Chapter 21 Airborne Combat

On the drop deck of the Glory of Macragge.

A hundred Space Marines waited for the airborne order surrounded by the humming mechanical sound.

The battle to clear the plague fleet is still going on.

From time to time, you can see brilliant beams of light flashing across the cold and quiet space, very bright.

On the battlefield, the scene of some plague ships disintegrating in the flames and collapsing silently is also very shocking.

The flagship was destroyed, and the combat effectiveness of the plague fleet also plummeted, being slaughtered and harvested by the imperial fleet.

Other warships are still hunting down those plague ships that try to resist or escape, adding to their glorious record.

The Glory of Macragge gave up this great opportunity to gain glory.

Compared with the glory of nothingness, Guilliman is more concerned about what happens on the surface.

Those plague warriors must be planning some terrible and evil ritual again.

There is absolutely no harm in stopping them as soon as possible.

The hundred Space Marines hail from two different chapters, forming a unique spearhead force.

Guilliman tried to mix different warbands to fight together, so that they were no longer the old mode of independent and independent wolf of the warband.

He intends to adopt a brand-new system. During guerrilla warfare, these groups can fight independently, and when they gather together, they can form a large-scale and organized operation like the Great Expedition period.

In that case, he could deploy tens of thousands of perfectly coordinated interstellar fighters at one time in certain large-scale battles, and crush all enemies. It is also possible to let the battle groups fight independently on a specific battlefield to improve efficiency.

Among the one hundred space fighters, fifty are from the Ultramarines Chapter. They wear the unique dark blue armor of the Ultramarines, and the veterans of the Ultramarines in the front row are all wearing Terminator armor.

The other fifty are from the Aurora Star Chapter, which is a sub-group of the Ultramarines. The spray paint of the battle armor is gray with blue dots.

This chapter is not as wealthy as the Ultramarines, only two or three veterans wear Terminator armor, and the rest are standard armor.

On the deck, hundreds of technical experts and machine slaves were busy back and forth, making preparations for the landing operations of the space fighters.

The space warriors wearing the Terminator armor are undergoing self-inspection with the help of the mechanical priest to ensure that the armor is in good condition and ensure that their terrorist combat power will not be greatly reduced due to poor maintenance.

Space warriors wearing standard power armor are equipped with tall assault shields with the assistance of armed servants.

Standard power armor lacks the sheer thickness of the Terminator's armor, and in the air raids to come, bulky assault shields will enhance their survivability in close quarters combat.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the elevator raised the munitions stored on the bottom floor to the deck.

The Chapter's servants in smart uniforms, with the help of mechanical thralls, distributed those ammunition to each warrior.

Meanwhile, all Space Marines are conducting a final pre-battle inspection of their armor and weapons, as well as those of their comrades.

The chaplains of the Chapter strode in the ranks, listening to the oaths of the soldiers, and affixed the oath papers to their armor with wax.

With a hissing sound, the sealing wax was stamped with the holy hot iron seal.

Thanks to years of training, every member, whether warrior or servant, is working perfectly and efficiently.

"The Glory of Macragge has entered the orbit of the planet, and the airborne operation will begin in ten minutes."

This broadcast was overwhelmed by the noise and din of people's ongoing preparations, but was not repeated.

The hearing of the space fighters has been strengthened, and they have all heard this order clearly.

Immediately, a deafening horn sounded on the deck.

All the space warriors and servants stopped what they were doing, stood at attention and saluted, looking at the direction of the arch with burning eyes.

In their expectant eyes, a majestic giant wearing azure armor of destiny strode forward amidst the sound of loud horns, followed by the Glory Guard.

The person who came was the Regent of the Empire, the Lord of Ultramar, the father of the great Ultramarine Gene, and the thirteenth son of the Emperor—Guilliman.

Guilliman wears the gauntlet of the Dominant Hand on his left hand, and the silent Emperor's Sword on his waist.

The strength and will shown in every gesture makes mortals hold their breath.

"Are you ready?" Guilliman looked at the many space fighters and made a deep voice.

"My lord, everything is ready." The first company commander of the Dawn Star Chapter said loudly.

"Waiting for your dispatch at any time, my lord." Said Sicarius, the second company commander of the Ultramarines Chapter.

The other space warriors all stood upright, looking at Guilliman with awe and admiration.

Admiration shone like a light in their faces, and they were ready to die for this great man.

"Very good." Guilliman stared firmly at all the space fighters, "It's time for those traitors to see what happens when they rebel against the Empire and humanity. The Empire must win."

"Must win."

"Must win."

The space warrior roared, his loud voice drowning out all the noise.

A part of the interstellar fighters including Sicarius was loaded into the airborne capsule, and was thrown to the planet Sara by the ejection device like the goddess Sanhua, turning into a stream of fire and descending on the surface.

This is the most commonly used airborne method for interstellar fighters. It is fast, and when it lands, it can also use the violent impact brought by the high-altitude fall to bring a wave of bombardment to the opponent, causing first-hand damage

Guilliman and another part of the fighters took the Thunderhawk transport plane to carry out the landing operation.

The Primarch and Terminator are too big to fit into the airborne capsule, so they can only be transported by heavy air vehicles.

Sara star has been surrounded by miserable green plague gas, and the ejected airdrop pods rushed into the tumbling plague cloud like cannonballs.

"Forty seconds, get ready for battle." Sicarius yelled, and the airborne capsule was rapidly cutting into the atmosphere of Star Sara.

The high-speed fall brought an extremely strong airflow sound, which was extremely sharp, and even the airborne cabin had a thick bulkhead that could not completely isolate this harsh sound.

The other fighters did not respond, they all remained silent, always keeping themselves in the best state of preparation.

As the atmosphere became denser, the rocket propellers at the bottom of the airborne cabin also started to activate, releasing powerful propulsion flames and accelerating the falling speed.

The space capsule falling at high speed trembled violently, the interior gradually heated up, and the huge friction turned into noise and high heat.

The entire airdrop process will not exceed five minutes, including the time the airdrop capsule is flying in space.

Once it touches the atmosphere of the target planet, the thrusters will be activated to speed up the descent, and it will fall from high altitude to the ground within tens of seconds.

Landing from an altitude of 10,000 meters in a few tens of seconds, this airdrop method is undoubtedly courting death for other troops, and it is impossible for the body to bear it.

But it is not a serious problem for space fighters.

Such an airborne method also demonstrates the power of the space fighters.

Sicarius tried his best to control his mood. There was only noise around him, and he couldn't see the enemy who was about to fight, nor his comrades in the same airborne pod.

There was nothing he could do until the drop pod was fully down.

Compared to this way of entering the sky directly, he prefers the surgically precise deployment and swift assault of the Storm Bird.

Guilliman decided to use the airborne pod to deploy troops, and there are also very legitimate reasons.

Dropping the space fighter known as the emperor's angel on the enemy's rear without warning can cause a more devastating psychological shock, overwhelming the opponent by three points in terms of momentum.

Accompanied by a booming sound, the hatch of the airborne cabin was directly blown outward, and the restraint belts that restrained the space warriors also bounced off at the same time.

They landed precisely on a traitor's artillery position.

Those cultists with various blasphemous symbols tattooed on their faces and bodies hadn’t realized what was going on before they were blown away by the huge shock wave caused by the landing of the airborne capsule. Some of the cultists who got close The body exploded directly, and the flesh and blood scattered a little.

"For Guilliman." Sicarius, who activated his power sword and held a bolt gun, let out a battle cry.

(end of this chapter)