After three hundred years of hunting and fighting with other races, human beings have already had enough understanding of the difficult sharong people, and have been prepared to guard against them.

The most effective weapons to deal with the sharong people are the ice cold forces and the sand hunting nets specially aimed at the sharong people.

At this time, the ice cold legion with special sand hunting nets is the army composed of ice cold forces, ancient warriors, powers, gene warriors, etc., which are gathered by human beings to deal with this difficult sharong tribe...


sulfolane ~

in the fast running, all the ice cold legions arrived at the mecha Corps in an instant Back in front of the desert.

In the face of the terrible yellow sand and the huge sharong people in front of us, the ice cold legions of human beings did not hesitate, but all of them were one after another. Even if they took the first move ~

a terrible voice of freezing suddenly appeared, and the endless force of ice and cold poured out from hundreds of thousands of ice cold legions, turning into the cold wave of universal cover, facing the huge figure on the fierce desert "Man, kill!"

At this time, the huge sharong clan also sent out the power of the boundless yellow sand, and rushed towards the ice cold army of human beings to bury it.

On the one hand, there is endless sand ~

on the other hand, the ice cold storm ~

the terrible force of ice and the yellow sand all over the sky suddenly meet, just like a huge wave beating on the rocks covering the sky, causing countless shocks in the void...


gagagaga ~

driven by more than 200000 strong human beings, all the ice in the terrible cold current was condensed Ice crystals like diamonds.

The violent flying sand and the terrible ice crystal meet, and both of them turn into the closest molecules, entangle together, and start a torrent of energy.

In this extremely low temperature ice crystal tide, those ice crystals are gradually attached to the sand grains at any time, which makes the terrible yellow sand seem to encounter some resistance and slow down with the naked eye, and even many of them are directly frozen in the air ~

at the same time, even those alien sand melting people who are rolling up the endless desert force are also involved It is also affected by the cold air and slows down...


"sand hunting net!"

With the cold and raging tide sweeping the desert, countless large nets suddenly soared into the air, just like a vast net, laying down towards the sand melting people.

At the same time, when these sand hunting nets fly into the sky, they form countless auxiliary nets, drill into the desert, and pick up from the bottom up ~

however, in the face of these sharp anomalies, and with the power of special sharp cutting marks, the sand hunting nets are most suitable for cutting sand bodies, and clusters of sand bodies of the sand melt family begin to fall into the cutting and decomposition process...


in the face of these sharp anomalies, the sand bodies of the sand melt family begin to fall into the cutting decomposition“ Alien sharong people, hum... It's just like this... Huh? What's the sound...

just after the ice cold Legion relieved the threat of the Sandong people in the other world, they suddenly felt a violent shock under their feet.

At the same time, a huge figure suddenly emerged from the sky from the distance...

in the eyes of many human strongmen, the front-end of the dense alien camp abruptly separated ~

at the same time, a huge figure suddenly emerged from the distant horizon...
