Bronk was in a good mood, he drank an entire bottle of red wine and ate a lot of food. Finally, with a face full of satisfaction, he stood up and laughed: "Thank you, Grace. It's getting late, so I won't disturb you.

Xia Zhi said anxiously: "Are you going back to the bridge? I'll drive you! "

"There's really no need to trouble yourself." Bronk still wanted to decline, but Xia Zhi had already quickly ran upstairs.

Bronk did not say anything else, took the blanket and walked out with her.

Under Bronk's guidance, Xia Zhi parked her car in front of a huge building in the southern suburbs.

Xia Zhi pushed the door and got off the car. She looked at the frozen moat not far away, and the maze of plants that was repaired using shrubs. She couldn't help but ask in confusion, "Is this the legendary medieval manor?"

"That's right. Originally, it was quite beautiful, but because no one had lived here for almost ten years, it had become desolate and desolate. However, as long as we get someone to fix it up, this place will quickly regain the beauty of the past. " Bronk squinted as he looked at the structure that stood tall amidst the snow and wind with deep emotions.

"Is this the place you were talking about? That's not good, right? Although there is no one living here, there must be a master. If you want to go in, and if someone discovers you, you will have to go to jail. " Xia Zhi looked around uneasily, "You should go back to my place! Even though my place isn't as beautiful as this place, it's still fine to block out the wind and rain. Don't be afraid to bother me. Worst case is that you can do more for me. "

"No. I just want to stay here tonight. " Bronk shook his head, and walked forward while hugging his blanket, "You can go back now! See you tomorrow! "

"Hey!" "Do you want to stop thinking about it?" Xia Zhi worriedly shouted at him.

He waved but did not look back.

Soon, he reached the door. He didn't know how he managed to open the door, but it didn't take him much effort. The door opened and he walked in and closed the door.

A moment later, lights came on in every window of the building.

Xia Zhi could not help but tremble in fear. She thought to himself, if the police saw that he dared to light the lamps so boldly, what would they do?

She sighed and had no choice but to hurry up and knock on the door. However, after knocking for a long time, no one paid attention to her. Instead, she heard a melodious piano piece coming from inside the room.

Xia Zhi was truly unable to understand his boldness.

A cold wind blew in, causing her thin body to stagger and sneeze a few times.

She realized that she had forgotten to put on her coat when she had left the house in such a hurry.

If he stayed here any longer, he was afraid that he would freeze to death.

She hurriedly returned to the car, but she did not leave immediately. Instead, she stayed there for about an hour. Seeing that there were no police officers coming, and the lights in the house had all been turned off, she calmed down and drove home.

When she got home, it was already one in the morning. She hastily washed up, drank a cup of hot milk, then went to bed and turned on the TV to read.

The TV was broadcasting the Spring Festival Gala from China, which was filled with laughter and chatter. It added a happy atmosphere to her tranquil room.

Amidst the laughter and cheers, Xia Zhi slowly fell asleep.

When he woke up, it was already dawn. It was already nine o'clock.

Remembering her agreement with Bronk, she hurriedly got out of bed, washed her face, and went downstairs.

She made a cup of coffee, some biscuits, some porridge, and two side dishes.

When he finished, it was exactly ten o'clock.

She quickly changed her clothes and took out a book to wait for Bronk's arrival.

But when it was one o'clock in the afternoon, Bronk did not appear.

This made her feel inexplicably uneasy. She thought to herself, 'Could he have been taken away by the police?'

She couldn't stay any longer and decided to go and see what was going on.

However, just as he opened the door, he saw a man wearing a grey sheepskin coat and a beige scarf around his neck. His fingers were bent, as if he was about to knock on the door.

Stunned, she looked at the pair of deep blue eyes of the man with chestnut hair and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Hey! I am Bronk's attorney, my name is Michael. Ellen. " The man stretched out his hand solemnly.

"Bronk's attorney? What happened to him? Were they really arrested by the police and sent to jail? " Xia Zhi was shocked.

"Not really. Don't worry. I came to you because I was entrusted by Bronk. Can I come in and sit down and have a good talk with you? "

Xia Zhi just realised her disrespect and quickly turned to let him in. She invited him to sit, offered him coffee and snacks and asked uneasily: "You said that you were entrusted by Bronk, then can you tell me what exactly it is? Is he all right? He was supposed to meet me at ten o'clock today, but he hasn't arrived yet. Is he okay? "

Michael sighed, "Mr. Bronk died of a sudden heart attack at 7: 10 this morning. Before he died, I called to ask if I could see him. I helped him amend his will under his will, and am here to read it to you. "

"He's dead?" Xia Zhi was dazed for a moment, and felt an inexplicable sense of sorrow, before asking softly, "What does he need me to do for him? Was it a matter of his life? Don't worry. If no one does it, I'll be happy to do it for him. "Tell me, where is he now?"

"Miss Grace is really as pure and kind as Mr. Bronk said. However, I have already dealt with his affairs simply as he wished. He was already accompanying his beloved Madam Bronk. "You don't have to worry about that."

"I don't need to care? So what else can I do for him? " Xia Zhi was very suspicious.

"You just need to accept his gift. This is the document for accepting the gift. As long as you sign this, then Mr. Bronk's two sets of properties in Paris, one London, three sets of properties in New York, as well as his huge bank account and stock will all belong to you. Mr. Bronk said that he hoped that these things could bring you some joy and help. " Michael pushed a large stack of papers in front of her and handed her a pen.

Xia Zhi had a headache, "Michael, I don't know you, and I'm not in the mood to join in on your prank. If there is nothing else, I will be going out to look for Bronk. "

She stood up and made a gesture of invitation. "Please!"

Michael said, "Grace, I'm not joking with you. If you doubt my identity, call Officer Tom. He will prove my identity and also tell you Bronk's true identity. "

Tom was the police officer directly managing their community. Xia Zhi had interacted with him many times, and his reputation here had always been good. She was a very respected police officer.

"Then wait a moment." Xia Zhi's heart felt inexplicably heavy, and already faintly felt that everything Michael said was all true.

She took a deep breath and took out her cell phone to call Tom, who quickly answered. After hearing her question, he said in a heavy tone, "Miss Grace, Mr. Bronk really passed away this morning. He was indeed not a common homeless person. He was a descendant of the British royal family, and after coming to the United States, he had obtained a good result through his hard work. It could even be said that he was extremely wealthy. Only ten years ago, after his wife had been assassinated, he had begun to wander. Legend has it that he was guilty of neglecting his wife for the sake of his work. He had made a will to donate a large amount of his estate to charity after his death, but he hadn't expected that he would change the will on the spur of the moment. Grace, you are a lucky girl, make good use of this inheritance, don't disappoint Bronk. "

Xia Zhi hung up the phone, feeling mixed emotions. At the same time, she was confused, unable to understand why Bronk had transferred all of the inheritance to her in one go.

Was it because she was nice to him?

But she didn't seem to have done anything amazing!

She was ashamed of herself!

Xia Zhi said uneasily: "I am ashamed of bearing this inheritance. How about this, I will donate all of them to charity. This way, I can help more people who are in need. I really don't need these. "

"Miss Grace is really a noble person. However, Mr. Bronk guessed that you might refuse, so he added a condition. That is, if you do not accept it, then this fortune will be unconditionally gifted to the biggest gang in New York. So, I hope you think about it. It would be better to ask Miss Grace to make good use of them than to let the wicked do whatever they pleased. "What do you think?"

"You're not lying to me, are you? How could Bronk propose such illogical conditions? " Xia Zhi felt that it was unbelievable, this was too absurd, and too whimsical, right?