"It's nothing. It's just Olivia. She's Mr. Logan's girlfriend. I'm a little sad, but she's a really nice person. I was not qualified to feel anything, after all, I was nothing in front of Mr. lojan. "

Gu Tingshan lowers her head and wants to cover up her real emotion. She doesn't want Nanyou to see her like this. After all, she thought it was a funny thing to say.

Although she once indicated to Nanyou that she liked luojian a little, she never made any action. Therefore, she and luojian are strangers, and can only be described as meeting by chance.

But it is such a strange relationship, let her remember so long, when she saw his girlfriend around, the whole person can not control the sadness.

Nan youyou was stunned. At first, some of them didn't respond. Gu Tingshan said, "do you think Olivia is luojian's girlfriend? No, you're wrong. Rojan never told me he had a girlfriend

Nan youyou simply feel a little incredible. If Luo Jian really has a girlfriend, how can she not tell herself!

Gu Tingshan sighed. "I'm sure it's true. I've seen Olivia take Mr. lojan's arm, and I've never seen Mr. lojan's gentle eyes..."

Gu Tingshan is now thinking of that look still feel very sad, how she hopes to be looked at by the eyes is her own ah.

"Thank you very much. I'm so happy to be back with you all of a sudden

Gu Tingshan shook her head. "It's nothing. Anyway, I have nothing to do."

Nan youyou also smiles, but when she sees Gu Tingshan's obviously hidden unhappiness, she is a little impatient. "Olivia, do you know luojian?"

Olivia was stunned. "Rojan? I don't know, but I know Jane Mans. I don't know if we're talking about a person. After all, I don't know what name he uses here

Nan youyou nodded. "Yes, it's Jane Mans. Is he your man friend I?"

Olivia was stunned to hear Nan youyou's inquiry. She had a long time before she regained her mind, and then she looked frightened, "boyfriend? My God, how can this be? You seem to tell a ghost story again! How can he be my Nanyou? He's my brother, my brother. He's related by blood

Nan youyou raised her eyebrows. Two days ago, she did hear luojian call to pick up her sister. Olivia was his sister.

Gu Tingshan heard Olivia said that the whole talent is completely stunned. She never thought that Olivia was just Luo Jian's sister.

The whole man came up to Olivia with some excitement. "You say you are Mr. Logan's sister? Is it true that you are not his girlfriend? "

Olivia nodded. "Yes, it is. But do you know my brother, too? Is this fate so wonderful? "

Olivia really thought it was amazing that the friend she was looking for was rojan's friend. Nan youyou laughed and said, "of course, I know you. I know you very well."

Nan youyou poked Gu Tingshan, with a smile on her face, "how do you eat this little fly vinegar! Look at your listless look Food novel www.meishi2008.com

Gu Tingshan lowered her head and laughed, "I didn't misunderstand it. Who knows who knows Mr. luojian still has a sister."

The more Gu Tingshan said, the more embarrassed she felt, her voice became smaller and smaller. But her heart is never happy. Because lojan doesn't have a girlfriend, that means she still has a chance.

Olivia got close to Gu Tingshan's and looked at her suspiciously. "Tingshan, you can't like my brother, do you?"

Gu Tingshan didn't expect her mind to be guessed by Olivia all of a sudden, and her face turned red, "I, I I "

after a long time, Gu Tingshan did not say a complete sentence. She had no way to refute anything. After all, what she said was right.

Olivia was a pity. "You tell me who you like, but you like my second brother! My second brother is outside, but in addition to his name's iron heart, it's very difficult for him to like it too. "

Gu Tingshan understood Olivia's meaning. In fact, she could find it without saying it. Because every time she faces luojian, luojian is always so indifferent, but for nanyouyou, it is different. This is the difference between growing up and just knowing.

"I know, but I still try hard, and I don't have to ask for her reply. I just want to give some if I like."

Gu Tingshan said very slowly, but the tone is unprecedented serious, which makes Nanyou look at her differently."I didn't expect that Tingshan could say such a steady word. It seems that she has really grown up!" Nan youyou has a smile on her face.

Gu Tingshan some embarrassed smile, "sister-in-law, you can't support me for a while!"

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, you'll make it. "

Olivia also nodded. "Yes, and you can rest assured that I'll always say good things about you in my brother's ear."

After all, after a day together, she is still very satisfied with Gu Tingshan. So if Gu Tingshan is his sister-in-law, she is still very satisfied.

Gu Tingshan didn't expect that two people would support her so much, so her heart was warm all of a sudden.

Olivia saw lojan as soon as she got home, so it seemed obvious that she was waiting for her. "Brother, are you waiting for me?"

Luo Jian was helpless, "I'm not sure if you come back safely. How can I be at ease. What's more, you still hung up the phone so angry today. "

Olivia shook her head. "I was angry when I hung up, but when I played with my new friends, I forgot all about my unhappiness."

"What's the origin of your friend? Tell me his name. I'll have to find out before I can rest assured. Don't worry. I'll find out if it's OK. I'm not going to stop you from going out to play or do anything