Chapter 145: Who is the heir

Although the biggest threat to the Federation is the Zerg, there are still many interstellar pirates, among which the Demon Dream Pirate Group is the largest and most powerful of all interstellar pirates. Such a powerful combat force suddenly appeared on the planet S36, and it appeared without any concealment. The news spread to the high level of the Federation and other legions in less than a minute.

The base of the Demon Dream Legion has always been in the X Star Territory, and while they are stationed in the X Star Territory, they are also resisting the Zerg. The ordinary people of the Federation may not know this, but as a general of the Legion, it is impossible not to know. So when the Demon Dream Legion appeared on the planet S36, the leaders of the other two legions only briefly froze, and immediately realized the significance of this matter.

The Demon Dream Legion chose to join the Ares Legion.

When he heard the news, Si immediately smashed his anger on the console in the command room.

"Professor Fan, what's going on, why did the Demon Dream Pirates finally choose the God of War Army?" Si Masha will be one of the first people who knew that the Demon Dream Pirates had whitewashing ideas, and this news was precisely this Member Fan. Told him.

The reason why Senator Fan can become a federal congressman is inseparable from the assistant of the Sima Army. He also just got the news at this time. He was also very surprised that Yaomeng chose the God of War Army: "I also just got the news."

"Didn't you say that you will help us contact the Demon Dream Legion?" Si immediately asked.

"I said, I passed all the conditions you gave to the head of the Demon Dream Corps."

"Then why did they choose the God of War Army?"

"Perhaps the conditions given by others are better?" Mr Fan said, "You can bribe me to help you plan, isn't it?"

"If it's the Feng Family, this possibility is still there, but the God of War Corps is so poor. The annual military salary has to rely on his wife to make money subsidies. What does he take to bribe the Monster Dream Corps?"

"You can only ask Ye Chen about this." Mr Fan said.

Now I ask if there is a fart, everyone has already gone to planet S36. Although the fact that the Demon Dream Legion joined the God of War Legion has not been officially announced, the appearance of the Demon Dream Legion in such a high-profile manner is afraid that the two sides have already negotiated the conditions, and today is just a cutscene.

And indeed, as he expected, the Demon Dream Legion did come and walked through the scene, and the specific conditions had been negotiated by both of them through video before they came. At this time, in the Hungry Hall of the God of War Corps, Admiral Sheng was granting the rank of lieutenant general to the boss of the Demon Dream Corps, Lin Xuesong.

God of War currently has only three lieutenants, each of whom has served for the Army of the Gods of War for more than 20 years. Sheng Tianxing's ability to award the title of Lieutenant General Lin Xuesong to the Army of God of War shows his importance to the Army of the Demon Dream. After Lin Xuesong was awarded the title of lieutenant general, Ye Chen was subsequently awarded the rank of major general, and then several senior members of the Demon Dream Corps were also awarded the corresponding ranks.

"Lieutenant General Lin, according to our agreement, the Demon Dream Legion will still be stationed in the X Star Territory. I will not interfere with you too much, but now that you are wearing military uniforms and have the corresponding military ranks, then the military rules of the Ares Legion are you Must be obeyed." Soldiers abide by military regulations, this is Shengtianxing's bottom line.

Lin Xuesong frowned, and as soon as he was about to speak, Ye Chen on the side spoke first: "Admiral Sheng can rest assured, since we have chosen to join the God of War Corps, the rules of the God of War Corps must naturally be followed. It's just that we were unrestrained before. Yes, please let the Admiral give us some time."

This request is not excessive, Sheng Tianxing nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Haoyue has already started mass production. I don't know if there is a quota for our monster dream in the first batch." Ye Chen said again.

"Do you also know about Haoyue, Sheng Heng told you?" Sheng Tianxing said confidently.

Haoyue was the weapon designed by Yan Hao specifically for the lower Zerg. After half a month of testing by soldiers of all levels of the God of War Corps, the value of this weapon was obtained. This weapon has 91% more damage to the Zerg at level 6 and below. In other words, as long as the operation is strictly in accordance with the instructions, once the weapon is used, as long as it can accurately hit the Zerg, the probability of killing the Zerg is as high as 91%.

Although not every mecha fighter can accurately use this weapon in the battlefield, but this has also greatly improved the lethality of the Zerg. The Mecha Department of the Ares Corps was almost crazy when it calculated this value, and immediately reported to the superior. For this reason, Admiral Sheng convened another high-level meeting and decided to mass-produce this weapon and configure it in a unified configuration below the sixth level.上上. He also named the weapon Haoyue after the homophony of Yan Hao's name.

Ye Chen smiled happily, without admitting or denying, Sheng Heng who stood aside unable to speak angrily, gave him a fierce look.

"When the first batch of weapons comes out, I will give you some past." This is the condition agreed upon by both parties. The Demon Dream Corps joins the forces of the God of War Corps and the God of War Corps, and the God of War Corps has new weapons or mechas. Share it with the Demon Dream Corps for a time.

At the end of the award ceremony, the God of War Corps held a reception for the Demon Dream Corps in order to welcome it. In the reception, Ye Chen became a social flower and got in touch with all the high-level officials of the God of War Corps. This communicative ability is straightforward. Seeing Sheng Heng dumbfounded, Lin Songxue breathed fire in her eyes.

Finally, Ye Chen came to Sheng Heng holding a glass of wine.

