Demon magnetic field!

Twisted, disordered and destroyed...

the beast man feels as if he is covered in a huge hell door, allowing the dark and obscure energy to erode and tear his originally small wound, turning the scabby blood on his body into a trickle, and then into rivers and lakes!

Slowly ~

the blood red eyes of the beast turned clear, and then gradually lost their luster...

when he fell on the ground, he had become a human body again. The difference was that he fell into a pool of blood and lost his life...

this scene is more frightening and frightening than the weird and cruel methods of Japanese Ninja!

However, there are not many people who have noticed this scene, and Hanyu Xiaotian, who created the scene, doesn't care at all.

He looked at the battle field of the green bat soldiers beside him. He saw that the strange hidden weapons were about to devour the lives of three green bat soldiers. Han Yu Xiaotian once again extended his hand to the space full of various kinds of strange hidden weapons above the green bat soldiers.

Demon magnetic field starts again!

At first, it seems that the stealthy concealed weapons become stagnant when encountering some obstacles, and then the tracks and lines begin to become chaotic. Gradually, the initial strength on the concealed weapons dissipates ~

at the same time, a new force dominates them.

According to the new force path, hundreds of concealed weapons began to collide, twist and squeeze irregularly, and finally formed a pile of metal balls like hedgehogs, "bang Dang" fell to the ground!

The scene was silent...

not only three green bat soldiers who escaped from death were stunned by the incredible scene, but even the Japanese ninjas who fired their concealed weapons were also hidden in the void for a long time without any movement.

As for the beast man on the side, a sword in his hand had been shot into his left eye and penetrated his brain. Now he had already gone to hell.

Of course, the sword in his hand is also a masterpiece of Hanyu Xiaotian's magic magnetic field. However, allowing the cold field is not the style of Han Yu Xiaotian. At the moment when the concealed weapon landed, he began to look at the dark void that the concealed weapon shot out in the air.

It is said that the eyes see, but in fact, it is his divine consciousness that sees things.

"Even what the eyes see may not be true!"

At this moment, this sentence just confirms the strange scene.

"I see."

Hanyu Xiaotian, through his divine consciousness, in a moment has cracked the Japanese ninja's means of hiding in the air.

I don't know when, the air in this area has been covered with black steel wires. These steel wires are connected on the treetops, under the eaves and beside the lamp posts, forming a structure similar to "cobweb"!

These "cobwebs" are also the reason why Japanese ninjas can always move in the air for a long time. They do not have the technology to glide in the air like the green bat fighters, but they also have their own unique methods to achieve similar performance.

Hanyu Xiaotian's divine sense clearly shows that the three ninjas are fastening themselves to the steel wire through a connecting device, and sliding through this device in a small range.

And their hidden means is to make Hanyu Xiaotian a little surprised.

These ninjas seem to be full of a strange smell or energy around their bodies. The energy that envelops the whole body of ninjas has no attack and protection, but it seems to be able to reflect the external light source and cover up their own signs.

This kind of energy combined with Japanese ninja's unique "blindfold" will disappear in people's vision, and even can't catch their figure at all.