
Along with the villagers' line of sight, Anderson quickly focuses his attention on Yehong.

"This little brother, is this car yours?"

Anderson eyes a bright, direct a few steps came to night Hong before Hong, a face eager to ask.

Night Hong nods silently.

Yue Qingsen, on the other side, saw this scene and immediately felt black in front of him.

"How, how is it possible?"

He was not reconciled to roar: "you are just a high school student, how come to such a valuable car?"

One side of the villagers said, "you don't understand this. Zhong lvsun Tzu can win the prize. He is a big enterprise."

"That's right. We saw him drive back last time, but it can still be fake?"

Yue Qingsen's brain was in a mess. He suddenly found that he had made a mistake all the time.

His father-in-law is still his father-in-law.

His brother-in-law is still the same.

But this is the nephew he always thought to be an ordinary high school student, but he really looked away!

Recalling Yehong's amazing performance last night, Yue Qingsen suddenly finds that he can't see through this guy.

Yue Qingsen can not help a burst of chagrin, did not investigate Ye Hong's information in advance, so he went back to night home rashly.

It is because of this that he has been led by night Hong by the nose.

"But... Fortunately, with Anderson, no matter how powerful he is, he can't compete with Anderson!"

Yue Qingsen comforts himself in his heart and follows Anderson with a flattering smile.

That Anderson saw Night Hong admitted, without hesitation: "eighty eight deep-sea heart, deal?"

Ye Hong shook his head and said, "Mr. Anderson, I think you are also a car lover. Fantasy network www.7huan.com

You should understand that I can't give up the car to you. "

Anderson's face suddenly darkened and said, "I understand, I understand, but I really like your car.

Shall I add another twenty? "

Night Hong still shakes his head: "you add 200 more, I will not change."

Yehong thought that his resolute attitude would make Anderson flinch, but he did not think he underestimated the obstinacy of dongbanya people.

"What do you need? I am an aristocrat of dongbanya kingdom. I can try my best to find it for you, as long as you are willing to give me the car!"

Looking at Anderson's sincere face, Yehong could not help but have a headache.

This appearance of Anderson, is really let him ruthless to scold.

However, Yehong can only choose cold treatment.

He shook his head and said, "Mr. Anderson, today is an important festival in our country. I have a lot of things to do and I have no time to receive you. Please leave early."

Said, has turned back to the night home yard.

"Little brother! ... "

Anderson was about to catch up with him when he saw a meat Hill blocking the entrance of the yard.

He looked up and suddenly found that Ji Er, a head taller than himself, was looking down on him coldly.

Anderson himself is relatively tall, fast enough 1.9 meters.

But compared with Ji Er, this monster is just like a thin little girl.

In front of Ji Eryi's fierce breath, Anderson had to sigh helplessly, raised his hand to indicate that he had no malice, and turned back.

Yue Qingsen looked at Anderson's frustrated appearance, but his eyes moved, ran to Anderson's ear and whispered a few words.

Then he saw Anderson clapping Yue Qingsen on the shoulder excitedly and said, "I see! Yue, it's really you

Out of Anderson's sight, Yue Qingsen could not help but smile insidiously.