So Bill went through all the surveillance during that time and found out the relationship between them. When he saw it, he was not willing to believe it, so he had to admit it after reading it many times.

"So what did Mr. bill want me to do here? It's better to say it directly. It's very troublesome to grind and haw here. "

Nanyou's patience is almost worn out. Bill has been talking a lot of rubbish. She doesn't want to talk with her. She doesn't even bother to talk with bill.

Bill ticked the corner of his lip. "Is Miss Nan so impatient? I think Miss Nan is very patient. I didn't expect that she would be so impatient for such a short time. "

Nan youyou was speechless. "Patience is for useful things, not for unknown things, OK? If you have something else, Mr. bill, just say it quickly. If not, we can go in and chat. There is no need to be here. "

When Bill heard what Nan youyou said, all the elegance just disappeared. His eyes were scarlet. "Miss Nan, you lied to me for so long. It's all your fault. Don't you have any reason to accompany me? Can't wait to leave? "

Nan youyou really didn't know what to say about Bill like this. "Mr. bill, to tell you the truth, I've stopped you more than once. Don't have any idea about me. But your arrogance makes you feel that you have a chance and keep approaching me. It's all your own business. I don't know where I'm wrong."

"Miss Nan is talking like this? I thought you lied to me, at least you would have a good attitude, but now it seems that I have misunderstood and I have overestimated you Bill's eyes were scarlet, as if trying to hold back his anger.

Because what Bill hates most is being cheated, so he has been cheated by Nan youyou. Moreover, Nan youyou has not admitted his mistake, which makes him even more unacceptable.

But it is obvious that since everything has been exposed, Nan youyou never wants to give her a good face, because he has already hurt Luo Jian like that, and his mind is more than ordinary people, and he is much deeper.

So Nan youyou looked at him coldly, "yes, I just don't have any attitude. Not only that, I have to warn you, it's better not to move Jane for me! If you're playing some sinister trick on Jane, then don't blame me for being rude! "

Nan youyou then turns away from the balcony, leaving bill alone to blow on the balcony. As soon as she went in, Luo Jian took a look at Nanyou and went to her side and lowered her voice slightly.

"How about this time? What happened to the two of you? What did he tell you about pulling you out?"

Nan youyou shrugged, "what else can I do? He found that I was lying to him, and he was questioning me all the time. I was really speechless and came in without saying anything more."

Luo Jian nodded, "it's ok if you don't have any grievances. Just sit down and eat. What you like is specially made."

Nan youyou smiles. Seeing that all the things she likes on the table, she suddenly remembers that Gu Tingyu says that luojian likes her own things. All of a sudden, she doesn't want to talk.

Luo Jian saw that she suddenly stopped, some doubts, "you you, why don't you eat, is it that I do not fit your appetite? No, I remember that's what you like to eat

Luo Jian said also to Gu Tingshan to verify the taste, Gu Tingshan nodded, "very delicious ah." Wenbizhai Novels

Gu Tingshan bowed her head after saying that. It was really delicious. If it wasn't for luojian who specially made it for Nanyou, I'm afraid she would not have known that luojian would cook.

For a while, her heart was a little sour. Maybe this is the difference between love and being loved. Although her heart was very sour, it did not prevent her from pursuing luojian's heart, and some of them were even more firm.

Because Gu Tingshan believes that men like luojian can be so kind to the women they like. Once they catch up with them, they will be loved by him at home. This is also Gu Tingshan's biggest motivation.

Nan youyou looked at Luo Jian with a smile, "nothing. I just thought of some things just now. These meals are really my favorite. It's really not easy for you to remember like this."

Luo Jian picked up the corner of her lips. "Since childhood, you love to eat these things. You don't have to think about them. But I'm worried that you don't like them now. After all, sometimes the taste will change, and I've worried about it for a long time."

Nan youyou shakes her head. It's strange to say that her favorite foods have not changed from small to most. Unlike other people, they will change their taste when they grow up, but she really has no change at all.

"I really like to eat these, and the taste has not changed from small to large. Do you think it's amazing?" Nan youyou looks at Luo Jian with a smile.

Luo Jane nodded, which was just a sigh of relief, "then you hurry to eat while it is hot."

Nan youyou looked at Luo Jian and hesitated for a while before she opened her mouth. "Jane, after dinner, I want to talk to you about some things. Do you have time later?"Luojian was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly, "of course, there is time." How can Luo Jian have no time for Nan you to look for him? Even if there is no time, she will squeeze out time.

Nan youyou nodded, and then he didn't speak. He just thought about other things all the time, so there was an abnormal silence on the table. Luo Jian and Gu Tingshan look at her and feel very strange, do not know what happened to her.

Soon after dinner, Nan youyou and Luo Jian enter his study. Luo Jian smiles and says, "you, sit down. Do you have anything to drink? I'll send it up."

Nan youyou shook his head, "no, I've just finished my meal. I can't drink any more. I have something to look for you!"

Lojan nodded. "You look as if you've been having something on your mind since dinner. You can tell me. I'm listening."

"Jane, do you have anyone you like?" Nan youyou is very serious looking at Luo Jian, but the sudden question makes Luo Jian Leng for a while, silent for a long time.

"Why suddenly asked this question, where have I been in contact with girls for so many years? How can there be someone I like?" Luojian laughed, but she was guilty.

"Really not? None? " Nan youyou just stare at Luo Jian's eyes like that, just want to see if he is lying.

Such a direct look makes Luo Jian's heart feel more guilty.