Chapter 511: Heated Kang, Girl Bessie (3 in 1)

"Thomas, what is the price of a linen gown now?" Narant thought for a moment, ready to solve this problem in the simplest and most direct way.

That is to pay for enough linen tunics to distribute to the serfs to keep out the cold.

The price of linen gowns is not expensive, and Narant estimates that even if it is tens of thousands, it is only a few dozen gold coins, which is not too big for him today.

"Sir, do you want to buy linen gowns to distribute to the serfs? This... I'm afraid it's not worth it. Every winter, the price of linen gowns goes up."

"In spring and summer, a linen gown can be bought for only thirty or forty copper plates, but now, if you want to buy it, you need at least fifty or sixty copper plates to buy it."

"And my lord, now that it's winter, it's impossible to buy a lot of linen gowns at one time, because there are not many tailors in each territory, so if you want to make tens of thousands of linen gowns, I'm afraid it will take a winter. Only in time will it be possible to…”

Narant originally thought that if he had money in this world, he would be able to buy and buy like in his previous life, but Mario's answer made him understand that it was his difference.

In this different world with low productivity, even if he has gold coins, it is extremely difficult to buy supplies in large quantities at one time, just like food.

It's like Narant's own territory. Now because of the new serfs, the number of tailors has only increased to three or four.

This is because these new serfs were plundered after being screened. Like other general barons, there are at most one or two tailors in a territory, so it is practical to want to produce tens of thousands of linen gowns in a short period of time.

This time, Narant is a little worried. The most painful thing in the world is that there is no market for it. If you really wait two or three months, the daylily will be cold.

"My lord, why don't you let the serfs cut down more wood, so that they can burn a fire in the house for a longer time in the winter?" Mario saw his lord frown, and knew that this problem would not be solved. , the adults in the family must be unhappy, so the mind is active and put forward other suggestions.

"Is it possible, I remember that the serfs also seemed to be burning fires in their houses in previous years!" Narant asked aloud.

"Sir, maybe...the effect is not great, because even if a bonfire is lit, it is impossible to keep the whole house warm all the time, but I believe that storing a little more wood will reduce the casualties of serfs!" In Mario's current In cognition, it is impossible that no serfs would freeze to death during the winter.

Even in Tulip City, the old and the weak often freeze to death because of the cold winter.

Not because the fire was useless, but because most of the houses of the serfs were low and dilapidated thatched huts, which would inevitably leak air even after repairs.

When lighting a house, if the bonfire is too large, let’s not talk about the fuel problem, the danger will be greatly increased, and the danger of lighting a fire inside is relatively high. Not worth the loss.

But if the fire pit is too small, the effect will be greatly weakened, and you can only feel a few wisps of warmth when you stand by the fire.

So, this is why even if the serfs would light a bonfire at home, the old and the weak would often freeze to death.

"Reduce casualties?"

That's not what Narant wants.

What he wants now is to keep the serfs warm for the winter, even if the system doesn't enforce that 100% can't die.

But at least it can't happen that dozens or hundreds of people are frozen to death, otherwise the system will release any tasks unnecessarily.

However, although Mario's suggestion is not very good, it gave Narant another idea.

That is, it is not enough to buy clothes, then think of a way from the top of the house.

As long as the room is warm, the situation of freezing to death can be basically solved.

Thinking of this, Narant couldn't help thinking about what he had seen and heard in his previous life.

Although he belonged to a southerner in his previous life, because of the development of the Internet, he can naturally let him know how to spend the winter in the north.

In the previous life, the cold winter areas in the north were always at minus ten or twenty degrees, or even more extreme.

However, because of the heating, the winter in the north in the previous life was more comfortable than that in the south.

Because if you go out, just dress warmly and keep exercising, you won't feel cold.

And back in the house, with the presence of heating, Bei Fang can even move freely in the house wearing only a single coat.

Of course, the methods of the past and modern times are definitely not comparable. After all, he does not have that condition in this different world, so what he needs to think about is how to spend the winter in the ancient times of the north in the previous life.


Suddenly, Narant's eyes lit up, and a name with the northern characteristics of his previous life blurted out from his mouth.

In the previous life, there was no heating in the northern ancient times, but the people in the north were able to stay warm for the winter.

Burn it before going to bed every day, lie on the kang and cover it with a quilt, and you can keep warm all night.

Moreover, because of the mud brick barrier, no matter how hot the fire is, there will be no danger.

More importantly, the mud bricks absorb heat after being burned and can store this heat for a long time, which in turn saves fuel.

