Sun, moon, stars, mountains, rocks, fields, earth, human beings, sea, rivers, plants, animals, as long as they exist in the world, they should be subject to the dragon power!

It's like a black dragon coming to the world, and all things submit to it!

Just after the emergence of the world shaking artistic conception of despotism and self-reliance and the bow of heaven and earth, the tyrannical mood of QingWang directly shocked the meaning of Qinglian, as if it was overwhelmed by something terrible...


Luo Yuan's Er Ya Yi says: the dragon is the length of scale and insect. Wang Fuyan has nine shapes: head like camel, horn like deer, eye like rabbit, ear like cow, neck like snake, abdomen like mirage, scale like carp, claw like eagle, palm like tiger, yes.

It has 81 scales on its back, with a number of 99 Yang. Its sound is like a bronze plate. There are beards and beards near the mouth, pearls under the chin, and inverse scales under the throat. There is Boshan on the head, also known as the foot wood, the dragon can not ascend to the sky without the ruler wood. Ah, Qi becomes cloud, which can change water and fire.

The Black Dragon Prince's Dragon Spirit is just like the real dragon. Its inner essence is not like the stars in the sky and blue dragon in the sky, but it seems to be the real dragon soul!

What is dragon soul?

What is Longwei?

The so-called dignity of the dragon is not because of its strength, nor because of its myths and legends, but because it is the spiritual belief of the Chinese nation, and is the ancient totem of countless ancient ancestors' ideas!

In ancient Chinese mythology, the earliest God is not the God of Buddha and Tao, but various animals and plants totems.

The so-called totem refers to the ancestors of ancient Chinese primitive times who regarded certain animals, plants or non living things as their relatives, ancestors or protection gods.

They believe that animals, plants, or inanimates have a supernatural power to protect themselves and gain their strength and skills.

In the eyes of primitive people, totem is actually a personified object of worship.

Totem as an object of worship, the main thing is not his natural image itself, but the relationship it embodies.

Bear, snake, horse, deer, snake, grass and tree can be transformed into the belief totem of ancient Chinese tribes and clans.

Different from the general totem, dragon, as a totem, is not a single animal, but a collection of various animals, which reflects the great spirit and thought of Chinese ancestors.

Primitive people could not distinguish between human beings and animals. They often regarded certain animals as their ancestors and protection gods and worshipped them.

Totem, as the ancestor and symbol of ancient Chinese clans and tribes, is generally a single animal.

If there is a war of annexation among clan tribes, the victors often destroy their totems at the same time after they capture each other. The newly created tribes still have a single totem.

In ancient times, there was no civilization. The ancient Chinese were the first to realize the natural survival law of abandoning and eating the weak.

In fact, the formation of dragon totem is the process in which the Chinese first realized the law of existence.

That is ~

unite and get close to the people of the clan and tribe that have been annexed!

After exterminating the clan and tribe, they did not completely eliminate their totems of spiritual worship and cultural sustenance, but added a part of the loser's totems to their own tribal totems!

As time goes by, the dragon, the ultimate totem of China, has been formed!