Chapter 119: Don't believe it?


It's a brick!

Except for thatched huts and wooden houses, all the buildings in this world are made of stone.

But if stones are to be used to repair buildings, not only a suitable source of stones is required, but also a lot of time must be spent on repairing and chiseling irregular stones into squares.

But bricks are different. Before firing, they are very soft and can be made into any shape you want.

When Narant was planning the development plan of Maiye Village a few days ago, he thought about how to turn the blue bricks upside down.

That way the retrofit program can be more cost-effective and quicker.

It's a pity that he doesn't have suitable clay himself to make the green bricks, so he can only think about it later.

It just didn't occur to him that in a few days, he would get a clay mine.

"It seems that this is God's will." Narant sighed.

As long as the bricks are produced, it will not be a problem for the entire Storm Territory to live in the new house.

Moreover, bricks can not only build houses, but also quickly build walls, arrow towers and other facilities.


After confirming that the ore mined by the elf was clay, Narant didn't stop there, and was ready to return to the castle to slowly consider the matter of burning bricks.

Burning bricks looks much simpler than making ceramics, but it also requires a lot of processes. Narant has to search his stomach to collect his memories of his previous life, and then formulate several sets of experimental plans.

"Sir, you are back!"

When Narant returned to the castle, before he could go to the study to think about the plan to burn bricks, he met Shirley in the corridor.

At this time, Shirley was jumping up and down happily with a few pieces of brown sugar brown bread.

"Well, Shirley, what are you doing with so much brown sugar and brown bread?"

"Sir, it's Sister Catherine who woke up!"

"Are you awake?" Narant was overjoyed.

So many days have passed, and even the reward for the second side quest has been received. At this time, Narant basically confirmed that Catherine should be his third lucky daughter.

So, she can be safe and sound, which is what Narant expects.

"Let's go, show me!" Narant changed his plan directly, and his third lucky daughter was the most important.

Follow Shirley to the door of the maid's bedroom, then push the door and enter.


Katherine was sitting on the edge of the bed with a smile on her face.

But when she saw Narant following her, her expression froze for a moment.

"Catherine has seen the Lord Lord, thank you Lord Lord for saving your life!" After hesitating for a moment, Catherine still forced her to bow to Narant.

No matter what, the lord in front of him saved his life.

And now she also knows that the matter of the barbarian women and children is not about Narant, but Raymond, himself and others who have offended Narant.

"You haven't fully recovered yet, so you don't need to salute!" Narant waved to her.

Hearing this, Catherine couldn't help but glanced at Narant again. The nobleman in front of him was different from all the nobles he had seen before. No nobleman had ever been so approachable.

Of course, he even dared to accept the Daughter of Doom, but it's not surprising that he was just approachable.

"Thank you, Lord Lord!"

"Catherine, you came to Stormland to rescue the barbarians in Raymond, right?" The next moment, Narant asked directly.

Catherine paused for a while, but remembering that Shirley and others were also present when she asked about Quint's subordinate that night, she had nothing to hide at the moment, she nodded and replied, "Yes!"

"Catherine, I'm curious! You should also be from the civilized world. Why did you live peacefully with the barbarians and become their guardian?"

Since Catherine appeared, Narant has had many doubts in his mind, so at this moment he really wants to solve these doubts.

"Actually, I'm not really a guardian, I just help when Raymond and the others encounter an irresistible threat, such as monsters... Moreover, the name of the guardian is only for the small tribes of Raymond. ." Catherine didn't hide it and began to explain.

It turned out that five years ago, Catherine was an ordinary girl living in the Earl of Dark Iron.

His father was a blacksmith in the Dark Iron Earl's castle.

For this reason, although her family is not a noble, it is more prosperous than the commoners.

Until one day she became the daughter of doom, that all changed.

The whole happy family has become fragmented.

And she ended up living in the Fire Forest, and it's been until now.

"Catherine, since you became the daughter of doom, why were you not sent to the stake, and how did you awaken your talent!"

"Talent?" Catherine wondered.

"It's your swordsmanship!"

After hearing this, Catherine finally understood what Narant meant. After she became the daughter of doom, her swordsmanship has indeed been greatly improved.

After a moment of silence, Catherine looked at Narant with that complicated expression.

"Lord, about your two questions, I think even if you answer them, you probably won't believe them!"

"You can try to talk about it!" Narant smiled. As a transmigrator, there is nothing he can't believe, as long as Catherine can say why.

"The reason why I survived is actually related to the church!" Catherine began to fall into memory.

It turned out that five years ago, Catherine suddenly started to have a fever one day, and when the fever subsided, she became the daughter of doom.

This kind of thing must not be hidden from others. Catherine was only sixteen years old at the time, and went to the Dark Iron Castle in a panic to find her father.

In the castle blacksmith, Catherine said nervously that she had become the daughter of doom.

Because Catherine's father loved his daughter, he did not kill his relatives righteously, but wanted to send Catherine away, because there were still four days before the next meteor night, which was enough for him to send Catherine to the no-man's land of the Fiery Prairie.

But when Catherine's father was about to take her out of the city, the guards of the Count stopped them.

It turned out that there was one of his father's apprentices in the blacksmith at the time, and the apprentice reported Catherine for the bounty.

In order to make her escape smoothly, Catherine's father stepped forward to entangle with the guards. In the process, he was injured by the guards. One of the guards was so embarrassed that he raised his long sword and prepared to cut it down at his father.

Seeing that her father was in danger, Catherine immediately pulled out the slender sword around her waist and stepped forward to help.

The slender sword around her waist was given to her by her father at her sixteenth birthday Although Katherine usually practiced randomly by herself, she definitely couldn't be the opponent of those guards.

However, I don't know what happened. Seeing that her father was about to be in danger, Catherine was in a trance, and then she beat all the guards down.

However, after all, she was still in the city at the time. Although Catherine was able to fight one against ten, she was still captured in the end.

After she was taken away, she originally thought she was about to be burned to death.

But when the guards sent him to the church, the church didn't kill her immediately.

Instead, he has been kept in a secret room.

I don't know how long it took, but a priest finally came. The priest claimed to be a bishop and asked Catherine how she awakened her magical skills.

At first, Catherine didn't know what the bishop was asking, but later she realized that he was asking how she suddenly possessed such a powerful swordsmanship.

For this question, Catherine herself was very puzzled, and naturally there was no answer for her.

Since then, Catherine has been observed and interrogated by church members from time to time.

Such days lasted for about three months. After the church did not gain anything, she was ready to send her to the Holy City.

It was on the way to the Holy City that Catherine escaped the captivity of the church because she was attacked by monsters.

Next, she fled to the blazing grassland. Because of her talent in swordsmanship, she could still survive alone on the dangerous blazing grassland.

Later, by chance, he helped several small barbarian tribes. These tribes regarded Catherine as a guardian and usually provided Catherine with food and other supplies.

And Catherine helped them when they encountered dangers that could not be solved.