Chapter 855

Name:Warhammer Wizard Author:Emperor
the next day.

Ren arrived at the ruling hall on time in the morning, waited for a while, and walked into the office room.

This is a projection room, which is specially used by the consuls to participate in the Supreme Council. The Consuls are entrusted by the Supreme Council to govern the empire, and most meetings have the qualifications to observe. However, Renn participated in the meeting as a holy soul wizard, and his power was much higher than that of the consul.

Hesktor stood guard outside the projection room, and a legendary wizard activated the rune circle.

Ren stood in the middle.

After a strong wave of magic, the scene in front of Ren's eyes was distorted, and he entered a magnificent palace in the endless void. A long bronze table was placed in the palace, and at the end was the 100-meter statue of the goddess of magic, overlooking the meeting below.

Supreme Palace!

Ryan has just joined the Supreme Council and has not really been to the Supreme Palace.

According to the teacher, holy soul wizards rarely go to the Supreme Palace, and they have only been there three times in the past thousand years, and each time the location is different. The teacher guessed that the Supreme Palace might not be far from the Goddess's Kingdom of God, or even inside the Kingdom of God.

Apart from Ren, there was no one else in the Supreme Palace.

Under normal circumstances, only the three giants of the empire are qualified to convene holy soul wizards. This meeting was initiated by the teacher entrusted by himself, and it was discussed a few days ago.

Soon, figures appeared on both sides of the long bronze table.

The main seat at one end of the long table was empty.

That was originally the position of Master Ogulev, but since Master Ogulev disappeared, this seat representing the highest power of the empire has not welcomed a new owner.

The twelve holy soul wizards lined up on both sides.

On the left hand side of the main seat is Anse Wodos, followed by Master Oroin, Prophet Medifer, Queen of Storms, Duke of Silver Star and Dean Sabra.

The six on the right are Tim Kenan, Duke of Gray Eagle, Great Sage Congerald, Master Huo Huai, Magna, Duke of Purple Flame, Tuzley, Duke of Black Robe, and Kelstone, Duke of Redstone.

There are six holy soul wizards on each side, exactly corresponding to the current structure of the Supreme Council.

On the left are all members of the Modu faction, and on the right are the Nether faction and the Balance faction. If these two factions join forces, they will be able to counter the Modu faction. It can be said that they are evenly matched.

However, there is a thirteenth holy soul wizard in the Supreme Palace.

Ryan hadn't taken his seat yet, standing at the end of the long table, he immediately caught the eyes of the holy soul wizards, and they all looked over.

"Truth lives forever!"

He chanted a motto of the goddess, bowed slightly, and greeted with a calm and relaxed expression: "Ren has seen all the holy souls."

The six holy soul wizards of the Modu faction all nodded in welcome.

The other six, except for the Great Sage and Master Huo Huai, all had expressionless faces.

"Truth lives forever!"

Anse Wodos stood up and said in a loud voice: "Ren, welcome to the Supreme Council, please sit down." Following his words, the statue of the goddess of magic trembled slightly, and a silver light shot from his eyes and landed on the long bronze table On it, etched a name: Wren Augustus!

To have a name in the High Palace also means to have a seat.

Ren's position was on the Modus side, next to Dean Sabra. He walked over and sat down on the high-backed chair. Dean Sabra next to him showed him a gentle smile and said softly: "Congratulations, Ren, I knew that this position would be yours sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

"Thank you, Dean." Ren responded simply.

There was no one in the position opposite him, but as long as he turned his head slightly, he would face Kelstone. There was no trace of emotion on the projection face of this mortal enemy, and when he noticed his gaze, he turned away after looking at each other.

In fact, the six holy soul wizards on the opposite side were not in a high mood.

If it weren't for the Supreme Council's regulations, three absences without reason would automatically disqualify them. Several of them didn't want to come to the meeting at all.

Sure enough, Anse Wodos immediately said: "Ren, talk about your business."


Ren tapped the long table lightly, and a document appeared on the table in front of each holy soul wizard, which was sorted out by Chief of Staff Frank and presented through projection.

He said unhurriedly: "My colleagues, I said in my inaugural speech yesterday that my work will focus on industry and education in the next ten years. Therefore, I formally propose to the Supreme Council to establish a Ministry of Industry and Education. department."

"And appoint the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Education to my cabinet."

"This is the institutional composition and scope of responsibilities of the two departments, as well as my understanding of industry and education, and the benefits to the empire after the establishment of the department, etc."

"Please review it, and then vote with a show of hands."

The expressions of the holy soul wizards were different.