Although Sheng Heng is the son of General Sheng, his rank in the army is not high. If it weren't for the reception of the Demon Dream Corps, he would not have the right to participate. So throughout the reception, he stayed silently in the corner to eat.

"You take the name Haoyue. It has Yan Hao's little cute name and compares him to the moon. It's true, it's more affectionate than the last time I met." Ye Chen praised.

"It's not better than you. Someone who is more affectionate about you is about to breathe fire." Sheng Heng glanced at a man who was just walking here.

Ye Chen glanced back, and his left hand, which was not holding the cup, just lifted it slightly, then stopped. Although his face was still black, he did not continue to walk over.

Sheng Heng raised his eyebrows in surprise: "He listens to you that way?" Isn't Lin Xuesong the boss of the Demon Dream Army?

"If you are obedient, you will like it. It's worth learning." Ye Chen hinted.

"Xiao Hao is different from you."

Ye Chen smiled and did not continue the topic, but suddenly said: "You and your elder brother, who will become the next head of the God of War Army in the end?"

"Of course it's my elder brother." Sheng Heng said without thinking.

"What if your mimic mecha combat power surpasses your big brother?" Ye Chen asked.

"No matter what happens to me, the next person in charge of the God of War Corps will still be my elder brother." Sheng Heng was a little unhappy, thinking that Ye Chen was instigating the relationship between him and his elder brother.

"But I hope it's you." Ye Chen said without shy, "I chose the God of War Corps because of your relationship with Yan Hao, so I hope that the next person in charge of the God of War Corps is you."

Sheng Heng frowned, his eyes cold. When he was about to say something to dispel Ye Chen's boring thoughts, Sheng Zhuo suddenly appeared beside the two with a wine glass, and took the topic with a smile: "The Army of God of War" It has always been based on combat exploits and strength. If Sheng Heng's combat exploits and strength surpass me one day, then the Army of God of War is his."

"Big brother." Sheng Heng said anxiously, he didn't want his big brother to misunderstand, "I won't..."

"When we were young, didn't we just talk about it?" Sheng Zhuo said.

Sheng Heng was startled, thinking of the long past. It was the first time he was brought to planet S36 by his father. At that time, his hand had not been injured, and he was still a stunning genius for the entire Federation. At that time, Admiral Sheng and his two sons were standing in the port of the base, pointing to the warships that were constantly flying out of the port, and said: "When you grow up, you will fight to protect the Federation like them. At that time, who of you? Whoever has high military exploits and strong strength can inherit here, and the loser can't complain, but help the other one well, okay?"


"The high-five is a proof, no regrets."

The scene of the father and son high-fiving under the starry sky is still vivid at this time, but his hands were crippled shortly after that. Since then, he never thought that one day he would be able to defeat his elder brother and become the heir to the Army of God of War.

"Okay." Sheng Heng nodded heavily. It was not that he suddenly had the ambition to become the heir to the defeated Legion, but he knew that only by agreeing to this contest and fulfilling his childhood promises could he be to his eldest brother. Respect.

The two brothers smiled similarly, and the two men raised their glasses in the same way, and each drank with their heads up. When they came back to think of Ye Chen, they turned their heads and realized they didn't know when they had already left.

Capital Star, in the Federal Research Institute.

After reading Yan Hao's design drawings and listening to Yan Hao's ideas, Pang Lao reacted almost the same as Zhong Lao, and he was so excited that he could not come directly from the video to participate in the research.

"This idea is feasible, and it is likely to be the only way to achieve advanced mimicry mecha." Pan Lao gave a high evaluation.

"Teacher, is this a bit too full of words?" They are engaged in scientific research, and they speak rigorously, and they feel guilty when they hear such absolute words.

"That is at least the only way through at the moment." Pang Lao said.

Yan Hao felt comfortable immediately.

"Old man Pang, if you are asked to do it, how likely do you think this road map will succeed?" Zhong Lao asked.

"Yeah~~" Old Pang touched his gray beard for a long time. The two people on the video side did not remind them, nor were they impatient.

"Thirty percent." Pang Lao said after a long while.

"..." Zhong's old-fashioned beard was curled up, "Well, it's been 30% after so long. What use do you want?"

Yan Hao's eyes were also a little disappointed. He thought that Teacher Pang would be much better than him, at least with a 50% certainty.

"You still don't think 30% is too low? How much can you achieve?" Pang Lao asked with a sneer, he was absolutely confident, even he was only 30% sure, and Old Man Zhong was at most 20%.

Old Zhong really shut up.

Seeing that he had the upper hand in two consecutive quarrels, Pang was immediately happy and continued: "The 30% I said refers to the current mecha manufacturing method."

"You mean, we need to reform the production method of mecha?" Zhong Lao immediately caught the key point.

"Since you want to use mental power instead of traditional energy transmission, the conductors will naturally need to be appropriately modified. If you can replace most of the metal in the mecha with a metal that can accommodate a large amount of mental power, the effect should be better. "Pang Lao said.

"Teacher, do you know this kind of metal?" Yan Hao hadn't thought about this possibility, but in the metal properties he knew, it seemed that there was no such suitable metal.

"There are a few pieces in my private library, because they are not commonly used materials for making mechas. I have studied them for a while and then put them aside. I will look at them again in these two days. If I can mine this metal in batches, Xiao Hao , Your design proposal can be improved by at least 30%."

That's 60%!

Yan Hao's heart couldn't help but jumped up.