Seeing Qin You and Mu Jiaojiao teasing each other on the screen, Tang Yu went crazy.

He couldn't figure it out, they had the same origin and background, so why had Qin You been lucky enough to meet Mu Jiaojiao, while he had to suffer from one broken company pressing on him and sucking his blood.

He jumped off the building with that kind of resentment.

Waking up again, he found himself regressed to a younger age before all of his troubles.

He seized the opportunity, and according to his own memory of Qin You, he practiced showing Qin You's clean eyes over and over again.

Then he appeared in front of Mu Jiaojiao first, pretending to be Mu Jiaojiao's favorite, and attacked her step by step.

Then, with the resources provided by Mu Jiaojiao, he secretly suppressed Qin You and prevented Qin You from appearing in front of Mu Jiaojiao. He wanted Qin You to follow his original path.

He did indeed succeed in the strategy, but Tang Yu was not Qin You after all, and he enjoyed the stolen things for a while before getting tired of them.

He didn't cherish the chance of rebirth, and it was all for nothing in the end.


"These are the newly signed ones recently. Check to see if there are any that catch your eye. If there are, you can bring them along. If not, let's look at them next time." The man pointed to a large group of young and good-looking men and women and said to her.

Seeing Mu Jiaojiao, they unconsciously slowed their breathing and looked at her expectantly.

This was the ace manager of Star King Entertainment, recognized as the number one in the industry. Which of the artists she had chosen had not ended up top-notch stars.

They were all counting on Mu Jiaojiao to pick them out.

So they did their best to show their best side.

"Hello, Miss Mu."

Shi Jiu nodded with a smile, "Hi, you guys."

The man sneaked a peek at her. Sister Jiaojiao looked very happy today, and wondered if she would choose someone to take with her.

Each of them was different and had their own characteristics and specialities.

And Tang Yu was undoubtedly the most eye-catching. Others were very excited and enthusiastically staring at Shi Jiu, making people feel their ambition easily.

Only him, there was no flattery in his eyes, no ambition, his eyes were like a baby, without a trace of filth.

As clean as the first snow.

He was also looking at Shi Jiu, but he was not as fanatical as the others, but had a flat gaze, as if she was no different from anyone else.

No flattery or ambition at all.

Shi Jiu glanced at him casually, and then looked at the well-behaved boy next to him.

Tang Yu's face froze, and he almost didn't hold back.

What happened?

Didn't Mu Jiaojiao like people with clean eyes and simplicity?

Why not look at him, why would she look at Qiao Qiao next to him?

Qiao Qiao himself was obviously very happy to be noticed by Shijiu.

He was the kind with cute looks, slightly curly hair, big eyes and fair skin, like a delicate doll.

"Hello, Miss Mu." He blushed and bowed.

Shi Jiu approached and helped him up.


"I...I'm so excited. I'm slow..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I like Ms Mu very much. I have heard many rumors about Ms Mu before."

Shi Jiu said with a smile in her eyes, "Really? What have you heard?"

“I heard that…. you are… very dedicated, and are good at dealing with emergencies..." Qiao Qiao counted on his fingers.

"You can really talk, what's your name?" Shi Jiu laughed twice, as if being coaxed by him.

Was this a chance for him? Qiao Qiao was very excited.

"Miss Mu, my name is Qiao Qiao."

"Hmm." Shi Jiu put her index finger on her chin lightly, "Qiao Qiao... hiss, it's so cute, it suits you very well." 

"Really? Thank you, Ms Mu."

"Calling me Ms Mu makes me sound too old, you can call me Sister Jiaojiao from now on."

Qiao Qiao was dumbfounded, did he get selected? Then wouldn't he be able to become a top of the line artist in the future?

"Why stand there stupidly? Don't forget to thank sister Jiaojiao." The man was happier than Qiao Qiao.

After so long, Sister Jiaojiao was finally raising a newcomer.

"Oh, thank you, Ms...Thank you, Sister Jiaojiao." Qiao Qiao was so dazed that he only hurriedly thanked her after he was reminded.