The Modu faction members were amazed at Ren's work efficiency, and came up with a plan on the second day after taking office. The establishment of two brand new departments is not a trivial matter, and it can be called a major reform.

Frowning, Tim Kennan opened the file.

The Great Sage and Master Huo Huai were very interested, Kelstone remained expressionless, and the Duke of Black Robe and Duke of Purple Flame remained motionless, showing no intention of reading the document at all.

The content of the file is not long, but the amount of information is very large.

After reading it for a few minutes, the holy soul wizards were not in a hurry to express their opinions, and they were all thinking.

Judging from the plan, Rennes has no selfish intentions in establishing two departments.

Industry can greatly increase the national strength of the empire and develop it to a new height. Needless to say, the importance of education is mentioned in the plan. The plan proposes that the empire allocate funds to establish a large number of schools. From elementary school, middle school to university, every child in the empire must go to school and popularize education. Nine-year compulsory education, and imparting extraordinary knowledge in the first year of senior high school, so that gifted students have the opportunity to get in touch with extraordinary power and cultivate more extraordinary people.

This is a millennium plan!

However, investment in education is like a bottomless pit, taking up one-twentieth of the empire's financial appropriation every year, and there will be more and more in the future.

But if it is really effective, the benefits of the empire are also huge.

The number of extraordinary people has increased by at least ten times, and more wizards have appeared, and with the expansion of investment in education, the number of extraordinary people will also increase.

It is also mentioned in the plan that every school must compulsorily join in the study of the Goddess' teachings and make it a compulsory course, so as to feel the light of the Goddess' wisdom.

This will undoubtedly develop countless believers, and greatly increase the divine power of Wei Jiestri!

The holy soul wizards looked at the statues in the palace from time to time.

No wonder...

They couldn't help but realize that it's no wonder the goddess of magic favors Ren so much.

The teachings of Weijie Stretch are very tolerant. Due to some reasons in history, a well-organized church was not established. Although the number of believers is huge, the Supreme Council is equivalent to the core leadership of the Goddess Church and completely controls the upper echelon of the empire. , the structure of the church is very loose, almost equal to nothing.

The establishment of the Ministry of Education made up for this deficiency, and it was in perfect harmony with the teachings of the Goddess.

Even, the Ministry of Education can be regarded as the Church of Magic!

Master Huo Huai, Queen of Storms, and Duke of Silver Star are all most excited. They are the goddess's voters, and they are willing to support the goddess as long as they can increase the divine power of the goddess.

Other holy soul wizards also tend to agree.

Prosecuting the Goddess is only a part of the role of the Ministry of Education, and the benefits to the entire empire are huge, with no harm at all.

The role of the Ministry of Industry is no less than that of the Ministry of Education.

These two departments work together and complement each other. It only takes a few years to see the effect. The holy soul wizards seem to have seen the torrent of the times and pushed the empire to the peak of the new era!

"very good."

Tim Kennan said lightly to Ryan: "Although I don't like the current situation, it is right to choose you as the consul."

The Great Sage Congerald nodded with approval on his face.

Kelstone suddenly said: "Consul, I have a question. If, as you said, industry is so important to the empire but must rely on the Mechanical Union, should we be prepared to prevent the Mechanical Union from becoming too influential? Big, threatening the Supreme Council?"


Ren groaned secretly. Kelstone's mind was very sharp. He had tried his best to downplay the existence of the Mechanical Union in the documents, but he still saw it.

"What do you mean?" he asked back.

Kelstone immediately replied: "The position of Minister of Industry cannot be occupied by members of the Mechanical Union. You must ensure the independence of the Minister of Industry and consider the overall interests of the empire, not just the interests of the Mechanical Union."

"I see." Ren nodded.

It's impossible to change people. I have already negotiated with the mechanic. The 100 million gold shield has already been eaten in my stomach, and it is absolutely impossible to spit it out.

Appointing cabinet ministers is the prerogative of the consul and does not require the consent of the Supreme Council, unless specifically passed by resolution.

When the time comes to directly appoint Fass as the Minister of Industry, Kelstone has no choice but to agree now.

The holy soul wizards discussed for a while and asked some questions, which Renn answered one by one.

Regardless of the position, this plan has also been approved by everyone.

"Everyone, if there are no questions, let's vote."

Ren's eyes swept over the holy soul wizards, and he said loudly: "The first thing is to establish the Ministry of Industry. If you agree, please raise your hand."

The six holy soul wizards on the side of the Modu faction immediately raised their hands.

The six sitting opposite also raised their hands one after another, including the two holy soul wizards who didn't read the plan.

"Unanimous vote!"

Ryan continued: "As for the proposal to establish the Ministry of Education, please raise your hand if you agree."

