"Rose sister, you help me to think of a way

Seeing that the silver shark has picked up the hammer, Wang Yunxiu is more anxious.

[Green Rose] lowered her head for a moment and sighed, "if only Mr. Wang was here at this time.

As long as he takes out a little bit of Fengyi group's equity at will, he can easily buy the island. "

[Green Rose] let Wang Yunxiu's brain flash a light.

"I have the equity of Fengyi group."

She said in surprise.


[Green Rose] the eyes behind the mask were quite surprised, as if they had never thought about it.

"Absolutely true!"

Wang Yunxiu excitedly said: "my father gave me some shares of Fengyi group when I was an adult."

"What are you waiting for? Take it out as a mortgage."

"Green rose" cried anxiously.

So Wang Yunxiu applied to sign a share transfer contract.

As a result, Haishi changed and became one of the shareholders of Fengyi group.

After the transfer of shares, Wang Yunxiu has the capital to compete with Wangyue glass.

But the moon glass seems to have no mind to continue to fight.

She arched her hand at Wang Yunxiu and sighed, "it's true that the wind means thousands of gold, and the glass is convinced."

Wang Yunxiu immediately forked his hips and laughed, looking proud of the audience.

So gold island was traded at a strange price.

Equivalent to this island, in exchange for Wang Yunxiu more than one billion currency plus 100 million real estate plus immeasurable Fengyi group shares.

People around have clapped, but I don't know why many people's eyes are flashing with the light of irony.

Excited Wang Yunxiu did not notice the strange atmosphere, still immersed in the joy of being the island owner.

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[Green Rose] bow her head to Wang Yunxiu.

"Rose sister, thanks to you this time!"

Wang Yunxiu grabs the hand of green rose gratefully, but when she thinks that she is an ugly girl with a terrible face, she releases her hand.

[Green Rose] it seems that she doesn't care. She doesn't show any emotion.

Wang Yunxiu was very embarrassed and said, "Sister Rose, when I receive the Golden Island, I will invite you to visit the island!"

"Thank you very much, Miss Wang."

The voice of [Green Rose] is flat and light, and there is no mood fluctuation.

At this point, the auction of Haishi is over.

And the people of Haishi, also with the winners of the auction, went to exchange.

Wang Yunxiu also left with the people of Haishi, ready to go to the sea to receive gold island.

She seems to have forgotten the green rose and didn't even say hello to her.

And [Green Rose] didn't care. After a meal at the same place, she walked to the high platform.


Looking at Wang Yunxiu who is walking with the people in Haishi, Guan Xiaoshu is in a hurry.

He was afraid of losing people and was ready to catch up.

But at this time, the auction was just over and the square was crowded with people.

Guan Xiaoshu for a moment, but was squeezed unable to move.

After a while, they were pushed to the edge of the square.

When he was depressed, he saw the masked woman who had been staying with Wang Yunxiu all the time and walked into the high platform.

"Why? Isn't it just the people from Haishi who can get in behind the platform? "

Guan Xiaoshu's eyes suddenly widened, and his heart suddenly thumped wildly.

He always felt as if he had discovered a wonderful thing!

So Guan Xiaoshu doesn't care to follow Wang Yunxiu. Instead, he quietly follows [Green Rose] to the back stage.