This old man was once a researcher at the human life research center in the state of Galactic Federation?

What about the real new human alliance?

Ji Jia has been searching for a clue for decades. What is revealed behind it is actually... Just a researcher from the United States of mankind?

And who is the big man of the new human alliance in the mouth of researcher Sun Lin?

What means did he use to renew the life of Sun Lin, who was sentenced to death?

Where are they hiding?

At this time, there are too many questions, which are full of people's minds ~

however, researcher Sun Lin didn't care about them ~

"ha ha, Warcraft king, today, you guys, use our old human friends to try your new body

Professor Sun Lin directed his three most proud "works".

"Jie Jie, OK, Mr. Sun Lin. Well, mechanical king, it seems that we can have a good time today. "

The king of Warcraft half man half beast's face, with a trace of terror to the extreme expression, smile way.

"Well, I've been holding on for decades, and I'm a bit bored. Today, there are some experts here. I can have fun. Well, it's just a group of old humans. Are they our new rivals

A screeching sound of metal friction came from the half man, half machine, strange population standing next to the demon Dragon King.

At this time, hearing these people who committed heinous crimes and talking to themselves of old people, people can't help but feel indignant ~

"hum, how many innocent people have you killed over the years? You killed the missing man of Ji family, right? A group of ghosts, demons, and demons have turned this place into a hell. They even talk about new human beings

Ji Yanghui, a member of the Ji family, couldn't help but say.

"Wuliang Tianzun, you are so proud to do this experiment of killing human nature"

Xuanmiao, the leader of the Qingwei school, and others said that they were proud of this experiment.

"We in the Dark Alliance died in your hands, too? I didn't expect that in the forbidden area of this chaotic star region, you evil people are still hidden. Great Satan, why didn't you take away these real demons... "

Prince Nicholas Saint Mont of the Dark Alliance is also looking at these behind the scenes perpetrators of countless killing...

" Jie Jie Jie old people, you should not feel sad for those who come to us, on the contrary, you should feel envious.

See the new species that we've been experimenting with? In the near future, they will replace the existing world and form a new world, just like our new humanity. "

Jie Jie, the demon Dragon King of beasts, laughs strangely, and even shows a trace of "rebellious" on his half human and half beast face.

"New species born? You call these monsters new species? It's just a great way to slide the world!

In order to test you monsters and immortality, you have buried millions of human beings! You are not new human beings. You are a group of demons in human skin

At this time, the people of Ji Jia, the Chinese Buddhist and Taoist alliance, and the Dark Alliance all looked at these so-called new human alliances with hatred.

For these people who have completely exterminated human nature, they can't bear it.