It's not like a fire, as long as the flame goes out, it will be completely cool, doesn't this just meet the needs of the poor serfs in this other world.

"Chop? My lord, do you want the serfs to chop down trees for storage?" Mario couldn't understand the name Kang, and thought that what his lord was talking about was chopping down, so he immediately prepared to write it down.

"Mario, it's a kang, not a chop!"

"Carry it?" Mario was even more puzzled.

"..." Narant was speechless and found that he was also confused. This term is so likely to be explained to the natives such as Mario, "Forget it, Mario, you will know when things are made, adults think now. Find a good way to keep the serfs warm for the winter, so you can immediately find some masons, and some coolies to carry some bricks and clay!"

The kang is definitely something that has never appeared in this world, so if I explain it randomly here, it is better to wait for the real thing to be made, and Mario will be able to see it at a glance.

Moreover, it is estimated that it will start to snow in more than ten days, and Narant feels that the sooner this matter is completed, the better!

In addition, the technical content of the kang is actually not too high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a big stove. Now his territory has bricks, and he can start to operate it immediately when he finds a man.

"Yes, my lord!" Mario didn't dare to ask again, and he quickly prepared to call the craftsman after he answered.

Hearing that his adults had a way to keep the serfs warm for the winter, Mario Road was really curious.

In his opinion, unless all the serfs in the territory can wear extremely warm cotton-padded coats, it is possible to achieve that no one will freeze to death.


It didn't take long for Mario to find two masons and several coolies.

The bricks and clay were also brought in a carriage.

"Sir, because the other masons have been assigned to the fortress in the southwest, there are only two of them left in the territory!"

"That's enough for two people! Come with the adults now, let's find a dilapidated thatched hut to start the experiment!" Narant waved his hand and led the crowd towards the side alley.

The reason why he wanted to find a more dilapidated thatched hut was that Narant was too lazy to wait. The thatched huts on both sides of the street were repaired by the serfs themselves and were very strong, so it was not easy to dismantle them.

It's better to find something shabby, the kind that can step out of a hole with one foot.

When entering the alley, the surrounding thatched cottages gradually look worn out, which is also a normal thing.

Most of the thatched huts on the main road were assigned to capable new serfs, who had the ability to repair them better.

For example, those masons, carpenters or blacksmiths and tailors are the owners of the houses on the main street.

This was not assigned by Narant, but by Mario.

A few days ago, he also specifically explained the reason to Narant.

One of course is to give preferential treatment to these capable talents, so that they have a more sense of belonging.

The second is to facilitate Narant to call artisans in the future, or other serfs to find these artisans to work.

Narant felt that this kind of distribution was very good, and he would definitely support it. As for fairness and justice, this is the world of knights and nobles, and it is completely forbidden.

"This is a good one, Mario, go up and call the door!" After walking for about four or five minutes, Narant came to the periphery of Maiye Village. Although the thatched huts nearby also have signs of repairs, they are better than those in the previous row. A few grades off.



"Yes, my lord!" Mario responded and ran diligently to the thatched hut.

dong dong dong!

"Open the door, the Lord is here, come out and meet the Lord!" Mario was not polite, and knocked on the door and shouted.

"Open the door! Is there anyone here, the lord is here, come out and see the lord quickly!"

However, Mario knocked for more than ten seconds, but there was no movement in the thatched hut.

"Forget it, Mario..."


Seeing this, Narant thought that everyone in the house had just wanted to ask him to change his family, but before the words were finished, the door of the thatched hut was squeaked open.

An old serf in his fifties or sixties appeared inside the door, with dark and wrinkled skin.

"What's the matter with you? I've been calling for so long, but there is no response! The Lord is here in person, so hurry up and greet him." Mario was displeased when he saw it.

This serf neglected his own adults, and even if the adults blamed him, he would be punished.

"The villain has seen the lord, the lord forgives the sin, the small ears are not easy to use, I just neglected the lord if I didn't hear it!" The old serf saw the situation outside the door clearly, and then heard Mario's scolding, and immediately knelt down with a puff. on the ground.

But after bowing his head, there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Well, get up!" Narant naturally wouldn't embarrass an old man, and commanded with a friendly face.

Seeing that his lord was not angry, Mario felt relieved, "Get up! Today, the lord is going to build a stove in your house to keep you warm for the winter!"

Narant had already explained to the two masons exactly what he was going to build on the way.

And the name of the kang was very troublesome to explain to everyone, so Narant simply replaced it with a stove.

So, now Mario also uses the stove instead of the kang.

"Ah? Build a stove?" The old serf was obviously stunned, not knowing what was going on.

