In the coffee shop of the hotel, the opposite of Huang Xiangyao and ye Lala is empty. The two men also untie their masks and are drinking tea at a leisurely pace. There is a trace of satisfaction in their eye contact.

Liu Chao was attracted by the huge sum of six million yuan. He agreed to do something about Sushi's work in Weiya. Now, he has a million yuan deposit, and he can get the remaining five million yuan as long as it is completed.

"Do you dare him to do it?" Huang Xiangyao is still worried.

"I checked his debts and heard that he borrowed money four times to repay his gambling debts. He needed the money urgently."

"He has been working in Weiya for seven or eight years. It's very easy for him to touch something that others can't see. Wait! It's better to break her beautiful face. I think Wen lichen still loves her or doesn't love her. "

"Yes, we can't make her feel so comfortable. Besides, nothing happened to us at that time." Huang Xiangyao drank a glass of fruit juice and felt it was more sweet.

Two days later, Xing liehan and Tang Siyu were in a hurry because of the company's urgent business. Wen Liangyao and Xing Yinuo chose to stay and play for a while. Xing liehan had Wenjia brothers in, and he was relieved to give their younger sister to them.

Xing liehan and Tang Siyu take the little guy straight to the direction of the airport. Su Xi is also resting these two days, because the majestic play can't be shot continuously, which will hurt her body.

Xing Yinuo asked Wen Liangyao who she liked last time, but he didn't say it. However, Xing Yinuo was not that kind of person who was very worried, and she was relieved the next day.

In any case, if Wen Liangyao is only in love with others, it means that the girl has not promised him, otherwise, he would have caught up with him. Although the idea has a self comforting effect, Xing Yinuo likes it very much.

When Susi was resting, she also took the opportunity to shoot several emotional scenes. Xing Yinuo usually followed her to watch Susi's acting. She admired her very much.

This is a film and television base, and there are many landscapes to see. Xing Yinuo likes playing.

Today, her goal is to play an ancient temple, which is very historic and of great ornamental value. Wen Liangyao promised to accompany her.

Xing Yinuo is in a good mood when she takes a taxi in the saloon. She is listening to the music with her earphone at the moment. After thinking about it, she takes an earplug and hands it to the man beside her.

Wen Liangyao was stunned, but she didn't refuse. When she came in, a pleasant song came in.

Xing Yinuo asked with a smile, squinting her eyes, "is it nice?"

Wen Liangyao blinked, saying that it was pleasant. Xing Yinuo moved his position and sat closer to him.

At this time, the driver is climbing a curved slope, and the steering wheel suddenly turns. Xing Yinuo's body is unstable, and he directly and severely throws it into Wen Liangyao's arms. Wen Liangyao's arm immediately hugs her to prevent her from falling.

Xing Yinuo's face directly bumped into Wen Liangyao's chest and embarrassed her big red face. However, she could not be buried in his arms with this turning force that had not stopped.

Wen Liangyao lowers his head and looks at the girl buried in his arms. His body is slightly taut.

At this time, the driver drove on a smooth road again. Wen Liangyao reached out to gently hold her shoulder and helped her to sit well. "Are you ok! "

" I I'm a little dizzy. " Xing Yinuo pretends to hold her forehead. In fact, she's embarrassed. If she doesn't pretend to be dizzy, then just now she's buried in his arms for such a long time, she can't say it!

Wen Liangyao was serious. He took her in his arms and said, "how do you feel better?"

Xing Yinuo immediately leaned on a comfortable position in his arms, bent his eyebrows and smiled, "it would be better."

Wen Liangyao just like holding a child, holding her thin shoulder, let her lie flat and close her eyes to rest.

Wen Liangyao put one of her earplugs back into her ear.

Xing Yinuo opens a pair of bright black eyes, and looks at him so determinedly. Wen Liangyao looks out of the window. He knows that the girl in his arms is looking at him, and he pretends not to see.

From the bottom to the top, this man is also very handsome. His jaw line is beautiful. It stretches into the white T-shirt. Xing Yinuo's eyes reflect a little sunshine, and the color of adoration.

"Here you are, sir and miss. You can buy tickets to the temple from here." The driver stopped and spoke.

"Thank you." Wen Liangyao made a sound, reached for Xing Yinuo, who was lying in his arms. "Let's get out of the car!"

Xing Yinuo is not dizzy at the moment. She picks up her shoulders and backs and gets out of the car. Wen Liangyao goes to buy two tickets next to her first. Two people check in.

Because this area is not a popular scenic spot, there are not many tourists, most of them are pilgrims who come to pray for gods and Buddhas.

Walking all the way from the side, Xing Yinuo met several places for the god Buddha. Xing Yinuo knelt on the worship mat with his hands together. At this time, beside her, Wen Liangyao was just like her, with his hands together.

Xing Yinuo turns his head and looks at his handsome side face. Every line is full of ascetic breath. Xing Yinuo's heart throb is very strong.

"Pay attention to the Buddha." Wen Liangyao didn't even open his eyes, but he knew she didn't pay attention.

Xing Yinuo's pretty face is a little red, so she has to concentrate on reciting her wishes in the bottom of her heart, which is still her most urgent desire.

Then she said goodbye.

On the way, Xing Yinuo didn't miss a god statue. In front of each god statue, she sincerely promised her wishes. Sometimes, Wen Liangyao would accompany her to go in. Sometimes, he stood outside the door and silently watched her worship.

When Xing Yinuo jumped down the steps after the last divine appearance, he smiled at the man in front and asked, "I only made one wish here, guess what?"

"If you say it, it won't work." Wen Liangyao looks at it carefully.

"Then I'll tell you! My wish is the wish I wrote on the little wooden card, but I said, you are not allowed to peek! " Xing Yinuo stared at him seriously.

Wen Liangyao's eyes flashed a complex color. He hooked his lips and chuckled, "OK, I won't see it."

Xing Yinuo is really not interested in seeing him. She can't help but say, "I didn't tell you as long as I knew."

They played under the town for a while. In the afternoon, they took a taxi back to the hotel. Sushi just came back from a scene.

"Sister Susie, where are you going to shoot tomorrow! I want to go with you. " Xing Yinuo listened curiously.