In front of the bureau building.

Hai Rin looks at her wristwatch. It's already 6.30 pm, she needs to rush back to the hospital.

"I already transfer 5 billion dollars into your account. Another half will be transferred after our divorce 5 years later," Richard said while he still engaging with his phone.

"Then, I'll head back to the hospital. I need to take care of my grandmother and my mother. I call you later, Mr... uh... what was your name again?" She softly scratches her head and tries to remember his name.

"Richard." He looks at her for a while and diverts his eyes back on his phone's screen.

"Ahh, yes... Richard, so I call you later. Thanks for your help." She turns around and walks out from the lobby, but she stops her pace after that because he said something.

"Wait, Rin. I'll assign my butler to you from now on. He will take care of all of your daily needs. I will return to Imperial City tonight, so, one month from now, you'll be moving out to my family mansion and act as my wife. You get it?"

"Okay." She replied and walked back to the bus station.


20 minutes later, Hai Rin arrives at the Princeton hospital. She settles the bill for her grandmother's surgery fees. She waits in the waiting room while her grandmother is in the operation room.

While waiting, suddenly, her phone rings. She looks at the number, and she sighs slowly before answering.

"Hello Miss Mu, is there any problem?" Hai Rin said politely.

"Ah, yes, Miss Rin, your mother keeps asking me about you. Can you come here now?" a female nurse's voice at the other end sound a bit anxious.

"I can't. My grandmother's life is at stake right now. I will come as soon as possible if my grandmother's operation is going well. So, for the time being, let me talk with her first."

"Yes. Hold on a second." the nurse then rushing to the bedroom at the corner of the hall.

Inside the room, a middle-aged woman sits at her bed and staring blankly at her window. Her hair is a bit messy, and she was holding a doll tightly in her arm.

"Ermm. Madam Yin, your daughter, is on the phone." The nurse said gently beside her before handed her phone to Hai Yin.

She looks at the phone for a moment before she takes it.

"Rin.." a slow, small voice said gently, and her face also changes softest from before.

"Mama..." her eyes start to redden a bit. A voice that she was really missing for today. Hai Rin always comes and visits her mother every day, but with what happened today, she doesn't know how to face her mother. She just got married to a stranger, and soon, she had to move out to another city. That thought pierces her heart apart bit by bit.

She tried to suppress all her feeling and talk gently with her mother.

"Rinrin, are you coming today? Did you see papa today? Mama is well now, can I go home with you? I miss you and your papa." Hai Yin asks.

"Mama, today I will come a bit late than usual. Erm. I met papa, he said he misses you too. Mama, did you behave well today? You must take your medicine and listen to the nurse and doctor. I will find a new house for us. Let start a new life, okay mama?" She said, and try to sweep her tears with her finger. She doesn't want to lie to her but, only that 'word' can calm her mother's emotions. Only a word of 'papa' can make her mother behave and be more obedient. If not, she will go on berserk the whole day and smash all of her belongings.

"Really? Okay, okay.. Mama will behave and listen to them... Did papa said anything else??" her eyes shine like a star when she heard her daughter's word.

"Okay. Rinrin, mama loves you and papa. Take care, dear." Hai Yin said before she handed back the nurse's phone.


Hai Rin curled up at the sofa in the waiting room and cried as much as she wants. She has been burdened with a lot of things today. Her emotions also have gone up and down.

She's the only child in her household. She only has her mother and her grandmother, who raised her. When Hai Rin was still a kid, she always followed her grandmother to sell sweet bun on the street in the city after school. She also does a part-time job when she's still a teenager. She does a lot of jobs since she was young.

She will do anything as long as her mother and her grandmother have something to eat every day. She studies hard to go to college and get a full scholarship. With her excellent grade, she graduated from her college when she was only 21 years old with a Masters Degree in Marketing. She starts working hard after that as a Product Sales Engineer in Chan Corp for 4 years.

She's been working under Chan Wei's father three years before he took over the company. His father treats her nicely, and now after 4 years working, she's been fired just because that annoying bitch felt jealous at her.

Even with the salary that she gets every month, most of it is used to buy the medicine for her grandmother and accommodation for her mother in Mental Health Hospital. She never had a fancy dress like other girls of her age.

A few minutes later, someone standing in front of her. The man wearing a pair of black leather shoes stop in front of the girl on the sofa. Her messy hair and blouse make him frowned his brow a bit.

"Madam Rin? Your husband sends me to take care of you starting today. My name is Andy Lu. I am your private butler from now on." A tall man with a charming face looked at a girl on the sofa with a gentle gaze.

'So, master has chosen this girl to be his wife?' He thought while scrutinize the girl in front of him.