"Call 110, call 120, call an ambulance!"

After putting down the assailant, Xiang Kun rushed to check the couple who were stabbed. They were bloodstained and had multiple stab wounds on their trunk and limbs.

During this period of time, Xiang Kun read a lot of medical related articles, and learned a lot about first aid knowledge. After a simple examination, they were sure that the two people had not been punctured by the artery, so they were asked to press the wound, not to move, and wait for the ambulance.

Police and ambulances soon arrived. Although the assailant who was knocked unconscious by Xiang Kun's fist didn't wake up, he was still tied with a rope like zongzi by the grocer and the neighborhood leader who came to help.

Soon everyone was taken away by ambulance, including the murderer.

According to the doctor who gave first aid on the scene, although the young couple was stabbed several times, fortunately, they did not hit the key point and their lives were not in danger.

As for the murderer, the bridge of his nose must have been broken. He should have a concussion, but his life is not in danger.

Xiang Kun was also relieved. After the first blow, to be honest, he was a bit surprised. He underestimated the strength of his fist. The assailant's whole face seemed to be smashed and lazy. The whole person suddenly softened. His first reaction was that he thought he had killed someone.

According to the law, in that case, even if a person is really killed with one blow, it should be self-defense. Undoubtedly, the first reaction of the murderer after he fell to the ground was to pick up a knife, which can be proved by the grocery store owner and the monitoring at the door of the grocery store.

But if a man is really killed, he will certainly have a series of troubles. At that time, his secret may be exposed.

Xiang Kun and the grocer went to the police station together to make a record. Both of them were witnesses, especially Xiang Kun, who directly put down the murderer.

However, in the police car, the police officer sitting in the front row also let Xiang Kun feel relieved. They have seen the monitoring at the door of the grocery store. He has a proper self-defense. He will be OK. After finishing the record, he can come back. He also asks if he has any injuries and whether he needs to go to the hospital for examination first.

Xiang Kun naturally did not want to go to the hospital, and he did not get any injuries. After going downstairs, a kick and a punch made the murderer GG.

The reason why the police officer asked was that Xiang Kun was covered with blood, not only his hands, but also his cheeks and corners of his mouth. At first glance, it seemed that Xiang Kun was worse than the three people who were taken away by the ambulance.

The grocery store owner sitting in the back row of the police car with Xiang Kun has never stopped his mouth since he got on the bus. For a while, he tells the police officer in front of him about the process of the murderer's murder, and he praises Xiang Kun's skill. Has he ever practiced before.

However, from his mouth, Xiang Kun also knew that the murderer was the ex boyfriend of the girl who lived downstairs to Xiangkun. He came to make trouble once last month, and almost got into a fight. It was because the girl friend's several friends were in and pulled the person away, so there was no accident.

But I didn't expect that the guy brought a knife to commit murder today.

To the police officer and the grocer's words, Xiang Kun just did not answer, unless directly asked him, otherwise he would not interrupt.

At this time, his attention is actually on himself.

Before putting down the murderer and checking the young couple's injury, Xiang Kun was stained with a lot of blood. After seeing the blood, he also had the impulse to drink blood.

But perhaps because he just woke up from the deep sleep after drinking blood last night, the demand and desire for blood is not strong, so he can easily control his impulse.

And Xiang Kun took advantage of people's inattention, disguised as wiping sweat, and rubbed the blood on his arm to his mouth.

This attempt to "a bite", let Xiang Kun slightly put down the heart - compared with rabbit blood, human blood did not let him have any special feeling.

As a matter of fact, he had been worried for a long time. He was afraid that as time went on, he would have to drink human blood in order to survive, which was very difficult for him to accept.

After making a quick note in the sub station, the officer who had brought them in arranged for them to be taken home.

When he got home, it was more than 11:00 p.m., Xiang Kun went directly to the cage in the bathroom, took out the rabbit he had just bought this morning, slaughtered and bled it directly, and then drank it in a 50ml cup.

Xiang Kun felt for a moment, and once again affirmed that there was no difference between human blood and rabbit blood.

Although after seeing the blood, his body still had a certain sense of hunger, but after drinking 50ml of Xiangkun, he did not drink the rest of the rabbit's blood, but directly treated and packed the remaining blood with the rabbit.

One is that he doesn't want to fall into a 25 hour deep sleep again; the other is that he is not willing to indulge his blood demand and deliberately restrain himself.

Sitting in front of the computer, Xiang Kun thought for a while, and recorded several information obtained today on the document.

Another thing that Xiang Kun paid attention to today's emergency was that he was very rational and sober in the whole process of seeing the murderer commit a crime and rush downstairs to kick and swing his fist. Therefore, after the first blow is heavy, the second punch can be stopped in time.This is not normal for him.

Xiang Kun was not a very bold man. He had seen it in his university. At that time, two young people from the society were chasing a student of their school with a knife at the school gate. The student didn't run away and was chopped several times. It is said that he stayed in the hospital for half a year. Fortunately, he did not have any disability, but left a few ferocious scars.

At that time, Xiang Kun was still 20 or 30 meters away from the conflict. He walked with a large group of students in his department. He only remembered that his hands and feet were cold, and he subconsciously hid with the crowd. As for what he wanted to do to stop him, he didn't even think about anything. After the young man was subdued by the school security guard and the student was taken away by an ambulance, his hands were still shaking.

Xiang Kun is almost sure that if it was his former self, he didn't have any body changes. After seeing what happened below upstairs, he would call the police at most. He would not dare to run down to stop him.

But before, Xiang Kun didn't have any worries and fears when he saw the murderer with the knife. He was very sure that the other party could not threaten him.

It's a physical instinct.

Xiang Kun checked his fist, which smashed the assailant's face directly. Naturally, his strength was very strong, but his fist and knuckles were not damaged, and his skin was not damaged.

Xiang Kun suddenly moved in his heart and took the knife he had bought to kill rabbits. After cleaning it with alcohol, he cut his finger slightly.

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