Han Yu Xiaotian's use of the word "chicken flies and dogs jump" is well known by a few people in the dream of Wanyue, but it makes Hua Fei Shen and Bai Li Han Bing, who don't know the history of Hanyu Xiaotian, have you ever made any great achievements before

The holy girl of xuanbing asked.

"Of course. This is the origin of my talisman. The magic weapons I created here are beyond your imagination. Well, the person I like is also from here... "

the light of memories in his eyes is becoming clearer and clearer, and Han Yu Xiaotian's steps are also slowly moving towards the gate...


just when Hanyu Xiaotian arrived at the laboratory of alchemy talisman with flowers flying and sinking, Gu Qingxue and others, several untimely voices interrupted everyone's progress Step ~

"stop, who are you? Don't you know that the Fuwen system is not allowed to enter at present? Or are you foreign students? "

With the sound coming out, several figures quickly came from the laboratory guard.

Eh, these people...

when they saw that these people who were obviously the guards of the laboratory of gold refining Fuwen system came over, Han Yu Xiaotian was a little surprised ~

judging from the secret breath fluctuation of these people, the guards of the Fuwen Department of the alchemy laboratory were all powerful martial arts masters above the Yellow rank...


"what is the Fuwen system When are the guards Huang Jiewu? What's more, it seems that it's not so common... "

after being stopped by the visitor, Hanyu Xiaotian can't help muttering.

Although today's huangjiewu people are no longer in the eyes of Hanyu Xiaotian, from the breath of these Huang Jiewu men, Han Yu Xiaotian is aware that the visitors are definitely not ordinary guards ~

they seem to have a sense of "shrewd" that ordinary Huang Jiewu people do not have.

When Hanyu Xiaotian looked at these people, one of the visitors suddenly widened his eyes and raised his hand to Han Yu Xiaotian with trembling voice and asked him ~

"you... You are Hanyu... Xiaotian!"

"Well? Do you... Know me? "

"Ah, master Hanyu, it's really you. I... I used to follow general Cheng en, and I was lucky to see you. You... You're back? Please wait a moment, I'll report it right away...

it seems to be a little excited, the guard said incoherently.


"hmm? General Cheng

When he heard the name mentioned by the guard, he was not any one in the Fuwen system, but general Cheng en of the military. Han Yu was stunned, but he was relieved immediately ~

"it seems that these guards are not the internal people of the Fuwen system, but the experts sent by general Cheng en. Han Yu Xiaotian silently thinks about it.

After the confirmation of the guard who just recognized Hanyu Xiaotian, other people who arrived were shocked and excited to look at Hanyu Xiaotian, unable to speak.

Han Yu Xiaotian is a master of the seven level runes, the first person in the Tianjiao list of Xinghan University, and the most powerful person who saved tens of millions of human beings in the landing battle of senwangxing. In fact, these people are the army and Fang experts sent by Cheng en to guard the rune system, and every name of Hanyu Xiaotian makes these guards who have heard of Hanyu Xiaotian's deeds, There is an impulse to take a picture with him...