Twelve hands went up, and the vote was unanimous.

"Thank you all." Ren stood up to thank the Holy Soul Wizards.

He was actually a little surprised in his heart. He thought that there would be some opposition. Although the opposition was useless, the Modu faction could still pass the resolution with seven votes, but it would be better to pass it unanimously. At least on the surface, the unity of the Supreme Council was maintained.

The two factions headed by Tim Kennan and Kelstone will not feel suppressed by the Modus for the time being, and their hostility will be eased.

This has the effect of paralyzing them.

Ren thought in his mind that even if he wanted to overthrow the Supreme Council, he couldn't let the Holy Soul Wizards know his intentions now.

The next few years will be a critical period, and today is a good start.

Anse Wodos got up and said: "If there is nothing else, everyone should leave."

Ren quit the projection and glanced at the time. The Supreme Council was very efficient and completed two important resolutions in just ten minutes. He walked out of the projection room and ordered, "Frank, let the cabinet ministers go to the meeting room on the second floor ahead of time."

"Yes, my lord."

After a while.

Ryan entered the cabinet meeting room. There was a large oval table in the middle, surrounded by more than a dozen chairs, and a minister sat on each chair. There were two rows of seats behind them for the ministers. prepared by the secretary.

"The Consul is here!" shouted the guard.

The people in the entire meeting room stood up clattering, stood with their hands tied, and looked at Ren who came in through the door, followed by Chief of Staff Frank and several secretaries.

Ren walked to the main seat of the large oval table, and glanced at the cabinet ministers standing by the table.

The closest person is also my closest person, the Minister of the Interior Viola, her position is on my left; the right is the Minister of Finance Ashley, this sorceress is one of the two remaining in the previous cabinet, Her ability is unquestionable, and her loyalty is unquestionable.

Then there was Batura, Marquis of Zelimu, who accepted the position of Minister of War and Government.

Internal affairs, finance and military administration are also called the three thrones of the cabinet.

Besides them, there are the Ministers of Revenue, Ministers of Nobility, Ministers of Commerce, Ministers of Economy and Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

The aristocratic minister is an acquaintance, Viscount Stoind, Villion, who is the representative of the nobles and parliamentarians of Modu.

The Minister of Taxation comes from the floating city of the Queen of Storms, named "Preston", a legendary mid-level elementalist.

The Minister of Economy is the sage "Kegsman" from the Alchemy Guild, who also serves as the president of the Imperial Bank. He has been the Minister of Economy for more than a hundred years and has served five consuls.

Foreign Minister Felion, who is also an acquaintance of Rennes, has been the chief of public security in Longshande for many years. This time, he was sent to Northriel by the Duke of Silver Star to join Rennes' cabinet. He has no experience in diplomatic work, but the empire's foreign affairs are not many, and they are not taken seriously. The position of the foreign minister in the cabinet is the last, and it doesn't matter whoever is in charge. The important thing is to reflect the interests of the Duke of Silver Star.

Felion had already communicated with Rennes a few days ago.

When he was in Longshande, Renn was just a young man who had just become a superhuman, and joined the demon squad under his jurisdiction. In just a few years, it was his turn to look up to Renn, which made Felion feel very sad. Complicated, once wanted to refuse the Duke's order.

But in the end, he still couldn't refuse the opportunity to enter the cabinet and adjusted his mentality.

There are also ministers of justice and agriculture.

These two positions were not appointed by the consul, but were sent by the Church of Justice and the Church of the Earth to join the cabinet, which has not changed for many years.

The Minister of Justice is "Silver Sword Master" Sissel, one of the arbitrators of the Church of Justice.

The Minister of Agriculture is called "Chiosaro". He is a strong old man with an ordinary appearance and plain clothes. He looks like an old farmer, but no one present dares to despise him.

Chiorosa is the "archbishop" of the Church of the Earth, with a priest level of twenty-five, a rare envoy of life in the world!

These ten are the core members of Rennes' cabinet.

"Everyone, please sit down."

Ren waited for everyone to sit down, and immediately said: "Before our first cabinet meeting starts, I want to make an announcement. The Supreme Council has passed my proposal to establish the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Education. The ministers of these two departments also will join the Cabinet."

The people in the conference room were all surprised, and most of them heard about it for the first time.

Two newly formed departments?

According to the wishes of the consul, the candidates for the two ministers have been decided.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, and everyone turned their heads to look, but saw three people. They stood next to Ren, and Ren got up and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, the Minister of Industry, His Excellency Fasting, the Minister of Education, Mr. Ken Feixius, and the Governor of the Subcontinent, Magnus Hastings. "