After Qin Simiao won the best actress award, he has been more and more busy during this period. To be honest, I didn't have to be so busy before, but suddenly a lot of work came to him, which was a very happy thing for him.

In the past, although it was necessary to have such a situation, it was not as it is now. To be honest, it was a little surprising, because now he can be more and more busy.

However, as far as the current state is concerned, it will actually make people feel a little helpless. After all, it is not the case. Some things will make people feel a little confused. What do they think?

Sometimes it is just because of some small things that people feel a little helpless. In fact, you know such things in our hearts. It is because he won the award that he is becoming more and more popular in this circle.

After all, he also has a backstage, so we can see the backstage, so we are willing to give him this opportunity. Otherwise, it is impossible that any good resources will be given to him.

Qin Simiao is really not young now. He is also a fast-moving man. It's a good thing that he can get these resources now. After all, the youth of actresses is very short.

When some actresses are nearly 30, there is basically no one to go to her to film, because the high is not the low. If he is asked to play some leading women, he will certainly match with some young male actors. To be honest, sometimes it makes people feel a little confused.

Watching two people can't make it, so sometimes I feel that this TV series or movie makes people feel a little bit unable to watch.

However, at his present age, it is also a thing for him to live up to his youth to get some of the best resources in his best youth.

She can also get some good resources at her best age, and there will be some memories for him when he gets older.

To be honest, the youth of an actress is really very short. He is really happy to have some of these resources at his best age.

However, it still makes you feel a bit busy for these, because he has no way to take care of his family at present.

Because he was too busy, he abandoned the family directly. There is no way, after all, the child is now big, he has to go to school every day, so he now has time to go out to work.

The child is more and more sensible now, and he doesn't need his company at home, so he has time to work now.

Fu Shihan is also quite reassuring. At the beginning, people will feel that Fu Shihan is always cold. Is he not happy about his work every day?

But after a long time, I will find that there is no such idea at all, and I would like him to go out to work. In the past, the child was still young, so I still hope to be accompanied by parents. But now that the kids are getting older, there's no need for such things. So everyone went out to work, and no one would think too much about such things.

These things can also make people feel a little helpless, because sometimes they are too busy, so in the family this part will certainly let people lose the warmth of the family.

But there is no way. After all, youth is only one or two years. If he doesn't become so popular after one or two years, he will surely return to his family.

After all, this period of time is not too long, only a year or two. To be honest, he will return home to a certain extent.

So for the present situation, we still know how to deal with it. As long as he can be allowed to play some good works, there will be no one to say anything else.

Just for the present state, if they want to have a second child, the plan will be moved slowly.

Seriously, he is still young, so it is feasible to talk about it after 30.

In fact, some things like this are OK for them. After all, sometimes as long as they can identify a goal, then they will firmly do such a thing, and then no one will say anything.

In fact, some of these things, we still understand in our hearts. In fact, if we read too much, we feel a little helpless. Because of some small things, we can make people feel a little confused.

As long as we understand these things, some people don't need to think about other things.

So the next period of time is quite happy, because as long as the resources get better and better, other things will not matter to them.

To be honest, as long as the company wants to develop, it must have a Hongyuan point of view.

He just wants to train more good actors now. To be honest, he will bring one or two actors from his company when he goes out to receive the play.

So that the actors can show up in front of the company.

Seriously, it would be hard for people to understand him. However, there is no way, after all, some of these things, we actually know.Because the resources of this circle are just these. If there is one or two opportunities to take the actors in his mind, it shows that some things like this are quite good.

Some people have been like this before, but many people are so jealous that they are afraid to bring out the apprentice and starve to death.

So in this case, we still feel a little sad.

But that's what ordinary actors think. For him, he is the boss of the company, so it has advantages for him.

There is no need to think about these things, so sometimes some of these things see through, there is no need to think about what.

Looking at their current state, even if the heart is also know, sometimes because of some small things will make people feel a little numb.

To be honest, in recent years, he has also spurted out a few actors. Sometimes, he hopes that the artists of the company can get better and better, so that he can become more and more relaxed.

Also hope to get more and more good resources, so that the company can feed more and more artists.

Instead of needing him to lead so many artists to set off alone. Seriously, it's a little too tired to carry so much alone.

However, as long as we can do some other things well, no one will think much about it.

Sometimes it is because of some small things, so the heart will feel a little helpless, but in terms of the current state, they can also understand what such things are like.

But to be honest, there will be some helplessness in our hearts for some resources. Read more about their current state, in fact, sometimes it makes people feel a little confused about their ideas.

Sometimes it's just some small things that make people feel a little incomprehensible, because they have experienced such things, so for these things, we still feel a bit sad.

However, it is because of this idea that the company will grow stronger and stronger. In a few years, it is really because of this area, and then more and more people become popular.

The company also has more and more resources in the past two years, which is really the only way for entertainment companies.

Looking at their current state, sometimes people feel a little happy in their hearts. After all, not all companies do such things for their artists.

Although their company is small, they really think about artists. So many artists are willing to sign up for their company.

However, in terms of the current state, it is also a good thing for them to sign up for their company. After all, their company also has a strong background.

And it will also give them more and more resources. To be honest, for such a company, we still hope to grow stronger and stronger.

After all, none of the artists who signed up for their company quit the company. In fact, this is also a satisfactory reply to the company.

Sometimes it's just because of such things that we are satisfied with. After seeing through their present state, sometimes what we think in our hearts still makes you feel a little hopeful.

So the more to a certain extent, we are certainly not fools, so we are still very satisfied with this.

In this way, some things are getting better and better, so more and more people sign up for the company.

Sometimes people's reputation is getting better and better. Maybe it is because of the people's livelihood that more and more people sign up for the company.

In fact, sometimes, we all know about some careful thinking. However, it doesn't matter what kind of thinking is actually because of such careful thinking.

After all, entertainment companies are like this. As long as they can get some good resources, more and more people will come to this company.

So some of these things are known in our hearts, so no one will put such things in their hearts.

However, it is because of such small things that people feel a little confused. Looking at their current state, in fact, sometimes some things will make people feel a little helpless.

It is because more and more people want to sign up for their company, so they may not accept it. So many people will choose among them.

There are more and more choices, so they choose from the best places.