Qin Simiao goes to the company every day to do some things about variety shows. Although there are people in the company who will help them do these things, I still don't trust to go and have a look.

But to be honest, this period of time is still very hard, otherwise it is impossible to go to the company every day to deal with some things. After all, he started to do it. He must do it well.

Although Tan has directed them to deal with this matter, sometimes I am not sure. After all, they have never done such a variety show before.

If they are asked to do it, they will sometimes worry about whether they will not do a good job. Instead, they will give others a bad impression.

After all, it is also the first time that we do this variety show. We must do a better job for the first time. Otherwise, we will show people jokes the next time for the third time.

Qin Simiao is also because of this thought, so we must do this thing well. Although he is in a bad mood these days, he still tries to resist his unhappiness and comes to the company to deal with these things.

In particular, the company deals with some of these things, we must grasp some rhythm of this program. Sometimes we have to discuss it with them, otherwise there will be a little bit of playing. Some of the disappointments will tarnish the show.

Seriously, such a program is still a bit of pressure, like before, no one would have done such a program, and suddenly it was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that everyone was not optimistic at the beginning, and then became more and more excited now. It seems that everyone is a little honored to be able to participate in such a program.

After all, it's like this. After all, everyone is enthusiastic about this variety show. We all want to do this program well, and then we don't want this program to lose its luster. We must make this program the best.

In fact, sometimes I wonder if people will like this program when it comes out, but this program group has already started to do it.

Even if he has already started to do it at a bad time, it must be done well, and some of the contents must be well done. Otherwise, we will certainly blackmail this program all over the network.

The best thing is to make some of the highlights of this program group the most perfect, so that we will have no objection.

It's really amazing to be able to make such a program now. After all, no one has been able to think of such a program for a long time, and sometimes we can imagine what kind of program it is.

Although some information about the program has been disclosed, there is no one to report.

Sometimes I wonder if we are still watching from a distance. After all, not all people are interested in this kind of plot.

However, there is a good point. After all, many entertainment companies are very optimistic about such a program, and are willing to put some of their company's trainees into this program.

Otherwise, the variety show will not be able to be realized so soon. Sometimes I worry about what will happen to the students who are not practicing, but fortunately this time, they are not disappointed.

Qin Simiao is really tired now. Every time, I will finish some things, and then I will go back home. Looking at such a bad situation at home, sometimes my heart will be very sad.

In the past, sometimes I would like to need a gentle harbor, but now I guess I can't change into that. Is he asking too much or what?

Maybe it's not what he thought. It's clear after a long time. Maybe it was too young in the past, so I couldn't think through some things. I thought things were too simple, but now I'm mature, so I think about all things more perfectly.

After all, it doesn't work as it used to be, but now it's still worse than that one?

Now time is like this, so let's say what or how. First of all, some things on the work to do well, and then the specific how or to see after the contact to see it.

Qin Simiao decides to finish the work first. Then he has a place to go. Seriously, I didn't think of going to that place before, but now I want to go there.

When all the work is done now, she will go to this place. If you want to go to a quiet place, you will let him have a good rest and relax his head. This period of time is really too tired, work pressure is very big.

In this way, a month passed slowly. The work is almost done, and the next few things will be arranged slowly by the program group. There is no need for him to do something there often.

To be honest, this program group was created very quickly, but when it will be broadcast next depends on when they can finish it.The original plan was to broadcast this before the Chinese New Year. It's also the case that I don't know if there will be piracy. If there is no piracy, then their family must be one of the best.

In case of some piracy, it is really unimaginable at that time. If someone else appears earlier than them, it will definitely make people feel helpless.

It is clear that they did it first, and the fruits of victory were picked by others first. But these people in their company have basically signed confidentiality agreements. If something really happens, it's just an insider.

However, I think it is impossible for such a thing to happen now. After all, these people in the company are still of good character.

After thinking about it, it should not happen, but the company has not had such a thing for so many years. It should not happen now.

Unless there is a real interest in driving these things, basically no one will want to do them.

Qin Simiao has more confidence in these people in the company. Otherwise, he can't trust them to do these things.

Qin Simiao has finished these things. Next, she plans to tidy up her things and go to the place she wants to go.

Basically, he didn't tell his family before he left. He just said to the nanny at home that he would go out for a while. He didn't make it clear when he would come back.

Just like this, I left with my luggage. To be honest, this has happened before, so everyone thought he was going out to film. He didn't care if he would never return, or where he was going to be unsafe.

Maybe we know such a person better, so we think such a thing can't happen. Now all of a sudden, people are gone, and the house is actually quite quiet.

Qin Simiao took a plane and went to a place where his mother was buried. Seriously, he comes to this place once or twice a year. In the past, it was basically like this, but in recent years, it has not been much.

Fu Shihan did not go with her, probably did not know there was such a place.

Previously, I only knew that her mother was dead, but I didn't ask about her burial there.

So they've been married for so many years that no one knows about this place. In fact, Fu Shihan wanted to ask where he was at the beginning, and then he wanted to come together. Later, time did not allow him, and then he slowly forgot this thing.

Moreover, Qin Simiao did not say this thing in front of him, so we all thought it was unimportant. After a long time, we forgot such a thing. Maybe all the people in the family are too busy, so they don't pay attention to it.

But now suddenly, it's a bit surprising. It's because I don't know, so it's a bit mysterious. I want to know where this place is.

When Fu Shihan went back at night, he found that some clothes were missing from Qin Simiao, and then asked the nanny in the house: "where's your little grandmother?"

Nanny aunt said: "the young grandmother went out today, just said to go out for a period of time, also did not say when to come back."

Fu Shihan was a bit surprised when she heard the news. At first, she thought she was going out to film, but later she called Pang Yang and learned that there was no information in this period of time, so she suddenly became a little curious. Why is it that people disappear all of a sudden? Where will they go?

I know that they are doing a variety show recently. Of course, he knew this program before. After all, he also paid for it. However, it disappeared suddenly. I don't know where he is going.

It's still a little difficult to find out. I didn't answer his phone, and I didn't know where he was. Is he angry these days?

The couple who watched him come out late every day before did not have any topic. All of a sudden, the person disappeared, which made people feel a little worried about whether he would have any accident.

Fu Shihan thought about it and knew that he didn't have any friends around him. His only friend was Du Yuexi, but he also called in the past. Finally, I got no news.

Hearing this news, I was a little anxious. Where on earth would he go? After thinking for a long time, I don't know where he will go. I'm really worried.

For a long time, for a long time. All of a sudden, he had an idea. Could he go there?