"Smile, what do you think of?"

Seeing that Xiaotian didn't speak for a long time, Xuanmiao and xuanxiu looked at each other and asked for a little doubt.

"Alas, one of the ways of mind is really mysterious and unpredictable ~

but knowing that all dharmas are realized only by the mind and changed by consciousness.

The true agreement with Buddha should be corresponding to Buddha with pure nature, not in the appearance, not in the things, but in the heart of people.

If you are a human being, you can understand the Buddha's Zen Mind, and all the actions and actions at present are corresponding to the Buddha. No wonder, no wonder ~ "

at this time, Han Yu Xiaotian finally understood why the practitioners in other member states practicing ancient Chinese Buddhism and Taoism since his accession to the WTO have been acting paradoxically.

Some even put the cart before the horse.

The reason is that those people did not understand one of the most profound and extensive "heart" of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism.

"Smile, friend of heaven, your heart seems to be the words of Buddhism?"

Hearing the murmur of Hanyu Xiaotian's mouth, Xuanmiao's heart moved.

"Buddhism? The Buddha is Tao, free and Tathagata... "

when Han Yu Xiaotian, who was thinking about it, heard the voice of the words coming from him, and without any consideration, he instinctively replied.

However, this is just a casual instinctive sentence, but it is a few people who listen to Xuanmiao and xuanxiu for a moment, and then frown slightly. In their hearts, there is an indescribable and unclear mind, which starts to rise.

"The Buddha is the Tao, the freedom and the Tathagata..."

is the Buddha the Tao?

Buddha is the way!

Br >

, the more mysterious and mysterious the words of "Yuyu" appeared in the quiet and quiet days Prajna paramita. Seeing that the five universes are empty, we should overcome all the hardships... "

just when the core disciples of the Qing Wei school, such as Meihua No.13, and Guli and Mo Tianyun looked at each other, suddenly, a deep voice appeared in everyone's heart.

The empty hall is still silent...

Hanyu Xiaotian!

At this moment, although the eyes of Hanyu Xiaotian seem to look at the direction of the pillars of the hall, but the heart is not sure where to drift.

At the same time, a deep but grand voice is heard directly in everyone's heart....

"sarizi, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, being thought, action and knowledge, is the same.

Sarizi is the empty phase of all dharmas, which is neither born nor destroyed, nor filthy nor pure, nor increased or decreased.

Therefore, there is no color in the air, no thought, no sense, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, colorless sound, smell, touch, no vision, and even unconscious world.

There is no ignorance, there is no ignorance, and there is no old death.

No bitterness gathers and destroys the Tao. Without wisdom, there is no gain.

Bodhisattva, in accordance with Prajna paramita, has no worries, no worries, no fears, far away from reversion of dreams and nirvana.

According to Prajna paramita, the Buddhas of the three generations have obtained the three scorned Bodhisattvas of adadora.

Therefore, Prajna paramita is the Dazhen mantra, the Daming mantra, the supreme mantra, and the Wuwu mantra, which can remove all suffering and is true.

Therefore, to say the Prajna paramita mantra is to say: Jiedi Jiedi, BOLUO Jiedi, boluoseng Jiedi, Bodhisattva poha. "


Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra!