already know who is the culprit when seeing Lee Zhing being the target this time.

He had no energy to scold her, so he just asked Mr. Chu to burn the doll. The maids keep looking at themselves as they wonder how the doll was found in young Miss Lee's room.

Because of the great shocked, Lee Zhing get a high fever for a week. She also did not speak a word for a week and she didn't want to be disrupt by other people.

Knock! Knock!

"Lee Zhing, it's me.. may I come in?" Hai Rin knocked her door. She feel guilty toward her. She keep cursing herself for a week.

Ms. Yun open the door for her. "You can go out first, Yun." she said weakly.

Ms. Yun just nodded her head and close the door leaving Hai Rin and Lee Zhing in the room.

"Zhing.." she lost the word. She want to say sorry. But if she did, it would reveal her actions. She want to ask how she was, but it also seemed like she was mocking her because her instinct tell her that Lee Zhing knew it was her.

"Sit here." Lee Zhing patted her bed.

Hai Rin walk toward her and sit at the edge of the bed facing Lee Zhing's pale face.

"Why would you do that? What can you achieved by doing that?" she ask softly looking deep into Hai Rin's eyes.