A moment later, the light column of the sky disappeared, and in the eyes of all the people, a magnificent picture of the starry sky appeared in everyone's eyes...

"this is Xiang Yu, who has been stunned for a long time. His mouth is wide and seems to be able to swallow an egg.

"This is the star map of the Galaxy!"

The "strange gate" cold front on one side called out first ~

at this time, other people also responded. This vast starry sky may be the star map used by this relic civilization.

It's just that the star map is too detailed. ~

although human beings have been in the starry sky for thousands of years, the real control of the star path and the accurate position of the stars is only one tenth of that of the galaxy.

As for the star rings outside the stars, nebulae, ubiquitous meteor showers, secret zombie stars, and violent stars constantly in energy explosion, human beings have not yet mastered their tracks and laws, let alone show their dynamics accurately and clearly.

In this star map, the huge Milky Way galaxy is as clear as a simple picture monitored by the most high-definition instrument. It is clear and meticulous ~

the starlight and the interstellar dust gas mix together, and it looks like a light belt covered with smoke ~

the center of the galaxy is near Sagittarius, and its diameter of silver disk is about 120000 Light years.

There are a lot of interstellar dust and gas clouds in the galactic disk, which gather together the red star forming regions, thus continuously replenishing the galaxy's spiral arms with hot young blue stars, forming many open clusters or galactic clusters.

There are about 1200 such open clusters.

The silver disk is surrounded by large silver halos, which are scattered with stars and globular clusters mainly composed of old stars...

"well, why is this star map different from the shape we have mastered?"

Leng Feng and others said strangely.

For a long time, it has been thought that the Milky way is a typical spiral galaxy, similar to Andromeda galaxy.

But in this star map, they are located in the central nucleus of the Milky way slightly rod-shaped.

This means that the Milky way is likely to be a rod spiral galaxy.

In addition, you can clearly see in this star map that there is strong cosmic ray radiation in the silver core in the center of the Milky way, where the stars rotate around an invisible center at high speed.

This shows that there is a supermassive black hole in the core of the Milky way that humans have yet to be sure of!

The Milky way has two smaller neighbors, the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Magellanic Cloud, both of which belong to irregular galaxies. Because of gravity, the Milky way is constantly sucking dust and gas from these two small galaxies, making the matter in the two neighbors less and less.

In the future, the Milky way will swallow up all the matter in the two galaxies, and the two neighboring galaxies will no longer exist.

"How could that happen? It turns out that our galaxy is not a vortex galaxy. There is a black hole in the center of the Milky way. If this star map is correct, it has already overturned many existing human cognition!

At this time, Han Yuyi inadvertently moves the consciousness of his subordinates on the "Pearl". Suddenly, the huge star map above begins to change. It seems that the angle and size have been adjusted ~

"eh, the star map has changed, Xiaoyi, try again."

One side of the cold front to cold feather easy said.


Hanyu can't help touching the "Pearl" with both hands...