"You don't have to be nervous, the lord is building a stove for you for free, and you don't need to pay! Please thank the lord for your generosity!" Mario felt that the old serf must be worried about money, and immediately explained it.

"Yes, thank you Lord Lord!" The old serf knelt down to thank him again after hearing that.

"Okay, then you can come out first, and now let a few barbarian coolies dig a big hole in the wooden wall on the side of your house, and then start building the furnace!" Nalanda nodded and gave an order to the old serf.

The chimney of the kang is to be placed outside.

In this way, the smoke from the fire will not run into the house.

Therefore, a hole must be made in the wall of the wooden wall.

Moreover, in order to facilitate the construction, Narant planned to demolish all the lower half of the wooden wall. Anyway, when the time comes, a brick wall will be used, which will be stronger.

"Ah, do you want to demolish the wall?" The old serf was startled again.

"What's the matter with you serf? How dare you ask more about what the lord ordered?" Mario immediately reprimanded the old serf when he saw that the old serf was rather long-winded.

If this is facing other lords, it is likely that he has already eaten several whips, that is, his own adults are kind.

"Xiao learned that it's wrong, don't be angry, adults, please wait a moment, the villain's granddaughter is still in the house, I will call the granddaughter out first!" The old serf's eyes showed a slight exclamation, but he didn't dare to say anything more , immediately scolded Mario, then turned around and entered the house.

After a while, the old serf helped a girl to the outside of the house.

"There are still people in the house?" Everyone didn't expect that there was a girl in the house. After all, the old man knocked on the door for so long, the old man used the excuse that he didn't hear it. Could it be that his granddaughter couldn't hear it either.

However, when they saw the appearance of the girl, everyone suppressed their doubts.

Because the granddaughter of the old serf is obviously in a bad state now.

The young girl was at most fifteen or sixteen years old, but at the moment her face was flushed and weak, and at first glance, she was ill, and she was still very ill.

The girl walks lightly, and the whole audience needs the support of the old serf, and in such a cold day, sweat can still be seen on the girl's forehead.

The old serf shrank his head and lowered his head, carefully helping his granddaughter to a corner, blocking everyone's sight with his body as much as possible in the process.

Mario looked at the old serf, then looked at his own adults, but he didn't mind his own business, but quickly greeted the coolies and masons, and began to tear down the walls and move bricks.

Mario knew that with the kindness of his own adults, he would definitely not stand by in such a situation, so he didn't need him as a civil administrator to come forward to steal the limelight.

Sure enough, the next moment Narant frowned and looked at the old serf, "What's wrong with your granddaughter?"

"It's okay to go back to the lord... It's okay, it may be that it's been cold these few days, and it's so cold that I have a fever!"

"I don't want to look like it's okay. If it drags on for a while, I'm afraid your granddaughter's physique won't be able to withstand it. Don't you know that there are doctors in the territory?" Narant shook his head, feeling that the old man was a little irresponsible.

However, after thinking about it, seeing the old serf's tattered clothes and the dilapidated thatched hut, he thought of other possibilities, so he said: "You don't have the money to take her to compare, you don't need this. Worry, since you have all become my serfs in Narant now, that is my property, and it is my responsibility to protect my property from loss."

"So, from this year to the summer of next year, all of you serfs can go to a doctor if they get sick. If you don't have money, I will allow you to take credit and pay it back when you have a good harvest!"

Today's scene also reminded Narant, the new serfs are now poor and white, and their pockets must be cleaner than their faces.

Therefore, it is necessary for him to ask Mario to issue a decree later, informing the new serfs that they can see a doctor on credit this year.

In this way, there will be no new serfs who get sick but have no money to treat them.

After speaking, Narant said to the big stone, "Big stone, you go to the medical center in the town and find a member of the medical team to treat her!"

"Yes, my lord!" The big stone was instructed and immediately trotted towards the main street.

Next, Narant turned his attention away from the old serfs and began to instruct the craftsmen and coolies to work.

As the saying goes, more people are more powerful. A few barbarians just lifted their legs and kicked a few feet, and they kicked a large piece of the broken wooden wall of this thatched cottage.

When the wooden fence about one meter high below was all cleaned up, a few coolies began to use mud to prepare adhesives.

When the clay for laying bricks was prepared, the masons immediately appeared and began to build the kang with bricks.

Naturally, the thatched cottage in the storm collar is not as spacious as the small bungalow in the north of the previous life, so the kang does not need to be too large, and the width is ready to be one meter five.

Although it would be a little crowded if there were four or five people living in such a width, as long as they could survive, these serfs would definitely not mind.

On the contrary, this is the norm for the serfs to spend the winter. Only by crowding together can they keep warm.

While watching the mason laying bricks, Narant pointed out the details from time to time, and gradually the lower part of the heated kang began to take shape.

At this moment, Vinnie was led by the big stone to the front of the house.

"grown ups!"

Narant didn't ask Vinny to come over originally, but Vinnie heard that this was the order of her own adults, so she was worried that the other team members would come, so she rushed over by herself.

"Well, Vinnie, that serf girl seems to be seriously ill, go and see for her!"

"Yes, my lord!" Vinnie responded, and then looked at the girl beside the old serf. Seeing that her condition was extremely poor, she was also surprised, so she quickly walked towards the girl.

And when the old serf saw Vinnie's arrival, not only did he not show joy, but panic flashed in his eyes.

It's just that there are barbarian guards such as Big Stone around, and the Lord Narant himself is responsible for the town, and he does not dare to make any move.

"Uncle, let me show her!" Vinnie said lightly when she came to the old serf.

"Thank you, Physician!" The old serf had no choice but to sit his granddaughter on the wall beside him.

And Vinnie immediately crouched down and put her hand on the girl's forehead.

"It's a fever, and it's serious!" The situation was obvious. In fact, Narant could see that the girl must have a fever, so he said that he couldn't delay.

"Huh!" However, just when Narant thought that Vinnie had been diagnosed and would start treatment or prepare medicines, he suddenly heard Vinnie's startled voice.

"What's the matter, Vinnie?" Narant immediately looked over curiously,

"My lord, her forehead seems to be getting cold!"

"It's getting cold?" Narant didn't react, and after a while he said, "Is it a fever?"

"Yes, the fever has subsided, my lord, the temperature on her forehead has subsided so fast!!" Vinnie nodded immediately, with a puzzled look on her face.

When Narant heard the words, he was a little inexplicable. One second ago, his face was flushed and his forehead was sweating, but now he has cooled down immediately?

At the moment, he also walked over quickly and came to the girl.

Before and after the girl, Narant stretched out his hand and placed it on the girl's forehead.

"The fever has subsided? Is there such a thing?" When Narant placed his palm on the girl's forehead, the girl's body temperature actually recovered, which made Narant confused for a while!

"Huh?" The next moment, the girl, who had closed her eyes and was groggy, let out a light hum, and then the eyes slowly opened.

When the girl opened her eyes, she saw Narant and Vinnie for the first time. She first showed a trace of confusion and doubt, and then she saw the old serf beside her and asked, "Grandfather, what's wrong with me?"

"Bessie, you finally believe it!" The old serf saw that his granddaughter had woken up at this time. He first showed a trace of panic, and then he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed his granddaughter, pressed the granddaughter to the ground and bowed to Narant. Said: "Thank you Lord Lord for your care and let the villain's granddaughter recover!"

"Bessie, thank you Lord Lord. You were still suffering from a fever just now. It was Lord Lord who made your sickness heal!"

"Oh, good grandfather!" The girl named Bessie was still a little ignorant. After listening to the explanation, she immediately said: "Thank you Lord for your care!"

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Vinnie, Dashito and others looked at each other in dismay.

This thing is too miraculous. People who were still suffering from high fever can recover in an instant, which is beyond their cognition.

And many new serfs who were hiding in the house and peeking at the moment saw this scene, and they also looked at Narant strangely, thinking that it was really Narant's favor that cured the girl.

Suddenly everyone looked at him with a trace of awe in his eyes again.

Of course, Narant doesn't care about how everyone reacts at this moment, because even his own expressions are extremely rich now.

His expression changed from doubt to surprise, then from surprise to surprise.

After being surprised for a while, he was suppressed by him again After suppressing, he looked at the old serf, and his eyes became playful.

"Okay, let's not say thank you, both of you look up at me!" Narant interrupted the gratitude of the grandfather and grandson on the ground.

The old serf shuddered when he heard the words and began to shiver.

But the girl named Bessie didn't know the situation, and slowly raised her head up.

"Yeah! My lord...she is...she is..."

"Vinnie, the lord knows, don't say it!" When the girl named Bessie raised her head, Vinnie immediately exclaimed when she discovered something.

Narant stopped her exclamation immediately.

"Yes, my lord!" Only then did Vinnie know that her lord had also discovered the clue, and immediately responded obediently.

And when the old serf heard Vinnie's exclamation, he was like a deflated ball, knowing that he was doomed.

"Lord... Lord, please be gracious and spare Bessie, she...she is still a child...she is not willing...she will not bring disaster..."